How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I'm like a college leftist and I'm getting triggered here just seeing this guy's face. Haha

This guy is so full of shit. Having to deal with this guy the last handful of years where it was the same exact crap over and over again---got so annoying. You knew you were going to get bounced. You knew the same mistakes would happen over and over again. You knew his boys didn't give a shit about being here and used this place. This guy had no ability to change at all and stopped caring about actually trying to win for his college program.

I'll forever be grateful that Arkansas took this guy off of our hands because we were stuck with this guy for quite some time otherwise. This guy should've left in 2019 and he would've been viewed and remebered so well.

Thank Cow too though, he was pretty dumb for as smart as he thinks he is.... Sure glad he's a Hog now.

No disrespect to bacon, sausage, and other pork.... I like them...
I'm like a college leftist and I'm getting triggered here just seeing this guy's face. Haha

This guy is so full of shit. Having to deal with this guy the last handful of years where it was the same exact crap over and over again---got so annoying. You knew you were going to get bounced. You knew the same mistakes would happen over and over again. You knew his boys didn't give a shit about being here and used this place. This guy had no ability to change at all and stopped caring about actually trying to win for his college program.

I'll forever be grateful that Arkansas took this guy off of our hands because we were stuck with this guy for quite some time otherwise. This guy should've left in 2019 and he would've been viewed and remebered so well.

Is he not one of the biggest narcissists ever?
Nah, I am worried about my daughter having to drive back from Fort Belvoir tomorrow night though. Thinking of telling her to pack some clothes and stay on base.

Our utilities are buried but we may lose power. I have a couple ways to stay warm and can drain my lines if needed.

A few years back we had that ice storm, and like you our utilities are buried, but where it all feeds from is not so we lost power for 4-5 days. We have a gas fireplace, so we never got cold but after the third night my wife started on me about going to a hotel. I called as far as ETown and nothing was available. So rode it out so I said I will never be without power again. Bought and wired a transfer box and generator, and to this day never had to use it. LOL It might have 3 hours on it from me just starting it to run a bit

No disrespect to you intended ever. I had thought I made that clear. Please accept my apology.

I too was a welder, I loved it. Many types in high school shop. My teacher got me a job welding on boxcars. I burned boxes upon boxes of rods..

Mig, Tig, heliarc, I forgot more than I remember.... Really enjoyed welding. Still have the faint white spots all over both arms. Got flash burns once, just once. Worst pain I ever had in my life... Just cried then would not cry because it hurt so much.... I was brought in to instruct on a new MIG welder to a school. I was showing off as I was 18 and in charge Yep, I was humbled for life. I hope you've never had that but if you ever did you know.

Again, no disrespect to you intended at all.
Oh mercy BBUK, I wasn't offended at all my BBN friend, not one bit!

Yep, had flash burn a couple of times when I was first learning. My dad owned a machine/welding shop and I began learning quite early. I was proficient in mild steel, stainless, cast iron and aluminum by the age of 13. All stick welding back then ; mig hadn't been invented yet.

Yep, I have quite a few white spots on my arms too, lol. The most painful experience I ever had on a welding job: I had made a hitch for a man and was in the process of welding it onto the frame of his truck. Of course, I'm laying on my back under the truck, welding overhead. Getting burned by the sparks, and mini balls is common, but I had a rather large red hot mini ball fall into my helmet and enter my nostril, going all the way back in there, lol. Brother.......that HURT. The inside of my nostril was on fire. Well, the instant it happened I went to sit straight up and, you guessed it, I hot my head on a steel corner piece.

I'll always be grateful that dad wasn't there at that particular time because I cussed a blue streak, ha ha.

But anyway, yeah I enjoyed my work, particularly repair work. Never cared for machine work, much to the consternation of my dad, who loved it. I'd rather spend two days repairing a broken crane frame that one hour on a lathe.

You're good people BBUK, we're all good sir.
Oh mercy BBUK, I wasn't offended at all my BBN friend, not one bit!

