How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Trump is running even to a post turtle.

Hes not losing Iowa it isn't worth talking g about it was 1 poll and the others had it the other way.

Comes down to the big 3 states Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin. Whoever takes 2 of 3 wins.
Kamala would need all 3 if nothing in the Sun Belt goes her way.
Someone has been sending postcards to people with Kamala signs in their yards. They are pretending to be from the Kamala campaign. The card gives specific dates when to expect an immigrant family and what their needs will be. 😁
Absolutely brilliant. Got a few neighborhoods around us that could use such a wake-up call. These are the same F-tards who lose their GD minds when viewing Trump/Vance signs in one's yard.
LOL yea right.
What do you mean "yea right"? What he said is obvious. Of course logically he'd possibly be happier around more likeminded people. But his life and family and roots are here. His story is similar to many others. You, me, him, and every poster in this thread is just an individual with an opinion. Many of us with family ancestry that goes back hundreds of years. It was called the Brothers' War in Kentucky for a reason. You don't think it'd be the same today?
We're really getting into the weeds here on theory, which the social media shortform format doesn't really allow for, but ultimately when you're looking at most Marxist-Leninist theory from Lenin forward you're into the realm of implementation. I'm not really on that train in the same way, as Marx's observations are fundamentally predicated on technological determinism. Very simply, any current economic state a society finds itself in is dictated by the level of technological development at the time. Attempts at artificially inducing theorized economic states before they develop naturally(i.e. revolution) are therefore inherently flawed. They could be steps on that path of awareness and class consciousness, but they'll only be successful when the conditions are present. Stalin trying to micromanage the entire economy with early 20th century tech or Mao killing all the sparrows because he's an idiot are not going to bring us Star Trek post-scarcity communism immediately. But we may eventually get there.
Ah, yes, good old Joe. Moving right along.

There is no way he said that off the cuff. Someone wrote that and he said the line.

Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter? For the last time, anything you put on that prompter, Burgundy will read!

🤣 🤣 🤣

Doug had a quite a today. Go out there and remind everyone Kamala is easy and that Tim is gay.

Also said if you can get guys to stop listening to podcasts and watching UFC than they will turn democrat.

Do you not think that democrats are doing things that give the appearance they plan to cheat or do you just assume that crazy leftist wouldn't lie to you? LOL.
It's not an either or choice as you pretend. MAGA adherents are so far out of control with their Dims cheating sh!t that they've lost the ability to reason. That's what's crazy to watch here.
I'm well aware that there's no chance and that even saying there's no chance underestimates the opposition. There's less chance than none. Much less.
I refuse to give up hope, otherwise you're resigned to nihilism. Our democratic constitutional republic has functioned before, and can function again. Will it? That remains to be seen. But the possibility exists.
There is no way he said that off the cuff. Someone wrote that and he said the line.

Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter? For the last time, anything you put on that prompter, Burgundy will read!

🤣 🤣 🤣


You were saying?
Yep. It will get ugly. We are talking about a complete repudiation of their party if he takes office. They’ll all be embarrassed beyond recognition and they can’t have that. I don't even want to think about what they'll stoop to if he takes office. Timely accidents of family members of Republicans, etc. Insanity to think that that they’ll rule forever and elections will just be a formality if they win this election. Movie script stuff.
More insanity.