How will they rule ??!

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Obama Lectures Trump Over Walls, Builds One Around D.C. Home
Former POTUS tells Berliners 'we can't hide behind a wall,' despite having a big, beautiful one of his own

Mister President ... tear down this wall!

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In other words you are OK with people butchering (the only honest way to describe an abortion - see photo) an unborn child on one day if they wish - but not OK with it the next day?


My father was adopted. I was adopted, my brother was adopted, and my son is adopted. Any or all of us may not be here today if our natural mothers had made a different choice.

My daughter is my biological child, and she should have the same right to make her choice as my bio mother did.

From my chair, the decision should be made quickly though. If a woman becomes pregnant and is unable or unwilling to care for the child, get it over with while it's still just a fertilized egg. No reason to wait.
My father was adopted. I was adopted, my brother was adopted, and my son is adopted. Any or all of us may not be here today if our natural mothers had made a different choice.

My daughter is my biological child, and she should have the same right to make her choice as my bio mother did.

From my chair, the decision should be made quickly though. If a woman becomes pregnant and is unable or unwilling to care for the child, get it over with while it's still just a fertilized egg. No reason to wait.

John, I'm a hardcore Atheist and hardcore pro choice. I've softened on religion but I've grown to love the belivers who post here. So i really quit the religious bickering. But i will say, I'm not as pro abortion as i was once was. And i have a vasectomy. ...

I was adopted too. By biological grandmother adopted from my mother. My great great great great aunt is Annie Oakley
John, I'm a hardcore Atheist and hardcore pro choice. I've softened on religion but I've grown to love the belivers who post here. So i really quit the religious bickering. But i will say, I'm not as pro abortion as i was once was. And i have a vasectomy. ...

I was adopted too. By biological grandmother adopted from my mother. My great great great great aunt is Annie Oakley

I was vehemently pro life for a long time. I have a vasectomy too now. Much safer.

Black people (aside from Maxine Waters) love Trump. Or better put....don't hate him. Seriously. Deep down they like him more than Hillary, real talk. Spare me the voting numbers, hell they do that out of obligation at this point.... pretty dope if that starts turning around. I mean, how many decades of patronizing by the Ds can they take?
My father was adopted. I was adopted, my brother was adopted, and my son is adopted. Any or all of us may not be here today if our natural mothers had made a different choice.

My daughter is my biological child, and she should have the same right to make her choice as my bio mother did.

From my chair, the decision should be made quickly though. If a woman becomes pregnant and is unable or unwilling to care for the child, get it over with while it's still just a fertilized egg. No reason to wait.

I have a 27 year-old granddaughter who cannot conceive. Married, own their home, have jobs - good people. They would be glad to be able to adopt but the costs to do so will not allow it. There are thousands just like them who would be glad to take someone's unwanted baby if they carried the child to term. Abortion must not be just another method of birth control.
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Black people (aside from Maxine Waters) love Trump. Or better put....don't hate him. Seriously. Deep down they like him more than Hillary, real talk. Spare me the voting numbers, hell they do that out of obligation at this point.... pretty dope if that starts turning around. I mean, how many decades of patronizing by the Ds can they take?
When Trump helps clean up inner cities, I think you'll see more blacks flock to Trump and the GOP at any point in our lifetimes. Democrats are terrified over this. Dems will probably still get a good majority, but if Trump can just pull 10-15% more to him, the Dems will be in a state of panic.
Probably because the memo doesn't actually exist, or the memos aren't quite the Trump destroyer that it was made out to be.
[laughing]......of course. Of course.

Hell, all these are are notes a dude wrote on a piece of paper, not evidence (similar to Katina's Powell's handwritten receipts) and they *still* won't release them? Get effing real....

Chaffetz has already said if they don't want to do it the easy way, then he's more than ready to do it the hard way and subpoena them. Either way, I'm assuming, Chaffetz gets those documents.
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Ties to the DNC lawsuit?

Debbie Wasserman Red Beast's district.

Mystery ensues after federal prosecutor found dead in Florida

The body was identified by local police as Beranton Whisenant Jr., 37, and his cause of death is currently being investigated as a crime. Police say he suffered a head wound.

Whisenant had been working on visa and passport fraud cases, according to court documents. He also taught a paralegal program at the University of Miami.

Ties to the DNC lawsuit?

Debbie Wasserman Red Beast's district.

Mystery ensues after federal prosecutor found dead in Florida

The body was identified by local police as Beranton Whisenant Jr., 37, and his cause of death is currently being investigated as a crime. Police say he suffered a head wound.

Whisenant had been working on visa and passport fraud cases, according to court documents. He also taught a paralegal program at the University of Miami.
This gets a bit too close for comfort for me. Good Army buddy of mine is a lawyer (advocate) in that area and also teaches legal classes at various South FL area universities.
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Portland burrito shop forced to close amid accusations of cultural appropriation

Though the eatery had been open for several months, the owners of Kooks were only recently accused of cultural appropriation by The Portland Mercury.