Yep, had flash burn a couple of times when I was first learning. My dad owned a machine/welding shop and I began learning quite early. I was proficient in mild steel, stainless, cast iron and aluminum by the age of 13. All stick welding back then ; mig hadn't been invented yet.

Yep, I have quite a few white spots on my arms too, lol. The most painful experience I ever had on a welding job: I had made a hitch for a man and was in the process of welding it onto the frame of his truck. Of course, I'm laying on my back under the truck, welding overhead. Getting burned by the sparks, and mini balls is common, but I had a rather large red hot mini ball fall into my helmet and enter my nostril, going all the way back in there, lol. Brother.......that HURT. The inside of my nostril was on fire. Well, the instant it happened I went to sit straight up and, you guessed it, I hot my head on a steel corner piece.

I'll always be grateful that dad wasn't there at that particular time because I cussed a blue streak, ha ha.

But anyway, yeah I enjoyed my work, particularly repair work. Never cared for machine work, much to the consternation of my dad, who loved it. I'd rather spend two days repairing a broken crane frame that one hour on a lathe.

You're good people BBUK, we're all good sir.

I had a miller mig that I hardly ever used, and my dumbass decided to sell it because I hadn't used it, now I wish I had it because little always pop up and no more than I use it I cannot justify paying that much for another.
These people are evil. MF....EVIL.

No libtards, I DON'T want a single Muslim in my country because, ya know, they're EVIL. They're PERVERSE. Islam is not a true religion, it's a cult.

I've told everyone for years that their book gives them permission to rape uncovered women. You can't have these people anywhere near you as they are dangerous.

I was on campus about a decade ago and one of the female Muslims was in the campus convenient store dressed from head to toe in her ninja suit and I wouldn't go in until she left. This was when they were going on shooting sprees, blowing people up around the 2013-2016 time period.

Islam is pure evil and what's equally as evil are the psychopaths who intentionally imported it to the west.
They rape tens of thousands of British girls, create a crisis of stabbings...and they are rewarded with protection and get to be in front of the line for medical care.

Not unlike the left here allowing migrants to go free even if charged with heinous crimes instead of handing them over to ICE and migrants getting benefits, money, free lodging at hotels indefinitely. Europe is who the left here always has aspired to be.

NHS hospitals are giving priority care to asylum seekers and other vulnerable patients as the service grapples with skyrocketing waiting times, it has been revealed.

Up to six million Brits are currently waiting to receive care. In some cases it can take up to 18 weeks for them to see a GP.
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These animals don't deserve to live among a moral, civilized society. They should be marginalized and vilified at every turn, and it shouldn't stop until the last one boards their plane out of the country.

I have zero respect for Islam and those who follow that hateful, evil, medieval cult.

********Edited to add that what I'm trying to say is that our two civilizations do not, can not, and never will be.....compatible. Oil and water. No MFW way. None. Nada. Zip. No chance whatsoever. The sooner we get the hell apart the better it will be. We can not coexist with these people by virtue of their holy book.
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Liberal Logic:

"Nothing says "let's help the environment" like wiping out hundreds of acres of trees. At least that's what Michigan officials think.

The state's Department of Natural Resources revealed plans to level 420 acres of state forestland to make room for a solar farm. Leasing 4,000 acres of public land statewide is part of the DNR's plan to help remedy both problems in coming years.

This comes as the DNR faces dwindling revenues from hunting and fishing licenses
, and Michigan falls behind building enough renewable energy fast enough to risk not meeting a key state climate goal - 100% clean energy by 2040. (Notice something? Notice how the goal isn’t to reduce green house gases? That’s because the forest does more to heal our planet than solar panels. They know this.)"

Where are the tree huggers when you actually need them? The woke mind virus is impressively potent. They will literally do or believe anything theyre told.
Here's some wise words......

I wouldn't worry about removing it whether he said it or not, cause whoever did say that's true! I know liberals today have tried to 'cancel' him for 'racist' words or writings about Indians and Muslims.

