How will they rule ??!

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Saratoga County high school setting aside classrooms for Muslim prayer

CLIFTON PARK, NY (WRGB) - The largest school district in Saratoga County says it will allow Muslim students to pray in rooms in at its’ high school.

“Prayer occurs on a daily basis for practicing Muslims. This can be challenging in today's modern public high school. In an attempt to make reasonable accommodations for students and employees to meet their personal religious obligations, room 65 in High School West and room 109 in High School East have been set aside so students can incorporate this important aspect of their religion into their daily activities while at school.”
A school spokesperson says the decision was made after the high school principal met with the leader of a local mosque in an attempt to improve the school's cultural proficiency. She says the school can't refuse a student's request to leave class for required prayer, and says the space allows Muslim students to return to class quickly after praying.
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Saratoga County high school setting aside classrooms for Muslim prayer

CLIFTON PARK, NY (WRGB) - The largest school district in Saratoga County says it will allow Muslim students to pray in rooms in at its’ high school.

“Prayer occurs on a daily basis for practicing Muslims. This can be challenging in today's modern public high school. In an attempt to make reasonable accommodations for students and employees to meet their personal religious obligations, room 65 in High School West and room 109 in High School East have been set aside so students can incorporate this important aspect of their religion into their daily activities while at school.”
A school spokesperson says the decision was made after the high school principal met with the leader of a local mosque in an attempt to improve the school's cultural proficiency. She says the school can't refuse a student's request to leave class for required prayer, and says the space allows Muslim students to return to class quickly after praying.

Ill be waiting for the aclu challenge....

Can you imagine if a public school announced a prayer room for christians only? Or a prayer room at all, without it being specifically for muslims?
Funny seeing all of these leftist/snowflakes/NeverTrumpers getting all in an uproar about Trump making his way to the front of the crowd yesterday. FB and Twitter littered with "I am so embarrassed to be an American today", "Trump better not ever do that to me", "Trump is beyond repulsive", goes on and on. I am so sure that none of these folks never cut in line in school, cut me off on the damn highway, etc. etc.

GD people are such pu$$ies these days.
Circa just dropped this last night. They've been the only ones to actually investigate the unmasking ordeal and they've ended uncovering a shit load of intelligence community corruption.

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau’s public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks.

In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.”

Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.

For instance, a ruling declassified this month by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) chronicles nearly 10 pages listing hundreds of violations of the FBI’s privacy-protecting minimization rules that occurred on Comey’s watch.

The behavior the FBI admitted to a FISA judge just last month ranged from illegally sharing raw intelligence with unauthorized third parties to accessing intercepted attorney-client privileged communications without proper oversight the bureau promised was in place years ago.
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Saratoga County high school setting aside classrooms for Muslim prayer

CLIFTON PARK, NY (WRGB) - The largest school district in Saratoga County says it will allow Muslim students to pray in rooms in at its’ high school.

“Prayer occurs on a daily basis for practicing Muslims. This can be challenging in today's modern public high school. In an attempt to make reasonable accommodations for students and employees to meet their personal religious obligations, room 65 in High School West and room 109 in High School East have been set aside so students can incorporate this important aspect of their religion into their daily activities while at school.”
A school spokesperson says the decision was made after the high school principal met with the leader of a local mosque in an attempt to improve the school's cultural proficiency. She says the school can't refuse a student's request to leave class for required prayer, and says the space allows Muslim students to return to class quickly after praying.
WTF happened to separation of church and state? I thought we already went through this shit back in the 60s with Engel and O'Hare? Are Christian students now afforded the same privilege?

Goddam, I'm agnostic as hell, but this pisses me off really, really bad.
Speaking of weird conspiracy type shit, Alex Jones (who is batshit crazy) says that Jerome Corsi (who is only kind of crazy) will be blowing up all of DC on Tuesday when he goes public with a story about how the DNC and high level Democratic operatives have sold out (literally, for like lots and lots of money) the US govt to Russia & China by giving them access to NSA data collected on hundreds of thousands of American citizens. He says the Federal employee personal info hack was allowed to happen as part of this process. Know IDK if any of this is true, but I am looking forward to Tuesday a little bit more now. :popcorn:

Webb has been on this from day 1. Webb on Haggman last night. Show description.
9:00pm EDT Welcome return guest, citizen investigator and journalist par excellence, Mr George Webb.

Tonight we continue our ongoing investigation into the mysterious Seth Rich murder and cover-up with guest George Webb. Mr Webb is meeting with Dr Jerome Corsi right before he joins us and there will be hot new information to share with all of you.

George Webb is a phenomenal investigator whose work has created a substantial buzz around the community of Americans horrified to learn that "pizza gate" is a much bigger issue than a few inside-the-beltway creeps at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza, in Washington DC.
George Webb’s recent investigative expose is titled Dyncorp Harvest: Killing Is Good Business”.

