How will they rule ??!

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Most religious people are that way because their parents told them to be

It's a fact, pal.

Again, I'm not religious, by any means, but to say your first quote is a fact, like it's been proven is a tad dishonest. I have no doubt people believe because they are taught/told to believe by their parents. I also know, for a fact, that people believe for a range of other reasons as well. There's literally no way to prove what you claim to be fact.
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Again, I'm not religious, by any means, but to say your first quote is a fact, like it's been proven is a tad dishonest. I have no doubt people believe because they are taught/told to believe by their parents. I also know, for a fact, that people believe for a range of other reasons as well. There's literally no way to prove what you claim to be fact.

That's fair - my point was anecdotal rather then empirical which obviously makes it non factual.

Based on all of my experience with religion, the majority of religious people I've interacted with were raised in said religion.
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Logic? Reason? I don't know, take your pick.
I have no problem with anyone who chooses not to believe, however, I take offense that it is some how illogical or unreasonable to believe in God. I have spent a lot of time over the years thinking through the origin of man and the idea that a higher being created us is as plausible as anything else. Let's hear your thoughts on the origin of man so we can critique whether it is logical or reasonable.
I have no problem with anyone who chooses not to believe, however, I take offense that it is some how illogical or unreasonable to believe in God. I have spent a lot of time over the years thinking through the origin of man and the idea that a higher being created us is as plausible as anything else. Let's hear your thoughts on the origin of man so we can critique whether it is logical or reasonable.

I think it's a personal thing cat. To me, it doesn't add up logically. That doesn't make you illogical for coming to a different conclusion.

75% of my friends are Christian and Trump supporters. I'm still friends with them and that won't change based on either of those things.
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I think it's a personal thing cat. To me, it doesn't add up logically. That doesn't make you illogical for coming to a different conclusion.

75% of my friends are Christian and Trump supporters. I'm still friends with them and that won't change based on either of those things.
I apologize that I took your comment to mean Christians are not logical or reasonable to believe in God. Thanks for the clarification.
Aside from the arms deal, additional good news.

Saudi Arabia to Invest $20 Billion in Infrastructure, Mostly in U.S..

Plus, from the report, this deal:

The fund was one of several business deals between an American company and Saudi Arabia announced after Mr. Trump’s arrival. At a ceremony in Riyadh on Saturday, General Electric said it had agreements for $15 billion worth of projects.

#MAGA. #Winning. :americanflag:
Just saw on the morning news a report from Saudi Arabia that a part of Trump's speech has leaked out.

A reporter among the MSM press core, who is in Saudi Arabia, said when the room of reporters were reading it there were literal *gasps* and "wows!" let out in the room.

Supposedly the speech, at least the leaked part, is full of fightin' words and pulls no punches.
Yeah, I've been somewhat following this Gulen thing, and keep up with Turkey because of Turkish friends. Thanks for the insight. Sorry that Enes Kantor got caught up in this mess simply because his views differ. Erdogan seems like a real d!ck.

Ask your Turkey friends if Gulen is using the schools as a front to funnel money and to recruit for radical islam. Several countries have kicked his schools out. What are your thoughts on George Webb's videos? I'm not takin a side. I think they both suck.
I doubt that. He/nobody is touching Hillary.

I cannot believe he went to Saudi Arabia preaching about the evil barbaric ways of extreme Islam and pledged, in the name of God, with the help of a coalition of nations, to stamp that shit out. And was applauded for it.

Obama gently weeps this morning. Probably scheduling a book tour to spread love and acceptance of our barbaric brothers and sisters.
Yawn. Copying Michelle again.


Meanwhile, here's Donald curtsying like a 12 year old child bride meeting the prince she's been arranged to marry

Isn't the Saudi putting some kind of medal around his neck? Not that I really give a shit either way.

Yes he had bow to recieve the medal. Then gathered himself as he rose, or was down on one knee.

This curtsy notion is epitome of fake news
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It's a fact, pal.

