How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Like a good NPC spamming, gaslighting bot, right on cue, he's in here spamming the lie that Trump said to put her in front of a firing squad. We all saw the video and know that Trump never said firing squad and wasn't calling for her to be executed. Just the like all of the other hoaxes, we'll be hearing that he wants to put Liz Chaney in front of a firing squad for years to come.
He gave a fixed number (9) of rifles. (weird) He said pointed at her face. Had he meant "combat" instead, the word was right there.

Disagreeing about the meaning of a phrase isn't a hoax, btw.

But Trump has to know EVERY single thing he says will be turned on him. It doesn’t matter what he really meant. They don’t care.

He should not have used a gun analogy. Why give them more ammo(no pun intended).

The Dems weee imploding, even in the news cycle, with the garbage comments and the Cuban comments.

Got to be smarter. But he’s always been unfiltered. That is what his base loves and his doubters find toxic.
I agree with you to an extent, but Trump doesn't think or act like a politician. He's more like us than your average silver-tongued politician. We can relate to him and appreciate his candor. I want him to win, so I certainly wish he would have a filter sometimes, but I don't think it would matter. They will twist his words to vilify him not matter what he says.
I agree with you to an extent, but Trump doesn't think or act like a politician. He's more like us than your average silver-tongued politician. We can relate to him and appreciate his candor. I want him to win, so I certainly wish he would have a filter sometimes, but I don't think it would matter. They will twist his words to vilify him not matter what he says.
And they will for the next 4 years if he wins the presidency again.
PSA for all you fraudsters out there and you know who you are:

2020 Election Speech GIF by Election 2020
Your blood should boil at every one of them who has defended Harris’ border catastrophe.
Can we just skip right to executing individuals like this? Individuals who sexually assault children are the least likely to 'change their ways', are universally hated and abused in prison (by, you know, criminals who have some shred of decency remaining). Regardless of this person's, or anyone's, citizenship status, once found guilty of such a crime I am all in favor of immediate execution. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, do not take up space in a max security prison somewhere. Take 'em out permanently, immediately. I'm not a violent person by any means and I don't own any firearms, but I would have no problem pulling a trigger on this individual (assuming he IS guilty, of course) and would sleep like a GD baby knowing I did the right thing. I'd probably go home and shower to remove the stench of this piece of human filth and go about my life without any remorse whatsoever.
He gave a fixed number (9) of rifles. (weird) He said pointed at her face. Had he meant "combat" instead, the word was right there.

Disagreeing about the meaning of a phrase isn't a hoax, btw.
You are a moron. If you are in combat and have a rifle and are engaging the enemy, chances are you are behind cover and looking either around or over your cover to where only your face is showing. You are absolutely one on the dumbest posters here. He is referencing having to face the enemy and making a point that if it were her that had to do it, she would not have put herself in that position. Meaning, that the "warhawk" would not have started the war. No wonder you are voting for the cackling hag, you are just as clueless as she is.
You are a moron. If you are in combat and have a rifle and are engaging the enemy, chances are you are behind cover and looking either around or over your cover to where only your face is showing. You are absolutely one on the dumbest posters here. He is referencing having to face the enemy and making a point that if it were her that had to do it, she would not have put herself in that position. Meaning, that the "warhawk" would not have started the war. No wonder you are voting for the cackling hag, you are just as clueless as she is.
It is a lot easier to promote war when you are not the one being shot at.
Cheating is demo☭rat privilege. They love it and can't win without it.

As ALWAYS, a simple, bi-partisan explanation … human error is usually the case.

Elon massively helps The Ukraine war effort. Now demo☭rats say he's "Putin's best weapon".

The only way to avoid shitlibs trying to destroy you is to renounce your freedom and bow to their every demand.

Left unchecked, shitlibs will destroy civilization.

As ALWAYS, a simple bi-partisan explanation … human error is usually the case.

Always my GD ass! Where were you yesterday when lawsuits had to be filed and federal judges had to step in to mitigate cheating in VA and Penn?