"Because of Portland’s underlying racism, the people who rightly own these traditions and cultures that exist are already treated poorly," The Portland Mercury said, calling the closure of Kooks a "victory."

The article continues,"These appropriating businesses are erasing and exploiting their already marginalized identities for the purpose of profit and praise."
Police Tell Prof He's in Danger for Not Participating in Campus 'No Whites' Day

Over the last 72 hours, students have taken over a small liberal arts college in Washington state, and only one adult has tried to stop them.

Students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, who filmed their exploits and posted the videos on social media, have occupied and barricaded the library, shouting down anyone who disagrees with them or shows insufficient passion for racial justice.

Biology professor Bret Weinstein was berated by dozens of students outside of his classroom Tuesday morning for refusing to participate in an event in which white people were invited to leave campus for a day. Now, he says police have told him to hold his classes off campus due to safety concerns.

Things are “out of control at Evergreen,” he said.

“Police told me protesters stopped cars yesterday, demanding information about occupants,” Mr. Weinstein told The Washington Times. “They believe I was being sought. It appears that the campus has been under the effective control of protesters since 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. Police are on lockdown, hamstrung by the college administration. Students, staff and faculty are not safe.”

Mr. Weinstein was confronted outside of his classroom Tuesday morning by dozens of students who demanded he apologize or resign for writing an allegedly racist email.

His email took issue with a “Day of Absence & Day of Presence” demonstration, for which white students, faculty and staff were asked to leave campus for one day.
boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
What a world we live in where the leftists have Russia derangement syndrome. How times have changed but the end of the USSR really makes some of you bitter, no? It's not even Putin's fault that the Soviet Union went down, so your side really needs to lose this grudge.
boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
your an idiot Card. really are clueless. like Obama telling Great Britain there were would grave consequences if they voted for the Brexit, disrespecting Israel from day one and meddling in their elections, giving billions to Iran, lifting sanctions on both Iran and Cuba while doing nothing to N. Korea, oh and the little video of him telling the Russian that he would have more leverage after his election. i mean i know you know all this, but your head is still stuck so far up Obama's ass you can't see the light for his shit being in your eyes.
Heard Jared Kushner just wanted the private line until they had a little more "flexibility" after Inauguration Day.

Killa, this isn't the 1980s!!!
Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

And mountains of real evidence of wrong doing, unlike Russiagate, yet a special counsel was never appointed. Weird, huh?

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey... they were getting too close.

Turn off the brainwashing propaganda and join the rest of us in the real world.

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau’s public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks.

In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.”

Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct.


boy if Obama or Hillary had this many associates who lied about meetings with Russia I'm sure you'd brush it aside as just some weird coincidence, onset of Alzheimer's. Weren't there more investigations by Republicans over Benghazi than 9/11?

It continues to be weird how these anonymous sources continue to be correct. I know it's hard to understand how investigative journalism works, but you generally don't out your sources. Thousands of businessmen and elected officials have been destroyed by anonymous sources leading to the truth.

Then you have Trump doing Putin's dirty work at the NATO summit. He talks nicer to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, and the Phillipines than our allies we've had since WWII. It's pretty amazing.

No wonder Trump wanted to fire Comey...they were getting too close.

You scream about being some sort of better patriots but have no cares about Russian influence in the White House or aiding a foreign country in subverting the United States government. Trump supporters are nothing more than modern day Brown shirts.
the 1980's called they want their foreign policy back. Idiot
I just want the fkng truth about EVERYTHING.


Report: Jared Kushner Didn’t Disclose $1 Billion in Loans, Investment Ties to Goldman Sachs and George Soros
Cadre also secured a $250 million line of credit from the family office of George Soros, a top Democratic donor whom Mr. Trump criticized during his presidential campaign, the people close to the company said. Mr. Soros’s family office is also an investor in Cadre.

Roger Stone: Jared Kushner Leaking Anti-Bannon Stories to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough
How Jared Kushner’s Call to Canada Saved NAFTA

Josh Kushner's Complex World: How Jared's Liberal Brother Runs A Billion Dollar Fund In Trump Era
So while Jared and his wife, Ivanka--a woman so close to Josh that he calls her his sister rather than his sister-in-law--reveled in victory, the young VC landed in a situation far worse for him than the one he had left on takeoff. The disruptive, fact-challenged Trump circus, dismissed by too many as a sideshow, was now on its way to the White House, with a Kushner as a senior advisor, purportedly with unparalleled access to the president's ear.

Is Jared Kushner a Paid Protester? Because It Turns Out He's Gotten a Bunch of Money From George Soros.

Jared Kushner, a Trump In-Law and Adviser, Chases a Chinese Deal
Mr. Wu and Mr. Kushner — who is married to Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and is one of his closest advisers — were nearing agreement on a joint venture in Manhattan: the redevelopment of 666 Fifth Avenue, the fading crown jewel of the Kushner family real-estate empire.

Kushner Companies Seen Hawking Shady US-Visa-Buying-Residency Program To Wealthy Chinese



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