How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Yes. We should all study the French Revolution to understand the evils it birthed into the world.

Meanwhile, 11 year blanket pardons are on the up and up
The fact he has put out the insane losers he has to run our most important government agencies shows just how unhinged the old man is.
I wouldn't leave Matt Gaetz or Hegseth alone for 5 minutes with my granddaughter much less in charge of anything of importance.
Clown Show.
I’m going to remain optimistic. I spent 4 years focusing on every negative aspect of the last Trump administration and it drained me mentally. Going to hope for the best this go around and already feel better about things.
I would feel much better if he wasn't nominating lunatic pedophiles and sex abusers to lead our government agencies.
Bigger enemy of the working class are people who downplay their struggles and side with the billionaire class. The collective majority would be much better off uniting and taking back the wealth that has been stolen from us.
I've never had a billionaire still a penny from me. The federal government however, steals from me every two weeks.
Mitt would suck any random dick at CNN for any favorable story about sh-t Mitt.

Romney was and is such a pussy. The GOP are filled with losers. These people gave us McCain and Romney to go against Obama. This country was doomed regardless.

Any Republican politician who talks about Trump tearing at unity and pushing hate is a lying piece of controlled opposition trash. The left's entire platform is based on division and hating anyone who stands in their way.

Does Romney think calling everyone a sexist, racist Nazi piece of garbage, trying to silence opposing views, and violently attacking Republicans is "unity?"
I would feel much better if he wasn't nominating lunatic pedophiles and sex abusers to lead our government agencies.
The fact he has put out the insane losers he has to run our most important government agencies shows just how unhinged the old man is.
I wouldn't leave Matt Gaetz or Hegseth alone for 5 minutes with my granddaughter much less in charge of anything of importance.
Clown Show.

Haha but you voted for Pedo Pete and would’ve again.
I just enjoy the vitriol. Like the insults sprinkled in crack me up. Not trying to patronize. I think you say some valid things. I just think cutting federal down to the bone can have unattended consequences.

Perhaps what this country needs is a good few years of buckled down spending? Cut down on everything and live like I did in 2012 and 13. Those were tough years for myself, but it made the next 10 easier.

Reading this thread has given me hope. My twitter and Reddit is pretty miserable. Yall have got me feeling a lot more positive.
In the words of Thomas Sowell, there are no perfect solutions, only trade offs. Cutting spending will absolutely have consequences. It will be painful for many people. But people can adapt and it opens a path for a booming economy with less people who are government dependent that can take advantage and become wealthy. If we continue spending the way we are, the interest on the debt alone will bankrupt the country and we will make Venezuela look like a utopia in comparison to how bad it will get here. So, which trade off do you prefer?
Sitting at Frankfurt Flughafen. Plane is ready. It's sitting on the tarmac. Flight departs at 10 am CET/4 am EST.

Had a great trip. Celebrated Thanksgiving over here in Germany for first time 1994, and first time since 1985 in Burbach. Former SIL prepared some killer venison, potato dumplings and cabbage day before Thanksgiving. Had a blast with nephew in Bamberg.


Here's our banana pudding I made. Vanilla wafers arrived intact because I hand-carried them onto the plane. Former BIL calls it "Kaloriebombe" or Calorie Bomb. Heh. Grandkids loved it.


Catch y'all later.
Sitting at Frankfurt Flughafen. Plane is ready. It's sitting on the tarmac. Flight departs at 10 am CET/4 am EST.

Had a great trip. Celebrated Thanksgiving over here in Germany for first time 1994, and first time since 1985 in Burbach. Former SIL prepared some killer venison, potato dumplings and cabbage day before Thanksgiving. Had a blast with nephew in Bamberg.


Here's our banana pudding I made. Vanilla wafers arrived intact because I hand-carried them onto the plane. Former BIL calls it "Kaloriebombe" or Calorie Bomb. Heh. Grandkids loved it.


Catch y'all later.

I think it was Saint Augustine who said that the world is a book and those that haven't traveled have only read a page.

Austin has read many pages because he has been to many places. As SDC said, safe travels man.
You couldn't beat me at this. If you have a working Nintendo, please invite me over....I'm going to kill you. I didn't even know much about Vince Lombardi as a kid, but I called myself Vince Lombardi of this game. You will lose....also, air hockey. You will lose that too. (if you want to know one of the secrets to winning at the game I will tell you)

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Sitting at Frankfurt Flughafen. Plane is ready. It's sitting on the tarmac. Flight departs at 10 am CET/4 am EST.

Had a great trip. Celebrated Thanksgiving over here in Germany for first time 1994, and first time since 1985 in Burbach. Former SIL prepared some killer venison, potato dumplings and cabbage day before Thanksgiving. Had a blast with nephew in Bamberg.