And get out of here with Snopes propaganda. It has no credibility. Just like you, Smugly.
Here is what I know about Nov 1 2024 and Nov 1 2020.
Nov 1 2020, I was closed down at the mall (due to covid in May 2020) and they did not reopen the food court. Still paying bills from expenses then. I do not blame Trump for that. I blame the social experiment that locked down this country, that started the whole censorship of disagreeing with those that wanted people to sit at home. All of that came from the democrat/socialist thinktank. It was done to see what we as a people would allow to have happen to us. Heck they found out that most of the cattle (people) lined up in the shoot and was waiting for the bullet.

I have worked for a company in Cincinnati for 21 years, also in 2019 opened my company which was intended for my retirement (I do not believe in quit working). It was so I would not have to drive from Winchester ky to Cincinnati every day. I was only a couple months away from quitting my day job. We were really starting to make a name for our company and starting to make some money. Now 4 years later, I am still paying those bills, paying bills at my house, have large credit card debt, have to help with my mother in law as much as I can for he to make it and am just about ready for the poor house. I am seriously thinking about selling one house and moving all of us in the same house. The past 4 years is not acceptable. I do not feel safe any longer. I actually got my protective devices (see how I did that), out of storage (where they have been for 15 years), cleaned them, got them ready in case someone was to try to do bodily hard to my family or our way of life. The boarder crap that the left has caused is not right. Now we have states that do not require a form of ID to vote. Total crap. Same states you have to provide ID to get a drivers license or fishing license, hunting license, Drink, go into bars, buy cigs and so forth.
Economy is so poor that customers are not buying anything right now. They are all waiting to see what happens in this election, has not happened since Obama first run.
If all of this makes you vote democrat again then you must like the way things are going. That is your right.

Me I am for no censorship, no woke culture, if I say marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman and you do not believe me that if fine but do not try to make my religion try to include you so you feel good about yourself. If I say Biden is no longer fit to be president do not try to cancel me. He is not fit. If I say covid was nothing more than a new strand of a bad flu and you do not agree that is fine, but again do not censor me. My beliefs are mine (you are not allowed in my mind and soul to imprint your views on me), so allow me to state what I believe. That is not misinformation Too much crap going on in this country. We are not France, we are no Germany, Norway and so forth. We have the right to speak. I do not try to stop the left hate speech of republicans. I just say my views and move on.
It is OK to disagree. It is not OK to demonize another for their views.

This small rant is over. Sorry.
You got to love this is what they hill @DreadLox is dying on, out of context comments by Trump which are on video, but hilarious nonetheless. In a week he'll be supporting waterboarding if he's told to

Courageous, LOL. I'll bet she don't hunting with her father. He would have only one gun pointed at her face and would probably shoot. He is about as dumb as she and Kamala are.
As ALWAYS, a simple, bi-partisan explanation … human error is usually the case.

Ha, he is a Rino and got paid. Ether that or wait...was that snopes checking the facts...never mind.
He said it. Own up to your dictator's words. And y'all wonder why our political violence is at an all time high over that dumbass. He fans the flames then claims victim.

"Fuc* Joe Biden!!! FJB!!! Fuc* Joe Biden!!!"
Puerto Rico is a garbage dump!
America is a garbage dump!
Blacks carve watermelons for Halloween!!
Liz Cheney and Gen Milley should be executed!!
Democrats are evil scum!!!
Kamala Harris is a Fascist.
Kamala Harris is a Commie.
Kamala Harris is stupid.
Kamala Harris slept her way up.
Kamala Harris has pimp handlers.

Joe Biden:
Trump supporters are garbage.

How dare you???
I'm going as garbage for Halloween.
I'm riding in a garbage truck.

Buncha whacko weirdo puzzies.
TDS distemper ^
Here is what I know about Nov 1 2024 and Nov 1 2020.
Nov 1 2020, I was closed down at the mall (due to covid in May 2020) and they did not reopen the food court. Still paying bills from expenses then. I do not blame Trump for that. I blame the social experiment that locked down this country, that started the whole censorship of disagreeing with those that wanted people to sit at home. All of that came from the democrat/socialist thinktank. It was done to see what we as a people would allow to have happen to us. Heck they found out that most of the cattle (people) lined up in the shoot and was waiting for the bullet.