WTF happened to separation of church and state? I thought we already went through this shit back in the 60s with Engel and O'Hare? Are Christian students now afforded the same privilege?

Goddam, I'm agnostic as hell, but this pisses me off really, really bad.

Yup. Where do you draw the line. Can I pray to Lucifer in a special temple with chickens ready to be sacrificed to Moloch? Will that room be connected to the art room with the Spirit Cooking performance dinner with semen, pigs blood, and goat's head?
I guess, if you're the head of one the FBI or one of the intelligence agencies, your goal should be to break as many laws as possible, and then lie about it all under oath to Congress.

Seems to be what really gets you ahead in the industry.

Make sure you have several videos in compromising positions with several underage slaves. Straight to the top of government.
WTF happened to separation of church and state? I thought we already went through this shit back in the 60s with Engel and O'Hare? Are Christian students now afforded the same privilege?

Goddam, I'm agnostic as hell, but this pisses me off really, really bad.
Political correctness happened. Liberals would never want you be labeled as Islamaphobic racists, so they bow to the demands to show how tolerant they are and gain pro(re)gressive social points among their echo chamber.
Only three judges, out of the 13, dissented, and they were all appointed by a Republican president. The other 10 were all appointed by a Democrat president.

Of course, the three dissenters were the only ones to use common sense and apply the law as written, instead of injecting their own opinions into the matter.

Writing in dissent, Judge Dennis W. Shedd said the court’s ruling was dangerous.

“Regrettably, at the end of the day, the real losers in this case are the millions of individual Americans whose security is threatened on a daily basis by those who seek to do us harm,” the judge wrote.

Judge Niemeyer, in his dissent, said the majority’s attempt to evaluate presidential actions based on campaign statements “is fraught with danger and impracticability.”

“If a court, dredging through the myriad remarks of a campaign, fails to find material to produce the desired outcome, what stops it from probing deeper to find statements from a previous campaign, or from a previous business conference, or from college?” Judge Niemeyer wrote.

Obama appointed 6 judges to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals who came up with that bad ruling. Trump needs to get busy filling the nearly 140 judicial vacancies on the federal bench to undo some of the harm.
Notes of a Reformed News Weasel: Understanding the Vacuity

Do you wonder why the legacy media are such puzzled otherworldly twits? Why, for example, they had no idea what was happening in the recent election? Why they seem to know so very little about America or much of anything else?

Some thoughts from a guy who spent a career in the racket...

Fred Reed is awesome, I don't read everything he writes but I try to stop by his blog once a week or so.
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I found a picture of cardkilla, it's about what I expected.

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Only three judges, out of the 13, dissented, and they were all appointed by a Republican president. The other 10 were all appointed by a Democrat president.

Of course, the three dissenters were the only ones to use common sense and apply the law as written, instead of injecting their own opinions into the matter.

Writing in dissent, Judge Dennis W. Shedd said the court’s ruling was dangerous.

“Regrettably, at the end of the day, the real losers in this case are the millions of individual Americans whose security is threatened on a daily basis by those who seek to do us harm,” the judge wrote.

Judge Niemeyer, in his dissent, said the majority’s attempt to evaluate presidential actions based on campaign statements “is fraught with danger and impracticability.”

“If a court, dredging through the myriad remarks of a campaign, fails to find material to produce the desired outcome, what stops it from probing deeper to find statements from a previous campaign, or from a previous business conference, or from college?” Judge Niemeyer wrote.

The judges put so much emphasis on his campaign statements...never stepped back to think "he made these statements prior to his election" meaning people voted for him after, and very possibly because of those statements. Let we the people judge campaign comments, please and thank you.
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Speaking of weird conspiracy type shit,......Know IDK if any of this is true, but I am looking forward to Tuesday a little bit more now. :popcorn:

Don't bother watching the video. It is hard to listen to but go to the comments. Full transcript of what is said is written there. I copied and pasted part of the transcript. Go read the whole thing. Going to be a fun next week finding out which narratives get accepted as "truth".

As to how Seth Rich accomplished his sending of tens-of-thousands of secret Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party documents and emails to Wiki leaks, was through his “alliance/partnership” with the German-Finnish Internet entrepreneur named Kim Dotcom—who since 2012 has been in a protracted legal battle with the United States from his home in New Zealand Kim Dotcom's battle against the United States government, was instigated by the Obama regime who were threatened by their powerful Hollywood elitist backers to shut his Mega upload file sharing website down (Hollywood threatened both the Democrats and Republicans that they would lose their massive financial support unless they targeted Kim Dotcom) because its subscriber-users were using this service to exchange movies and televisions programmes—but that the US Supreme Court, in 1985, “Dowling v. United States”, unequivocally held that allegations of copyright infringement can be prosecuted only under copyright-specific legislation, not criminal law.

