How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You do realize that chart also cuts off 200 million years ago where CO2 was 4 times present levels, correct? No one stated you wanted a static climate. But if the thesis is that climate change is somehow inherently nefarious, then one can deduct that lack of change is preferable. Invective? Ha, ok. You start the sophist parroting and I simply throw it back at you. Lastly, your camp starts from the premise that more CO2 is conveniently a direct result of industrialization (capitalism), when the chart I posted alone should at least entertain the concept that correlation does not equal causation. But no, you ignore the other "inconvenient truths" that don't fit your agenda. For all the prattling on about the science, I see a lot of religious-like conviction. Do you think devolving to a pre-industrialization society would help the spread of disease or quality of life? Do you think tornadoes in spring, hurricanes in the fall, flooding would suddenly reverse? I see you keep parroting the line that these things are somehow worse than some idealistic condition or time that you fail to pinpoint. But I have seen no objective data to support any of that. It's purely subjective conjecture and based on more fear mongering than facts.
He is going to need a sav and a cushion for those boot marks on his ass.
I love her. She got the chance to say what we all say in response to the left’s bullshit and somehow she didn’t get cut off.

She hit the nail right on the head. The lame stream media's only supporters are sick individuals (like some on here) who are corrupt and or too dumb to see reality. Evil people who have no morals or conscience or intelligence to see what they are doing to this once great nation.
Kamala’s ENTIRE campaign platform continues to be nothing more than “Orange Man Bad.” She essentially never lays out anything to make her own case for the the presidency. This is a loser’s mentality. It is what someone does when they perceive their odds of winning are pretty long. It’s a last ditch desparate attempt to turn voters off to Trump, not to sell them on Kamala. There is a difference, and it is significant. Again, this is not the strategy of a winner, or frankly, of a leader, it you will. She’s not cut out for this.
They are the party of no substance other than killing babies, abusing women and children, and vilifying those who do not agree with their "Evil" (let's face it folks, they are influenced by evil) agenda.
It’s exactly what it is. We’ve seen this so many times on here owner the last decade.

Remember the guys who said they’d vote Kasich or Gary Johnson? 😂 They’re cowards. They come in and spew the left’s nonsense and then say “I’m not on the left” cause they see it as a shield from criticism.

You see a similar tactic of the left doing this by saying “Biden isn’t running” “he’s not on the ballot” when you point out their hypocrisy.
It is because they know the left is wrong but want to appear neutral so as to not appear to be as bad as them all the while supporting the evil that is the left.
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Maga morons are to brainwashed to understand putting them in people's homes isn't the solution. The goal is to fix our broken system so they can get their own housing, fill our massive labor needs, generate tax revenue, create businesses, and along the way earn their citizenship. But maga morons don't do policy, they just whine and fear whatever boogeyman they are told to.
Back in the real world....

Polls remain close. Kamala might pull this off. Hopefully not, but if she wins, likely looking at an R senate.

You better hope that your cheat machine wins: I have your posts screen shot. I will email Trump’s DOJ about you everyday until you are in prison. People like you need to be locked up.
Screen shots of disagreement over political issues on a political message board?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You MAGAs are getting more unhinged and delusional every day.
You sound like a Nazi in the 30s turning in his neighbor for using too many meat rations. Weirdo.
Mike Benz on Poso today said that one of the plans they have is to claim the vote counting or disenfranchising was so bad they will appoint a nonpartisan group to recount the vote. Kamala is apparently having her election night party at Howard University and a group that is heavily involved in claiming voter suppression is being run out of there for democrats. Benz thinks they know they are losing and are going to try to win it in the courts. He's saying they send out the antifa and blm mobs to intimidate judges.... No matter who wins it's going to be a shit show for months.
"appoint a nonpartisan group" Funniest comment I've seen in a long time. Give responsibility for choosing the Prez to people who DGAS. That's good. LMAO.
Polls remain close. Kamala might pull this off. Hopefully not, but if she wins, likely looking at an R senate.

If KH wins, you could lose your TX layup Senate seat & create a 50/50 Senate that Walz would control.
I think I’m against it, but am not certain. I read where the candidate with the least votes has only won 5 times, which suggests the EC works, but there are good arguments on both sides of the issue.