Here's our banana pudding I made. Vanilla wafers arrived intact because I hand-carried them onto the plane. Former BIL calls it "Kaloriebombe" or Calorie Bomb. Heh. Grandkids loved it.


Catch y'all later.
Safe travels.
In the words of Thomas Sowell, there are no perfect solutions, only trade offs. Cutting spending will absolutely have consequences. It will be painful for many people. But people can adapt and it opens a path for a booming economy with less people who are government dependent that can take advantage and become wealthy. If we continue spending the way we are, the interest on the debt alone will bankrupt the country and we will make Venezuela look like a utopia in comparison to how bad it will get here. So, which trade off do you prefer?
I’m fine cutting spending. I am fine giving up luxuries in the short term for long term successes, but there’s irony in these millionaire and billionaire politicians and advisors telling me it’s going to be hard without they themselves not feeling the pinch.
I've never had a billionaire still a penny from me. The federal government however, steals from me every two weeks.
You’re missing the forest for the trees. Unless you’ve always owned your business or worked for government, someone has benefited from your output. My qualms don’t like with Joe HVAC, who started his business and 20 years ago and is very successful. My problems lie squarely at businesses like dollar tree, Amazon, etc. that manipulate hours to maximize profits at the expense of workers.

I’ll add one more thing. Our country shouldn’t profit on crime and punishment, education, or healthcare. Insurance on my car and house is there in the event of a random disaster. Knock on wood, I’ve never had to file a claim. At some point, we are all going to experience a medical emergency, so why do we let these arseholes decide what is covered and what isn’t, especially since we’ve already paid in. Like I said previously, all politicians and healthcare CEO’s should be nervous. That nervousness keeps them honest.
I’m fine cutting spending. I am fine giving up luxuries in the short term for long term successes, but there’s irony in these millionaire and billionaire politicians and advisors telling me it’s going to be hard without they themselves not feeling the pinch.
Tell that to democrats: tell that to your politicians who are profiting off of you.
You’re missing the forest for the trees. Unless you’ve always owned your business or worked for government, someone has benefited from your output.
That's called buying something. The word for that is purchase.
I’ll add one more thing. Our country shouldn’t profit on crime and punishment, education, or healthcare. Insurance on my car and house is there in the event of a random disaster. Knock on wood, I’ve never had to file a claim. At some point, we are all going to experience a medical emergency, so why do we let these arseholes decide what is covered and what isn’t, especially since we’ve already paid in. Like I said previously, all politicians and healthcare CEO’s should be nervous. That nervousness keeps them honest.

This is missing the forest for the trees. You (general) are only ever capable of ruination, as has been abundantly shown historically. There is no greater enemy of the working class than you, the socialist who is there to "help" them by taking away from their employers and other successful people in society. You will make things more unaffordable and scarce, not plentiful, by removing profit and giving it all over to the government. Wealth and success are created through privatization, not "your" completely discredited economic, social and State control theories.
Tell that to democrats: tell that to your politicians who are profiting off of you.

That's called buying something. The word for that is purchase.

This is missing the forest for the trees. You (general) are only ever capable of ruination, as has been abundantly shown historically. There is no greater enemy of the working class than you, the socialist who is there to "help" them by taking away from their employers and other successful people in society. You will make things more unaffordable and scarce, not plentiful, by removing profit and giving it all over to the government. Wealth and success are created through privatization, not "your" completely discredited economic, social and State control theories.
We have socialism for farmers when fields do not yield results. We have socialism when big banks and businesses are on the verge of calamity.

If you were a true capitalist, you’d been livid that Trump and Biden forgave 3.7 trillion in PPE loans. Like if a business is forced to closed, that’s natural selection. We have a system that enriches the already rich. I can speak hyperbole here, but I just want to see a just system.

I’d prefer a system with strong unions and worker rights, but if Trump is able to deliver in a different way, but relief the burden of everyday life I’ll stay in my lane and be very gracious.
I’ll add one more thing. Our country shouldn’t profit
That's where you're ignorant. Profit is the only thing that gets people out of bed in the morning. If it weren't for profit, there would be no incentive. If you REALLY want to learn something, you should read Atlas Shrugged. Marxism doesn't work. Never has.

The solution to your complaint is to break up the really big companies and allow for MORE competition, not less. The big corporations use lobbyists to push out the little guy and get all the profits for themselves. THEY are the ones getting GOVERNMENT to put its ugly thumb on the scale.

Example: Health insurance. There are hard lines at state boundaries preventing people from shopping outside their own state. All that needs to be done is to evaporate those boundaries and health insurance policy prices would plummet. LESS regulation, not more.
We have socialism for farmers when fields do not yield results. We have socialism when big banks and businesses are on the verge of calamity.