I have worked for a company in Cincinnati for 21 years, also in 2019 opened my company which was intended for my retirement (I do not believe in quit working). It was so I would not have to drive from Winchester ky to Cincinnati every day. I was only a couple months away from quitting my day job. We were really starting to make a name for our company and starting to make some money. Now 4 years later, I am still paying those bills, paying bills at my house, have large credit card debt, have to help with my mother in law as much as I can for he to make it and am just about ready for the poor house. I am seriously thinking about selling one house and moving all of us in the same house. The past 4 years is not acceptable. I do not feel safe any longer. I actually got my protective devices (see how I did that), out of storage (where they have been for 15 years), cleaned them, got them ready in case someone was to try to do bodily hard to my family or our way of life. The boarder crap that the left has caused is not right. Now we have states that do not require a form of ID to vote. Total crap. Same states you have to provide ID to get a drivers license or fishing license, hunting license, Drink, go into bars, buy cigs and so forth.
Economy is so poor that customers are not buying anything right now. They are all waiting to see what happens in this election, has not happened since Obama first run.
If all of this makes you vote democrat again then you must like the way things are going. That is your right.

Me I am for no censorship, no woke culture, if I say marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman and you do not believe me that if fine but do not try to make my religion try to include you so you feel good about yourself. If I say Biden is no longer fit to be president do not try to cancel me. He is not fit. If I say covid was nothing more than a new strand of a bad flu and you do not agree that is fine, but again do not censor me. My beliefs are mine (you are not allowed in my mind and soul to imprint your views on me), so allow me to state what I believe. That is not misinformation Too much crap going on in this country. We are not France, we are no Germany, Norway and so forth. We have the right to speak. I do not try to stop the left hate speech of republicans. I just say my views and move on.
It is OK to disagree. It is not OK to demonize another for their views.

This small rant is over. Sorry.
Completely on point.

I never put my protective devices away. Most are positioned around the house for easy access just in case. Hopefully, just in case never happens. But if it does, it does not take much to make sure you are ready. I never understood those who would ask why I have them around the house. They don't hurt anyone unless I need them to. So far so good.
Outcome-determinant fraud is not a thing … that is the bottom line.

Leftist concern troll. Your posts reek of BS. The only difference in 2020 and 2024. Twitter not suppressing the fraud in 2024 and Ronna McRomney isn’t on the RNC. At least the RNC is filing lawsuits before the election results this time as the fraud is in real time.

Pipe down, leftist.
Completely on point.

I never put my protective devices away. Most are positioned around the house for easy access just in case. Hopefully, just in case never happens. But if it does, it does not take much to make sure you are ready. I never understood those who would ask why I have them around the house. They don't hurt anyone unless I need them to. So far so good.
I used to have a customer who sounds like you. He had six Rottweilers loose in his house and
a loaded protective device in every room. He was also about 6'4 and 280 pounds.
When I woke up, I knew you'd be the one to fall for it. How are you this predictable? You will literally believe anything. A. Laughably this is what all the left used to say about McCain and the Cheneys.

B. Too bad there's video, which none of your sources bothered to post for some reason...only a non dumbass would be curious about this

Good lord, man. Lol I would like to see a firing squad where the person getting fired on also has a rifle tho. Good lord the left is dumb
He said it. You showed the video where he said it.
Here is EXACTLY what he said.....
“She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK?”
“Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face.”
He's a F'ing idiot.

You're in a cult.
Our resident village idiot makes a concerted effort every month to post about how the economy is doing so great by linking some article pointing to job numbers that will undoubtedly be revised down. Funny thing is that I've never seen him come back and admit he was wrong once the real numbers are posted.

Because he's mentally compromised as well as morally.

This administration thrives on NPCs like him. He's our resident Brooklyn Dad Defiant or JoJo. More or less a spamming, gaslighting bot. I have more respect for them b/c at least they are getting paid. He puts his stupidity on showcase for free.

Victimhood is a badge of honor among the psycho-social left
said, by the way, you’re writing all these article condemning me coming into Washington and dismantling the pharmaceutical paradigm, but where are you getting your salary? From Pharma.He said, we tell both sides of the story, and I said, no you don’t. He said, President Trump is saying radical things … he said he’s gonna pull CBS’s license, and I said, he ought to pull CBS’s license.

Perot got 19% of the popular vote in 1992. That's way more than Kennedy ever polled.