Although unsure about the EC, I definitely favor term limits.
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Your cult has rotted your brain to the point you think it's perfectly ok for an ex President to use that vivid violent imagery in today's volatile political environment. Garbage for brains.
Violent imagery? Lol

Saw where KY had 220K votes Thursday or 10% of 2020 Prez election total. That statewide total matched with my Kenton Cty estimate based on the vote total where I voted late Thursday afternoon.
We were in line 2.5 hours yesterday here in Kentucky. One of our best friends was in line 3 hours today. Is that voter suppression or voter fear and indignation? The library we voted at had around 16 portable carrels for filling in your ballot and 2 scanners, and there was a very long ballot. We were pleased by the turnout mostly and heard only good natured joking about it among the people in line with us. And, as you might imagine, the line was dominated by olds. Since this is Kentucky and the site was used by right and left, who was being suppressed?

Bucks County, Pennsylvania is about 50/50 red/blue. Whatever the conditions at the polls are, it effects both sides equally. Weird scenario for voter suppression.

Since Biden apologized for that, who is saying it's good?
I must have missed the 72 hour media cycle where they wall-to-wall criticized Biden for that. How stupid are you?
Fear mongering? Its common sense. Ice caps are melting, those dont return in 10 years. Glaciers are breaking off and dwindling. The Earth is changing. Even if you take science away, Stevie Wonder could see differences between 40 years ago vs now. Even in my short life ive noticed huge changes in winters just in Kentucky.

I'm always amazed how anyone Repub or Dem refusing to admit that the earth is warming.

Out of 100 doctors, if 98 of them told you that they found a tumor in your colon and showed you the MRI...would you believe them?
My pool is still open and pump running. Even 10 years ago I would have shut it down because of nights in the 20s by this point in November.
Don't believe me or the scientists.... Go ask a farmer.
The earth is warming period.
The only question now is the extent to which humans are the cause.
Your points are irrelevant. Nobody argues for a static climate. The worry about climate change is the worry that the demands of 8 billion people won't be met. The margins for an overcrowded world are thinner.

Your chart cuts off the interesting part. It leaves the impression that atmospheric c02 is still at pre-industrial levels. Instead we're at 422 ppm. About where it was 14 mya. Which we've achieved in around 200 years.

Homo sapiens came on the scene around 270,000 years ago. The first cities around 7000 years ago.
Çatalhöyük, for example. Abandoned due to overcrowding, infectious diseases, and environmental problems. Rain patterns probably. Rain patterns gets pinballed around due to AGW.

On another issue, do you want invective or a discussion? There's no point in invective. Nature don't care for it and neither do I.
Ah, now I get it. You are one of those population bomb Malthusian idiots. It all makes sense now. Frankly I didn’t know anyone was stupid enough to believe in that anymore since it has all been debunked. You are now dismissed.

I think I’m against it, but am not certain. I read where the candidate with the least votes has only won 4 times, which suggests the EC works, but there are good arguments on both sides of the issue.
No there’s not…not even a little bit. Ending the electoral college will end any semblance of balance and we will turn into a one party state and tyranny of the majority will be the future.

Just imagine if Dems could win the White House by manufacturing as many votes as they want in just California where are no checks and balances whatsoever…
I think I’m against it, but am not certain. I read where the candidate with the least votes has only won 5 times, which suggests the EC works, but there are good arguments on both sides of the issue.
No, there are not "good arguments on both sides".

The big cities are shitholes and they would be determining the entire direction of the country (more than they do now) and there would be zero reason for the rest of the country to participate. Only idiots that want to destroy the country argue against the EC.

Every single position I've seen you take on here is leftist. Now, I appreciate you like to describe yourself as a moderate ... that you're above the fray (and so much better than us partisans), but you're simply a leftist who doesn't have the courage to admit your true position.
Had no idea there was a mass shooting in Orlando 1 am Friday until I was on X this morning.

Then I saw who the shooter was and then I knew why corporate media wasn’t covering it.

Zero mentions from CNN or MSNBC on Twitter.
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I find it amazing that so many Dims were on the record about the need to secure elections through the use of paper ballots. And then 2020... yet NOT ONE of them have been questioned on it, at least more than a softball question.

They must literally want to destroy, or maybe "fundamentally transform" this country.