Saratoga County high school setting aside classrooms for Muslim prayer
CLIFTON PARK, NY (WRGB) - The largest school district in Saratoga County says it will allow Muslim students to pray in rooms in at its’ high school.
CLIFTON PARK, NY (WRGB) - The largest school district in Saratoga County says it will allow Muslim students to pray in rooms in at its’ high school.
“Prayer occurs on a daily basis for practicing Muslims. This can be challenging in today's modern public high school. In an attempt to make reasonable accommodations for students and employees to meet their personal religious obligations, room 65 in High School West and room 109 in High School East have been set aside so students can incorporate this important aspect of their religion into their daily activities while at school.”
A school spokesperson says the decision was made after the high school principal met with the leader of a local mosque in an attempt to improve the school's cultural proficiency. She says the school can't refuse a student's request to leave class for required prayer, and says the space allows Muslim students to return to class quickly after praying.