How will they rule ??!

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Trey Gowdy, one of the three Republicans, who have now stepped up to lead the committee/investigation. Would rather have him in charge, or at least partially in charge, anyways.
I love Gowdy but the fact is nothing ever comes of these investigations when Congress is involved. Its more money and time wasted only to give political ammunition to whichever party is on the better end of the deal. Until I see a Grand Jury appointed in these cases will I believe anything real is going to happen.
Its absolutely amazing watching libtards attack Bill OReilly while not giving a flying f*** about anything Bill Clinton did.

And I say this as a guy who doesn't care much at all for OReilly. The utter hypocrisy is mind boggling though.
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So Assad did the gas thing? I thought it was the people opposing him.

If the Repubs want to make something happen they better go hard after this Susan Rice stuff. You can not just let this go away and maintain credibility. If you want to know why the left has a strangle hold on our country it's because when it's time to roast conservatives they flat out come with the fire. OTOH, Repubs let those losers off more often than not and you just can't do that.

I hope healthcare policy goes to the wayside. Let that crap fail on its own and then we are back to free markets the way it should be.
So Assad did the gas thing? I thought it was the people opposing him.

If the Repubs want to make something happen they better go hard after this Susan Rice stuff. You can not just let this go away and maintain credibility. If you want to know why the left has a strangle hold on our country it's because when it's time to roast conservatives they flat out come with the fire. OTOH, Repubs let those losers off more often than not and you just can't do that.

I hope healthcare policy goes to the wayside. Let that crap fail on its own and then we are back to free markets the way it should be.

No. They have found direct links to Soros for that.
Will be disappointed if Trump does a lot more in Syria. Sorry what happened to their people being gased again, but we simply cannot afford the $ and American lives to deal with this mess by ourselves. Time for the U.N. to step to the plate.
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Will be disappointed if Trump does a lot more in Syria. Sorry what happened to their people being gased again, but we simply cannot afford the $ and American lives to deal with this mess by ourselves. Time for the U.N. to step to the plate.

Syria is a democrat plan.

Wanna know why democrats and neocons hate Russia?

I don't think Trump will change anything that differently on Syria. He might be tougher on Assad, which isn't a bad thing. Assad is not this good guy some people make him out to be.

That said, that country is an unbelievable shithole. A big part of Obamas 'legacy' no doubt.

We've been bombing Syria for over a decade, I don't see that changing much. The MSMs reporting on this has been horrible, making it sound like airstrikes in Syria is a new thing that Trump wants to start. Its been happening for years, long before Trump got here.
They said once the UN said regime change in Syria wasn't a top priority, Assad took it as a green light to attack.

US has high confidence that the gas attack was Syrian air forces. Crossed the red line - different result. Good or bad, is too hard to tell. Place is a mess.
US dropping missiles on Syrian airbases and chemical weapon storage sight.
Not good. Trump should have stayed out of that mess. He's being used by the neocons and warmongers to topple Assad, which will result in another power vacuum, only to be filled by the "rebels". Gaddafi, Libya all over again.

People need to sack up and realize, yes, Assad is a mean sob just like Gaddafi was, but in that part of the world those types of leaders are needed to keep all the filth in check. Islamic terrorists are celebrating tonight.
The goons of the world need to realize that Trump is not the bogeyman. He's the man you elect to kill the bogeyman.
Trump can't sit idly by and watch women and children die at the hands of this mad man. The strikes are necessary.
It's a message sender - they have more facilities that could've been taken out.

If Assad were to launch another attack, thats when things could get a lot messier.
Trump can't sit idly by and watch women and children die at the hands of this mad man. The strikes are necessary.
You watch too much MSM. I bet you think Assad is at war with freedom fighters, rebels, simple folk fighting for their country, trying to survive.
Hillary supports Trump:

"The former Democratic presidential nominee spoke at length, covering a range of issues that included calling on the United States to take out Syrian air fields in the wake of a suspected chemical weapons attack.

"I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people," she said of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad."

Good for her.
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Well let's hear the narratives.

Putin's puppet? nope he didn't contact him and dropped bombs on his boy assad
Bannon's puppet? nope kicked out by the neocons.

They just said on Fox he launched right after talking with Xi. Message sent. I guess.

I can't take much more of Shep and McCain.
Welp. So much for Trump being Putin's puppet. He just started a proxy war with Russia. Russian collusion narrative is dead. Wonder what's next?
Well we still need the House Russia "show" investigation completed with nothing found to show further what asses Dems are.
Appears that this was all going on while Trump was having dinner with China's President. Trump is pretty good at multitasking.
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Kudos to Trump. One thing I wish Obama had been more forceful with after the first chemical attack and when the rebels were much stronger. Take out their air force. Hard to drop bombs then.

I just don't understand why we don't just take the guy out. If freakin North Korea can get to somebody with some Jason Bourne crap, surely we can 'make it look like an accident' with Assad.

It is kinda ironic that he does this and talks about the helpless children - the same children he doesn't want to let into the country.

North Korea is next on the hit list. Gotta get China on board with doing something though.