How will they rule ??!

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How can democrats and the media spin this speech into something bad? He just put the entire middle east on notice. Its a different world now.

There's your answer. He is racist. Just further proof. Hitler must be stopped!!

Their narrative doesn't change.

Are we selling guns to the other side now? I think that's how this works. We start ruckuses and we sell some guns to one side. New leadership comes in, we start new ruckuses, sell guns to the other side.
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There's your answer. He is racist. Just further proof. Hitler must be stopped!!

Their narrative doesn't change.

Are we selling guns to the other side now? I think that's how this works. We start ruckuses and we sell some guns to one side. New leadership comes in, we start new ruckuses, sell guns to the other side.

If I am not mistaken Obama dropped some serious cash on Iran. Iran is on the list of 7 og countries for regime change by the global central banking cartels. All in the name of wiping out the terrorism created by the lovely CIA.

Saudi king slams Iran as 'spearhead of global terrorism'
The United States and Saudi Arabia on Saturday announced an arms deal worth almost $110 billion, described as the largest in US history.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the deal was aimed at countering "malign Iranian influence".
Lmao. Gd right! Largest in history! Fn peons with your lil Obama guns and petty cash are going down!!!!
How can democrats and the media spin this speech into something bad? He just put the entire middle east on notice. Its a different world now.
It's already starting. According to them, he was scared to say radical Islamic terrorism. He's a coward, all talk. He said Islamic extremism and Islamic terrorism instead.
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How can democrats and the media spin this speech into something bad? He just put the entire middle east on notice. Its a different world now.

I've got no problem with that speech. As someone who believes there is a difference between mainstream and radical Muslims, I like the fact that he called out the bad guys.

Now, if you're someone who believes that all Muslims are ultimately evil and anti American, this speech should infuriate you. (Not saying that's you SD.)
I've got no problem with that speech. As someone who believes there is a difference between mainstream and radical Muslims, I like the fact that he called out the bad guys.

The problem is, he has done the same thing at every step and you and your kind have cried racism and sexism to the point that the people on the right could careless about your opinion.

Trump never said export all Mexicans.......only the illegal ones and the criminals.

He never said all Muslims should leave America, he said because we have no clue what we are doing he wants to stop travel here until we have a clue.

He never said grab all women by the p*ssy, he said because he was a star "some" would let him.

OMG he is a p*ssy grabbing racist kicking everyone of color out of America and teaming with Russia to rule the world.
The problem is, he has done the same thing at every step and you and your kind have cried racism and sexism to the point that the people on the right could careless about your opinion.

Trump never said export all Mexicans.......only the illegal ones and the criminals.

He never said all Muslims should leave America, he said because we have no clue what we are doing he wants to stop travel here until we have a clue.

He never said grab all women by the p*ssy, he said because he was a star "some" would let him.

OMG he is a p*ssy grabbing racist kicking everyone of color out of America and teaming with Russia to rule the world.

Trump didn't say to deport all Muslims or block them all from entry, no. A subset of his supporters would like to see that though - there are plenty of Americans who believe Islam = evil across the board.

I've also been outspoken on this board about the stupidity of the Russia thing.

And I couldn't care less about the pussy grabbing comments. Plenty of guys say offensive shit like that when talking to other guys. It was a bad look for a presidential candidate but not important in the big scheme of things.
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Trump didn't say to deport all Muslims or block them all from entry, no. A subset of his supporters would like to see that though - there are plenty of Americans who believe Islam = evil across the board.

I've also been outspoken on this board about the stupidity of the Russia thing.

And I couldn't care less about the pussy grabbing comments. Plenty of guys say offensive shit like that when talking to other guys. It was a bad look for a presidential candidate but not important in the big scheme of things.

I totally agree with you, but would like to add......

I am sure a "subset" of anybody's supporters could be found to believe almost anything. :)

Wikileaks has tracked Gulen since 2012, when it began publishing some 5 million emails from the Texas-based “global intelligence” community Stratfor, including a Stratfor internal email dated Nov. 18, 2009, warning that the Fetullah Gulen Community, known as the “Gulen movement,” controlled millions of dollars and was in the process of establishing a network of some 160 high schools in some 25 U.S. states to promote a radical Islamic ideology under the guise of being a democracy movement.

The warning was repeated in an Aug. 12, 2014, memo released by WikiLeaks addressed to John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Podesta was forwarded a notice that the State Department had notified the National Security Council that Turkish charter schools in America were being established by Turkish nationals “with questionable credentials.”

The Podesta Group, managed by John Podesta’s brother Tony Podesta, filed a lobbying registration form effective May 12, 2016, disclosing the group had been hired by the Alliance for Shared Values in New York, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that operates as an umbrella organization for various Gulen-affiliated organizations in the United States, including the Rumi Forum.

‘Terrorist organization’

Since his self-imposed exile to the United States in 1999, Gulen has operated what Turkey has characterized as the Fetullah Terrorist Organization, FETO, under the guise of providing educational services.

