I've got stories for days regarding what it's like being in a college classroom with the far left.
They can't debate for shit because it goes like this
-Far left professor goes up and spouts their ideology, talking points, spin on the news, and portrays their opposition in a way that's always negative.
- Ignorant 18-22 year old kids listen and absorb these thoughts from the authority figure
- The 20-22 year old kids spout the professor's views back to them
- One or two tries to one up each other in victimhood
- The moment a brave soul challenges them it's like watching someone get punched in the face as they're shook, don't know how to offer any rebuttal to your pointing out the flaws in their idealogy/pointing out inconvenient facts. Here comes the emotional responses and maybe even some tantrums.
I went through this every single class for two years until graduation.