If you were a true capitalist, you’d been livid that Trump and Biden forgave 3.7 trillion in PPE loans. Like if a business is forced to closed, that’s natural selection. We have a system that enriches the already rich. I can speak hyperbole here, but I just want to see a just system.

I’d prefer a system with strong unions and worker rights, but if Trump is able to deliver in a different way, but relief the burden of everyday life I’ll stay in my lane and be very gracious.
You need to stop whinging at the lack of perfection in society. Jesus said the poor would always be with us. The key is to give everyone in America the CHANCE to make something of themselves. If you want a safety net, move to Canada and wait for their economy to collapse. It NEVER works.
Yeah, finding the white papers that the Dems were going to break up Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple and then control the vital parts (for the perfect communist state) seems to have had an effect.

We have socialism for farmers when fields do not yield results. We have socialism when big banks and businesses are on the verge of calamity.

If you were a true capitalist, you’d been livid that Trump and Biden forgave 3.7 trillion in PPE loans. Like if a business is forced to closed, that’s natural selection. We have a system that enriches the already rich. I can speak hyperbole here, but I just want to see a just system.

I’d prefer a system with strong unions and worker rights, but if Trump is able to deliver in a different way, but relief the burden of everyday life I’ll stay in my lane and be very gracious.

You wouldn't and won't.

And that's not socialism. A mixed economy is a necessary evil, hereto shown to be at least. It's not like I don't get the socialist "argument." If the government is forced to step in to prevent calamity, it doesn't necessitate the government should step in everywhere or anywhere else. That's nonsensical and creates its own problems. You people simply don't know what you don't know: in the immortal words of Donald Rumsfeld, the unknowns are completely unknown to you. We had a similarly arrogant and ignoratn poster here before espousing socialism named Dionysus (a greek god of debauchery and chaos hwo was a pedophile) thought he had the world figured out because he went to college and got a history degree, mad at himself he was forced to work a BS job, so he spent hours upon hours here taking out his frustrations on conservatives he hated. He was a know-nothing know-it-all. Your posts, from what I';ve read, strike me in the same vein. What do you know? You're a middle school teacher in the middle of nowhere. What experience do you have actually doing anything of import someone else could've easily done?

What I mean is that your ideas and ideals only make "Sense" to people who don't actually udnerstand much, if anything, and/or people of very limited experience or ability, and people who have never had a real job, like Bernie Sanders. Incidentally, that's who you should be mad at for being rich, not the productive. You can't even have a sophisticated conversatino with your old man, but you know how to fix society such that no one has to work more than 40 hours a week while everyone has all their basic necessities met? It can be done, we can do it! Here's a 10 minute youtube video some kid made and a Vox article which will explain how!. Give me (us) a break. No, you won't stay in your lane and be gracious; you'll move the goalposts and kick the can down the road just like all others before you inculcated by your ideology. You'll be tilting at widmills whill the rest of us are enjoying an American Renaissance.

Like I said, why you're here.

You need to stop whinging at the lack of perfection in society. Jesus said the poor would always be with us. The key is to give everyone in America the CHANCE to make something of themselves. If you want a safety net, move to Canada and wait for their economy to collapse. It NEVER works.

You're being trolled. They're going to get worse with the whining. Let them whine. They've been dealt a deathblow by this election. It only gets worse for them, unbeknownst to them.
You wouldn't and won't.

And that's not socialism. A mixed economy is a necessary evil, hereto shown to be at least. It's not like I don't get the socialist "argument." If the government is forced to step in to prevent calamity, it doesn't necessitate the government should step in everywhere or anywhere else. That's nonsensical and creates its own problems. You people simply don't know what you don't know: in the immortal words of Donald Rumsfeld, the unknowns are completely unknown to you. We had a similarly arrogant and ignoratn poster here before espousing socialism named Dionysus (a greek god of debauchery and chaos hwo was a pedophile) thought he had the world figured out because he went to college and got a history degree, mad at himself he was forced to work a BS job, so he spent hours upon hours here taking out his frustrations on conservatives he hated. He was a know-nothing know-it-all. Your posts, from what I';ve read, strike me in the same vein. What do you know? You're a middle school teacher in the middle of nowhere. What experience do you have actually doing anything of import someone else could've easily done?