The Erdogan government has charged that a group within the Turkish army associated with FETO launched the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15 that resulted in the deaths of 240 people.

“Under their deviant religious ideology, FETO considers it legitimate to engage in all kinds of self-defensive deception, conspiracy, trap and illegal activities to achieve its objectives,” states a 2016 bulletin prepared by Turkey’s government-run press service, the Anadolu Agency, titled “FETO’s Coup Attempt in Turkey.

“With years of confidential training and dissuasion activities, members of the terrorist organization have gained a level of professionalism beyond the comprehension of ordinary people,” the bulletin continues. “Its members operate with a radical ‘devotion’ and see themselves as the ‘chosen ones’; they switch identities and commit all types of illegal acts, including murder if need be.”
Several points here. First, it takes two. Many deaths were a result of Turkish military operations during the failed coup attempt. Second, while Turkey, itself, may consider "FETO" (Fethullahçı Terör Örgütü, FETÖ) a terror organization, as far as I know, US has not. Same goes for PKK (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê). Although NATO, Turkey and many other western nations label PKK a terror org, USA, UN and Switzerland do not.

Again, very complex situation.
Several points here. First, it takes two. Many deaths were a result of Turkish military operations during the failed coup attempt. Second, while Turkey, itself, may consider "FETO" (Fethullahçı Terör Örgütü, FETÖ) a terror organization, as far as I know, US has not. Same goes for PKK (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê). Although NATO, Turkey and many other western nations label PKK a terror org, USA, UN and Switzerland do not.

Again, very complex situation.

You know more about it than I do but my confirmation bias towards Hildabeast is pretty solid. Anything the High Priest touches turns to ash.
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The problem is, he has done the same thing at every step and you and your kind have cried racism and sexism to the point that the people on the right could careless about your opinion.

Trump never said export all Mexicans.......only the illegal ones and the criminals.

He never said all Muslims should leave America, he said because we have no clue what we are doing he wants to stop travel here until we have a clue.

He never said grab all women by the p*ssy, he said because he was a star "some" would let him.

OMG he is a p*ssy grabbing racist kicking everyone of color out of America and teaming with Russia to rule the world.
Exactly and, all of the morons bought into it.
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CNN now reporting people "familiar with Comey's thinking" now think he thinks Trump was trying to influence him.

Top notch reporting.
Would that not be perjury? Comey literally said under oath the total opposite.

Thats either a fake story, or Comey really is a nut job, a dumb one who committed a felony.
Connecting some dots that may open some eyes. Calipari has connections to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton. Calipari raised over $1mil for Hoops for Haiti with the proceeds going to the Red Cross. Bill and Hillary brought Gulen to the US. Gulen donated big money to the Clinton campaign.

Did Enes come to UK because of Cal's connections to Clinton?

Calipari to speak at Clinton Global Initiative on Sunday
By Eric Lindsey on September 21, 2012

How the Clintons and the Rest of Washington Are Getting Rich From the Turkey Coup
Gulen allies gave money to the Hillary Clinton campaign and to the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.

New Ties Emerge Between Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric
Federal investigators have reportedly investigated some of the schools for using work visas to bring Turkish citizens to the U.S. to teach. In some cases, taxpayer funds were used to pay immigration and legal fees for family members of teachers who worked at the facilities. Funds allocated to the schools have also been funneled to contractors controlled by Turkish nationals with connections to the Gulen movement.

Why Enes Kanter Has a New Name (And Why His Family Disowned Him)
Kanter went to Gülen-funded schools as a kid and aligns himself with the movement that followers call Hizmet, or "service."
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Trump may be on the verge of pulling off something incredible in the middle east. Terrorists are about to get completely wiped out.

I will believe it when I see it. Things are more complicated than we realize. Every action we take in the ME causes an opposite and equal F the USA reaction. It's a war we can't win. Pull the f out and get back to securing our borders, jobs, education, and health care.

Iran's Foreign Minister Also Has A Few Words For Donald Trump
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I triple dog dare you to post that on rafters. It's a legit conversation worth having, imo. Always made me uneasy.

They want no part of the truth. They say the paddock is a safe place for racists and a echo chamber. Not one of them have the balls to debate truth. They want the MSM to tell them how awesome their leaders are and they blindly follow anybody in the norm. Bunch of sheep.
They want no part of the truth. They say the paddock is a safe place for racists and a echo chamber. Not one of them have the balls to debate truth. They want the MSM to tell them how awesome their leaders are and they blindly follow anybody in the norm. Bunch of sheep.
daaaang a triple dog dare. It's now left to the triple double dog dare. :eek:
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They want no part of the truth. They say the paddock is a safe place for racists and a echo chamber. Not one of them have the balls to debate truth. They want the MSM to tell them how awesome their leaders are and they blindly follow anybody in the norm. Bunch of sheep.