Upon President Trump taking power in January, 2017, and his loathing the leftist-communistic Hollywood elite as much as Dotcom, Kim Dotcom began negotiations with the Trump administration to have all of his charges dropped in exchange for his providing evidence proving that Seth Rich, not Russia, released all the Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party documents and emails to Wiki leaks and that culminated in the unprecedented secret meeting between Kim Dotcom, FBI Director Comey and CIA Director Mike Pompeo in New Zealand on 23 April. The Trump administrations secret meeting with Kim Dotcom, however, was nearly thwarted though, when FBI Director Comey arrived prior to CIA Director Pompeo in New Zealand to begin negotiations—but with Dotcom refusing to meet privately with Comey unless Pompeo was there too—and President Trump being so outraged at this “backstabbing” attempt, he fired Comey a fortnight later telling Russian officials that this FBI Director was a “nut job”.

Two days after President Trump fired FBI Director Comey for his attempting to sabotage the negotiations with Kim Dotcom, the SVR reported that a “dark web” “kill order contract” worth 82,900 Bitcoin's (now valued at over $198 million) had been issued against Trump—and though the SVR is not claiming responsibility, a highly-coded “dark web” conversation held between approximately 5 of these conspirators in the United States intelligence communities “Deep State” conspiring to assassinate President Trump was “released” to the public showing their plot plans, and as evidenced in their “conversations” held on Wednesday, 17 May from 2:31 pm to 3:15 pm

Now cooperating with the “Deep State” against President Trump, it's important to note, is the family of Seth Rich, who are now represented by Brad Bauman, a radical leftist-communist and Democratic Party crisis communication expert advocating for the removal of Trump—but whose success can be noted in his being able to “arrange” the Fox News Network retracting their recent report showing the truth that Seth Rich leaked to Wiki leaks, and his cowing the hugely popular rightist Fox News commentator Sean Hannity to “stand down? too. With this Democratic Party top dirty trickster Brad Bauman now openly attacking anyone investigating Seth Rich's assassination by calling them “sociopaths”, Kim Dotcom, unlike Sean Hannity, is not being cowed, and has, instead, just hours ago, now openly declared his intentions to make the truth known in the United States itself by his stating on his website.
I don't give a damn who is right and who is wrong, who's in the know and who's controlled opposition, I just want the fkng truth about EVERYTHING.

Knowing who is controlled will lead you to half truths that you can compare to the opposite side's controlled half truths which will help you decide the full truth somewhere in the middle.
Anxiously awaiting hillary commencement speech on CNN from Wellesley college. Funny, though, VP Mike Pence delivered the commencement speech today at the Naval Academy and CNN hasn't even mentioned it. At all. Not once. He started speaking at 10.31, finished at 10.53. It's now 11.35.

This is the VP. Vs. A failure. Twice.
And I never said it wasn't. What's so hard for you to understand about this? I'm not defending the Fox News or the DNC accusations. I'm saying that no one knows, including CNN. I'm saying the CNN story is just as baseless. If CNN wants to report there's no evidence to back up any of the claims, that's fine, because that's the truth, but they went much further.

They lied, claiming things to be true that they have no proof of. I'll say it one last time for you then you can piss off. Just like Fox News can't honestly report that Seth was the leaker and the DNC was involved, CNN can't honestly report that Seth wasn't the leaker and the DNC wasn't involved. Both stories are just as baseless. That's been my whole point from the beginning.

There is no error on my part. I haven't claimed to know what happened either way. My only claim is, and has been, CNN can't honestly report with absolute certitude that they know who didn't murder Seth Rich and that Seth Rich wasn't the leaker.
Absolutely false that CNN lied. They reported that the information used to support claims made in the Fox report and used by Breitbart and several other tabloids was false. The person who they all said sourced that data admitted it was false. CNN was calling out Fox because they had left a story up for a week that had been debunked. Fox admitted their mistake and took the story down.

Nowhere in the CNN report did they say or claim that they knew who didn't kill Rich or that they knew Rich to not be the Wikileaks's source. Again, they only reported that the information that had been used to make those claims was fake.
rqarnold is more interested in defending CNN against accusations than he is about finding Seth Rich's killer...let that sink in.

Rq wants Seth Rich's murder to not be investigated. But wants phony russian info to happen.

RQ is a traitor to America and needs to be tied up to a stake in Syria and left for his best buddy ISIS friends.
Agree with him. The travel ban impacts NON-citizens. They have absolutely ZERO constitutional rights. The POTUS has every right taking such administrative action.
Actually, everyone who steps foot on US soil is protected with the same Constitutional rights. Thus why prisoners were taken to Gitmo.