What I mean is that your ideas and ideals only make "Sense" to people who don't actually udnerstand much, if anything, and/or people of very limited experience or ability, and people who have never had a real job, like Bernie Sanders. Incidentally, that's who you should be mad at for being rich, not the productive. You can't even have a sophisticated conversatino with your old man, but you know how to fix society such that no one has to work more than 40 hours a week while everyone has all their basic necessities met? It can be done, we can do it! Here's a 10 minute youtube video some kid made and a Vox article which will explain how!. Give me (us) a break. No, you won't stay in your lane and be gracious; you'll move the goalposts and kick the can down the road just like all others before you inculcated by your ideology. You'll be tilting at widmills whill the rest of us are enjoying an American Renaissance.
You're right. My experiences are extremely limited and I am probably not the best fit to teach economics and government. I’ll stick to ecosystems.

That being said, I do see poverty and its effects every single day. I also see my hometown decay each year and I want to fix them. We’ve had 40 years of neoliberal economics and in that time we’ve seen the gap grow.
Oh, you definitely supported this, otherwise, you wouldn't have said what you did. GFY.
2/3rds of all bankruptcies are because of medical bills. So keep simping for these thieves.
That's where you're ignorant. Profit is the only thing that gets people out of bed in the morning. If it weren't for profit, there would be no incentive. If you REALLY want to learn something, you should read Atlas Shrugged. Marxism doesn't work. Never has.

The solution to your complaint is to break up the really big companies and allow for MORE competition, not less. The big corporations use lobbyists to push out the little guy and get all the profits for themselves. THEY are the ones getting GOVERNMENT to put its ugly thumb on the scale.

Example: Health insurance. There are hard lines at state boundaries preventing people from shopping outside their own state. All that needs to be done is to evaporate those boundaries and health insurance policy prices would plummet. LESS regulation, not more.
Profit is what gets the citizens up and going, but the government is to make sure we are able to get from A to B in a safe manner. The DOD doesn't make a profit and post office doesn't either. I've heard many times that everyone loves the concept of communism until it is put into play.

I think the same thing can be said about Libertarianism. I used to love the idea of personal freedoms and low taxes, until I learned what sacrifices I'd have to make to achieve those freedoms.

This Libertarian utopia quickly devolved into chaos.
You're right. My experiences are extremely limited and I am probably not the best fit to teach economics and government. I’ll stick to ecosystems.

That being said, I do see poverty and its effects every single day. I also see my hometown decay each year and I want to fix them. We’ve had 40 years of neoliberal economics and in that time we’ve seen the gap grow.

2/3rds of all bankruptcies are because of medical bills. So keep simping for these thieves.

I don't think you know anything about ecoystems either.

People going bankrupt over medical bills ha nothing to do with profits and is no reason to celebrate a CEO making 12 million being murdered. He will have done more for people's health than you and your ideology ever could or will. You will hurt those going bankrupt over medical bills with your failed "solutions, "not help. There are better solutions to these problems than socialized medicine, which I can tell you from direct experience is no where near as good as it is here in America.
I don't think you know anything about ecoystems either.

People going bankrupt over medical bills ha nothing to do with profits and is no reason to celebrate a CEO making 12 million being murdered. He will have done more for people's health than you and your ideology ever could or will. You will hurt those going bankrupt over medical bills with your failed "solutions, "not help. There are better solutions to these problems than socialized medicine, which I can tell you from direct experience is no where near as good as it is here in America.
Except that man and his predecessor bragged about:

Using AI to replace call center workers

Programmed that AI to deny most claims. To the tune of 37% of all claims

Gave a big F you to customers and said sue us

Gave stockholders 22 billion in profits. And here’s the important part:

FOR DENYING CLAIMS. This is pure evil and is insane that you can justify this.
I don’t really know what point you are arguing. Subjecting yourself to the stress of travel and adapting to a different time zone may very well increase your risk for certain health related misadventures, particularly if you are predisposed to such events. I’m unaware of any studies exploring that question, however the data that IS known surrounding daylight savings time change indicate there is a negative impact on health when considering a large population of individuals. Perhaps a study on such travel is warranted, though it would be exceedingly difficult to design a proper study on what would need to be a very large sample of individuals.
It's clear you don't know when you report a health effect of time change in one situation & somehow can't see that it would be equally valid in other situations. I mean staying in one place where's a time change affects people differently than if they walk across the street to another time zone?
Why is don't think your kind are up to the job?
Your the one that voted in the one found liable for sexual assault who is now nominating other sex abusers and pedophiles to lead his government agencies..... Not me.
Take a look in the mirror for the sex abusers fan club member.
There are no public photos of Trump or Gaetz fondling underage girls.

There are DOZENS of Biden doing that.
There are plenty of photos of Trump with Jeffrey Epstein and eye witnesses to Gaetz banging teens.
Trump was found liable in court of law for sexual assault.
Gaetz showed pics of his BS to fellow Congress members.
Hegseth's own mom trashed him for abusing women.
It's a daily clown show of sickos.