The whole Trump thing was an agreed trade off. Enviromental issues, Education, Social Services, Jobs for the poor....all that crap that SJWs and Christ would like.....hack that to death.

In exchange, make weak people who feel threatened that they may not be the dominant people anymore feel (falsely and pathetically) that they'll return to their perceived top spot and the others will get what they deserve!!
The whole Trump thing was an agreed trade off. Enviromental issues, Education, Social Services, Jobs for the poor....all that crap that SJWs and Christ would like.....hack that to death.

In exchange, make weak people who feel threatened that they may not be the dominant people anymore feel (falsely and pathetically) that they'll return to their perceived top spot and the others will get what they deserve!!

The jury is still out on Trump. Literally. He will either deep 6 the deep state or he will get destroyed.
The whole Trump thing was an agreed trade off. Enviromental issues, Education, Social Services, Jobs for the poor....all that crap that SJWs and Christ would like.....hack that to death.

In exchange, make weak people who feel threatened that they may not be the dominant people anymore feel (falsely and pathetically) that they'll return to their perceived top spot and the others will get what they deserve!!
Another one blinded by the fake media of the left. Some one get this guy some help, he is obviously brain washed too.
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I will believe it when I see it. Things are more complicated than we realize. Every action we take in the ME causes an opposite and equal F the USA reaction. It's a war we can't win. Pull the f out and get back to securing our borders, jobs, education, and health care.

Iran's Foreign Minister Also Has A Few Words For Donald Trump
No doubt it won't be easy, but I think Trump has a plan. Look at how excited MUSLIM leaders were for Trump. They threw Trump a party like nothing I've seen for a US President.

And to state the obvious, but thank God Hillary isn't running our foreign policy any longer. No telling how many more Libyas she would have gotten us into. It would've been a complete disaster. The Arab Spring would've kept rolling.
Ha ha he'll get 8 yrs. That will be the even bigger shocker. Because he won't even need to campaign
Trump's border policy works.

Immigrant children plunge sparks 1,000 layoffs.

...Southwest Key Programs, an Austin-based organization sheltering undocumented immigrant children, laid off 966 employees in Harlingen, San Benito and Brownsville on Thursday, the result of a dramatic drop in Central American children crossing the U.S. border.

The federal government, which funds the organization’s sheltering of the children, requested Southwest Key cut its staffing by 48 percent as a result of the plunge in the numbers of children without parents crossing the border, spokeswoman Cindy Casares said yesterday in a statement.
It's funny when trump does something - which he's done a lot of so far in mere months - the mfers complaining about how he doesn't tweet like a president, and stuff, have not much to say.

Just quick recap from my very poor and pathetic memory:

- first damn week he was bringing jobs back home. Lots of em. Still crushing that
- he had productive meetings with china
- met with Mexico
- made great strides with healthcare and hes not even a Dem
- cracked down on immigration
- gave more power back to states re:education
- fired Comey and he's not even a dem
- had greet meeting with Saudi Arabia

And that's bipartisan shit. He's trying to accomplish what Obama could not with healthcare, nd I disagree wholeheartedly, but mfer is doing it. Comey was a victory for everybody. He's just doing what makes sense.

But he's a big ol meanie pants who doesn't carry himself like our president should! I guess that's code for "he's doing too much and making others look bad".

Now remind me what he's f'd up, or other victories I've forgotten. I know there are things I don't know. Let's recap.
Trump's border policy works.

Immigrant children plunge sparks 1,000 layoffs.

...Southwest Key Programs, an Austin-based organization sheltering undocumented immigrant children, laid off 966 employees in Harlingen, San Benito and Brownsville on Thursday, the result of a dramatic drop in Central American children crossing the U.S. border.

The federal government, which funds the organization’s sheltering of the children, requested Southwest Key cut its staffing by 48 percent as a result of the plunge in the numbers of children without parents crossing the border, spokeswoman Cindy Casares said yesterday in a statement.
Holy crap.
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It's funny when trump does something - which he's done a lot of so far in mere months - the mfers complaining about how he doesn't tweet like a president, and stuff, have not much to say.

Just quick recap from my very poor and pathetic memory:

- first damn week he was bringing jobs back home. Lots of em. Still crushing that
- he had productive meetings with china
- met with Mexico
- made great strides with healthcare and hes not even a Dem
- cracked down on immigration
- gave more power back to states re:education
- fired Comey and he's not even a dem
- had greet meeting with Saudi Arabia

And that's bipartisan shit. He's trying to accomplish what Obama could not with healthcare, nd I disagree wholeheartedly, but mfer is doing it. Comey was a victory for everybody. He's just doing what makes sense.

But he's a big ol meanie pants who doesn't carry himself like our president should! I guess that's code for "he's doing too much and making others look bad".

Now remind me what he's f'd up, or other victories I've forgotten. I know there are things I don't know. Let's recap.
The two scoops of ice cream thing may, may, be the low point of journalism in the history of the United States of America.