There are more atheists in this country with every passing year - people have easier access to facts now more than ever. It won't be too long before atheists outnumber believers.
That is actually biblical. It is suppose to be this way before Jesus comes back. Worse before better. Read more and comprehend better.
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I think it's a personal thing cat. To me, it doesn't add up logically. That doesn't make you illogical for coming to a different conclusion.

75% of my friends are Christian and Trump supporters. I'm still friends with them and that won't change based on either of those things.
So according to you they are diseased.
That is actually biblical. It is suppose to be this way before Jesus comes back. Worse before better. Read more and comprehend better.

My thoughts on religion and politics.

Whether you believe in the bible or not there are people in power that do. Their interpretation of the book will shape our future much like our past.

The book will deliver on it's prophecies either by gods way or by the people in power who will make sure it happens.
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I doubt that. He/nobody is touching Hillary.

I cannot believe he went to Saudi Arabia preaching about the evil barbaric ways of extreme Islam and pledged, in the name of God, with the help of a coalition of nations, to stamp that shit out. And was applauded for it.

Obama gently weeps this morning. Probably scheduling a book tour to spread love and acceptance of our barbaric brothers and sisters.

I dunno man. I think things are gonna turn on ol crooked Hillary. You can't pull that kinda crime spree and get away with it.
BBFC- yep. She let a known child molester run her campaign and then had him assassinate Seth Rich because he was a Bernie supporter that found out that Killary was rigging the DNC. Rich's girlfriend thinks he was assassinated do the poll rigging.

Rich's parents did a you tube think thanking people for the continued investigation into his assassination
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Ask your Turkey friends if Gulen is using the schools as a front to funnel money and to recruit for radical islam. Several countries have kicked his schools out. What are your thoughts on George Webb's videos? I'm not takin a side. I think they both suck.
I've heard various things about Gulen, some negative. Unknown if they recruit for radical Islam. I see them as more moderate. The relationship is complex. Overall, I believe the organization serves the common good within the US.
I've heard various things about Gulen, some negative. Unknown if they recruit for radical Islam. I see them as more moderate. The relationship is complex. Overall, I believe the organization serves the common good within the US.


Wikileaks has tracked Gulen since 2012, when it began publishing some 5 million emails from the Texas-based “global intelligence” community Stratfor, including a Stratfor internal email dated Nov. 18, 2009, warning that the Fetullah Gulen Community, known as the “Gulen movement,” controlled millions of dollars and was in the process of establishing a network of some 160 high schools in some 25 U.S. states to promote a radical Islamic ideology under the guise of being a democracy movement.

The warning was repeated in an Aug. 12, 2014, memo released by WikiLeaks addressed to John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Podesta was forwarded a notice that the State Department had notified the National Security Council that Turkish charter schools in America were being established by Turkish nationals “with questionable credentials.”

The Podesta Group, managed by John Podesta’s brother Tony Podesta, filed a lobbying registration form effective May 12, 2016, disclosing the group had been hired by the Alliance for Shared Values in New York, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that operates as an umbrella organization for various Gulen-affiliated organizations in the United States, including the Rumi Forum.

‘Terrorist organization’

Since his self-imposed exile to the United States in 1999, Gulen has operated what Turkey has characterized as the Fetullah Terrorist Organization, FETO, under the guise of providing educational services.

The Erdogan government has charged that a group within the Turkish army associated with FETO launched the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15 that resulted in the deaths of 240 people.

“Under their deviant religious ideology, FETO considers it legitimate to engage in all kinds of self-defensive deception, conspiracy, trap and illegal activities to achieve its objectives,” states a 2016 bulletin prepared by Turkey’s government-run press service, the Anadolu Agency, titled “FETO’s Coup Attempt in Turkey.

“With years of confidential training and dissuasion activities, members of the terrorist organization have gained a level of professionalism beyond the comprehension of ordinary people,” the bulletin continues. “Its members operate with a radical ‘devotion’ and see themselves as the ‘chosen ones’; they switch identities and commit all types of illegal acts, including murder if need be.”

How can democrats and the media spin this speech into something bad? He just put the entire middle east on notice. Its a different world now.
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