As a kid I loved to see this kind of weather come in, it meant money. I sometimes with my buddy would shovel driveways for 5 bucks. Sometimes we would go home with 50-60 bucks in our pocket. Rarely happens with this generation.
How long will CNN allow Jennings to commit murder day after day? Destroying the propaganda of whoever they have on.
JENNINGS: "Just one Community Note for the record. The Trump tax cuts cut taxes for virtually everybody who pays taxes. Everybody who pays taxes got a tax cut. This was one of the biggest lies told about the bill. Absolute verified reporting that virtually everyone got a tax cut. That's what Republicans stand for."
I bet Jennings walks in to do a segment like:
It's a shame he isn't just a little better defender, rebounder and off ball offensive player because he might be one of the best shooters I've ever seen. LOL.As a kid I loved to see this kind of weather come in, it meant money. I sometimes with my buddy would shovel driveways for 5 bucks. Sometimes we would go home with 50-60 bucks in our pocket. Rarely happens with this generation.
I did the same thing in Michigan. I shoveled for anything they'd pay. (You learned who not to go to offering to shovel for anything they'd pay.) Got me through the winter with dough.As a kid I loved to see this kind of weather come in, it meant money. I sometimes with my buddy would shovel driveways for 5 bucks. Sometimes we would go home with 50-60 bucks in our pocket. Rarely happens with this generation.
Fast forward 45 months later...
No idea, if it turns out to be fake I'll remove it though.Have to wonder if this was ever stated. When did Churchill have that to worry about or make a statement about it? I may be wrong but that seems to be a stretch back in that day...
Not arguing with you WcW... (Looked like a good nickname.)
CI is the most accurate & trusted news source. So they say.
I hadn't thought much about it till your post, but Churchill wrote 2 books on his dealings with Muslims which includes The River War which included his own experiences in the war. There does seem to be some question about the quote though.Have to wonder if this was ever stated. When did Churchill have that to worry about or make a statement about it? I may be wrong but that seems to be a stretch back in that day...
Not arguing with you WcW... (Looked like a good nickname.)
So how many 19 year-olds that didn't get that vaccine experience this condition?
It truly is glaringly, alarmingly obvious that Democrats have sold out on the plan to import as many illegal immigrants as possible. They physically tore down barriers at the border to allow droves of illegals to cross the border. They went to court to fight all efforts to enforce the law and secure the border. They will do everything possible to obstruct any effort by the next administration to secure the border. They are trying to sell off the materials that Trump might use to continue with border wall construction. No matter how much evidence is accumulated to show the damages and threats our country faces from an unsecured border and unenforced immigration laws, they will insist on continuing to try to destroy our country. It's insane, and they are treasonous.
Going from a b to a triple g? Probably not manySo how many 19 year-olds that didn't get that vaccine experience this condition?
How many is "acceptable" you mother f***er?!?!? Esp somethng that is 100% avoidable?!?! One is too many!!So how many 19 year-olds that didn't get that vaccine experience this condition?
No idea, if it turns out to be fake I'll remove it though.
I was, a long time ago, a professionally certified welder. While I was forced to take a different career path many years ago, I still consider myself a welder. I was always proud of what I did, and how hard I worked. ( Thanks dad)
Meanwhile Pope had our guys up and practicing early all week to condition themselves for the early game time. Cal can’t even get his guys up for a Noon Central Time game.Thank goodness we don't have this dumbass coaching us anymore lol
ID them, then jail them. Do not promote law and order you are to be jailed. We have enough room in prisons once the illegals are deported...
No idea, if it turns out to be fake I'll remove it though.
I was, a long time ago, a professionally certified welder. While I was forced to take a different career path many years ago, I still consider myself a welder. I was always proud of what I did, and how hard I worked. ( Thanks dad)
"But surely you can overlook all of that because we get Nazr Mohammad" - Dore95These people are evil. MF....EVIL.
No libtards, I DON'T want a single Muslim in my country because, ya know, they're EVIL. They're PERVERSE. Islam is not a true religion, it's a cult.
I'm like a college leftist and I'm getting triggered here just seeing this guy's face. HahaThank goodness we don't have this dumbass coaching us anymore lol