Here is Churchill on Islam in 1899:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries.​

Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.​

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.​

Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.​

Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”​

― Winston Churchill, The River War

More from Churchill: (by religion of peace he means Christianity)

Indeed it is evident that Christianity, however degraded and distorted by cruelty and intolerance, must always exert a modifying influence on men’s passions, and protect them from the more violent forms of fanatical fever, as we are protected from smallpox by vaccination. But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness. In a moment the fruits of patient toil, the prospects of material prosperity, the fear of death itself, are flung aside.

The more emotional Pathans are powerless to resist. All rational considerations are forgotten. Seizing their weapons, they become Ghazis—as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such. While the more generous spirits among the tribesmen become convulsed in an ecstasy of religious bloodthirstiness, poorer and more material souls derive additional impulses from the influence of others, the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting.

Thus whole nations are roused to arms. Thus the Turks repel their enemies, the Arabs of the Soudan break the British squares, and the rising on the Indian frontier spreads far and wide. In each case civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed. —The Story of the Malakand Field Force (1898), 26-27

White House admits it did return Winston Churchill bust to Britain​

Barack Obama's White House has been forced to admit that it did return a bust of Sir Winston Churchill to British diplomats, after describing such claims as "100 per cent false".
Surprised to see fl and tn down the list. I know Charleston is a hot city right now but i don't see them having the job opportunities there of Nashville or Florida. Jmo.
Greenville Spartanburg is another hot area in SC. My wife has a good friend she went to high school with who lives in the Greenville area. Her friend really likes it there.
They need to be imprisoned and removed from office. Sin against mankind needs to be punished not voted on... Yeah a court if you must but with any proper evidence convict and punish.
Convicted of what? A vote in Congress? What US law was broken? If sins were the basis of conviction, there'd be nobody not in prison. You're over the top.
A few years back we had that ice storm, and like you our utilities are buried, but where it all feeds from is not so we lost power for 4-5 days. We have a gas fireplace, so we never got cold but after the third night my wife started on me about going to a hotel. I called as far as ETown and nothing was available. So rode it out so I said I will never be without power again. Bought and wired a transfer box and generator, and to this day never had to use it. LOL It might have 3 hours on it from me just starting it to run a bit

My dad made the same declaration after the 1973 ice storm. He bought a generator on sale that summer. We opened a brand new, out-of-the- box generator in 2011.
They rape tens of thousands of British girls, create a crisis of stabbings...and they are rewarded with protection and get to be in front of the line for medical care.

Not unlike the left here allowing migrants to go free even if charged with heinous crimes instead of handing them over to ICE and migrants getting benefits, money, free lodging at hotels indefinitely. Europe is who the left here always has aspired to be.

NHS hospitals are giving priority care to asylum seekers and other vulnerable patients as the service grapples with skyrocketing waiting times, it has been revealed.

Up to six million Brits are currently waiting to receive care. In some cases it can take up to 18 weeks for them to see a GP.

When will the Brits revolt or finally stand up to this absurdity?
Greenville Spartanburg is another hot area in SC. My wife has a good friend she went to high school with who lives in the Greenville area. Her friend really likes it there.
Lived in Greenville for 17 years ('89 - 2007). Nice community, a bit larger than Lex but no major university in town (Furman is there but not exactly 'major'). Has grown considerably since we left. Was always big engineering area but has grown tech industry there, now. I've heard it's gotten a bit expensive, relatively. Close to the Blue Ridge Mtns, 4 hours to Myrtle or Charleston beaches, not too cold/hot. Very much a churchy city, if you're into that.
A few years back we had that ice storm, and like you our utilities are buried, but where it all feeds from is not so we lost power for 4-5 days. We have a gas fireplace, so we never got cold but after the third night my wife started on me about going to a hotel. I called as far as ETown and nothing was available. So rode it out so I said I will never be without power again. Bought and wired a transfer box and generator, and to this day never had to use it. LOL It might have 3 hours on it from me just starting it to run a bit

I need to start reading my post BEFORE I post it...LOL Where is the grammar cop when you need one!

I'm tired of arguing with sheep in the terror thread. this what is coming here. People need to wake up before it's too late because you can watch countries muslim populations reach a certain point and then magically all other religions vanish.... and sharia law is made law. Some of these nit wits think they will care about our constitution.