I love Gowdy but the fact is nothing ever comes of these investigations when Congress is involved. Its more money and time wasted only to give political ammunition to whichever party is on the better end of the deal. Until I see a Grand Jury appointed in these cases will I believe anything real is going to happen.Trey Gowdy, one of the three Republicans, who have now stepped up to lead the committee/investigation. Would rather have him in charge, or at least partially in charge, anyways.
I've been out of the loop. What's the deal? We mad that Assad gassed some school children and didn't just use drone strike?
So Assad did the gas thing? I thought it was the people opposing him.
If the Repubs want to make something happen they better go hard after this Susan Rice stuff. You can not just let this go away and maintain credibility. If you want to know why the left has a strangle hold on our country it's because when it's time to roast conservatives they flat out come with the fire. OTOH, Repubs let those losers off more often than not and you just can't do that.
I hope healthcare policy goes to the wayside. Let that crap fail on its own and then we are back to free markets the way it should be.
Will be disappointed if Trump does a lot more in Syria. Sorry what happened to their people being gased again, but we simply cannot afford the $ and American lives to deal with this mess by ourselves. Time for the U.N. to step to the plate.
CNN and their "commentators" make it too easy. I pity the fool who watches that fake shit and actually believes a single word of it.
Shit just got real.US dropping missiles on Syrian airbases and chemical weapon storage sight.
Not a fan of this but the world is realizing Trump does not play around.Shit just got real.
Not good. Trump should have stayed out of that mess. He's being used by the neocons and warmongers to topple Assad, which will result in another power vacuum, only to be filled by the "rebels". Gaddafi, Libya all over again.US dropping missiles on Syrian airbases and chemical weapon storage sight.
You watch too much MSM. I bet you think Assad is at war with freedom fighters, rebels, simple folk fighting for their country, trying to survive.Trump can't sit idly by and watch women and children die at the hands of this mad man. The strikes are necessary.
I believe refugees from the Syrian civil war number 6 million or 1/3 of the pre-war population. It is a mess. We must tread carefully.
Not a fan of this but the world is realizing Trump does not play around.
Well we still need the House Russia "show" investigation completed with nothing found to show further what asses Dems are.Welp. So much for Trump being Putin's puppet. He just started a proxy war with Russia. Russian collusion narrative is dead. Wonder what's next?
The good is people wondering what the crazy Trump will do if they screw with him. Net, good that he shows them he's at least a bit crazed.True. But we wouldve been better served to stay out of it. What good will come of this? Nothing
Bombing the Middle East always works out well. This thing should be sorted out in a day or two
Let's move them to Africa. Africa got the space
Nope still say Hawaii. Aloha Snack bar. Let Dog and Beth chase them around the islands. Cuff em Leyland!
Trump wasn't going to allow the "red line" to be crossed, especially after blasting Obama for years because he allowed it.Kudos to Trump. Obama had been more forceful with after the first chemical attack
There are no rebels, at least not the kind you've been led to believe.when the rebels were much stronger.