How will they rule ??!

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@sambowieshin remember when you and @sammysdad05 fell for propaganda that tax cuts were bad and the government knows how to spend your money better than you do and it was just a give away to millionaires and billionaires?

Straight from IRS data:

80% of all taxpayers received a tax break, with the the average tax payer receiving 1,500 dollar reduction in taxes. The largest share of the tax cuts went to the bottom 75% of earners, who saw their taxes drop by 9.3% while the top 1 percent saw a cut of .04%

If the tax cuts are not renewed at the end of 2025 taxes will rise by 400 billion.
"Trump’s combination of tax cuts, tariff increases, military expansion and mass deportations would widen budget deficits by an estimated $7.5 trillion over the next decade"
***From the far left WSJ. 😂😂😂😂

You left this off your facts list...
"An important effect of extending the 2017 tax cuts is that it’s estimated to cost an extra $3.8 trillion over the next decade. Without significantly cutting services, the federal debt would balloon to 211% of GDP by 2054, compared to about 100% of GDP right now."

"The cuts have the largest benefits for the wealthy and for small business owners, but there are also provisions that benefit middle-income Americans like the increased standard deduction and Child Tax Credit."
Ot i can stop crying about other countries and say did tariffs make prices go down bc foreign countries still wanted to get into a lucrative American market.

No they didn't. (You have no idea what you are talking about.) They got into the "American" market because they got in FREE. (Prices are consumer driven, NOT government controls and taxes driven.) (Learn a little.) (Do you even know the "foreign" incentives GIVEN to foreigners to SELL in America BY the U.S. government?) No you do not.

Did small businesses and farmers have reduced prices bc they needed to turn to use domestic products.

No they didn't. Response, nonsense to the premise

Did we also have an adverse affect on our inputs because we sell less to abroad markets because we are buying less from them...yes

Did consumer prices go up- yes (Huh?)

It won't bring jobs back on large scale either as it costs more to create jobs anyway then what it does to pay them. (Have you EVER created a job? Hired anyone? I have created multiple dozens in multiple areas.) Costs more to create jobs HAHAHA... Where'd you hear that? Laughmala?

You can have an issue with something but tarriffs aren't an answer. I get it, bc we are talking about real ppl out there, protectionism can be popular, but none competitive industries are non competitive for a reason. make the playing field EVEN and I take that bet every time. The United States playing field with the WORLD has not been even since Jimmy Carter was President. President Reagan got some of that fixed but had no time to get it all fixed as you had as many RINO's as Republicans back then... George W Bush quit a year after he was elected the second time. You never heard from him again after that, he got bought off.

Watch now IF President Trump gets in and you can figure out the RINO's real quickly as they will be the "deciding" vote AGAINST American exceptionalism.

You have no idea what makes a representative republic economy work...

Watch for this phrase to make a comeback: "It's for the children"...
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Like the meme says, I'm already voting for don't have to sell me. It's funny they think saying and writing this stuff might actually hurt him.

They are running ads for him.


I HOPE President Trump is a complete threat to current America's way of life.
Warren Buffett changed his mind regarding endorsements over the past two election cycles.

Examine Karl’s thinking in this way: if the government seized the $2.4 trillion from the Forbes 400 today, it would fund our deficit spending for 1 year.

You cannot get through to these people. They refuse to understand that 1) it’s not a revenue problem, and 2) there’s no moral obligation to pay more and more to a profligate government.
"Trump’s combination of tax cuts, tariff increases, military expansion and mass deportations would widen budget deficits by an estimated $7.5 trillion over the next decade"
***From the far left WSJ. 😂😂😂😂

You left this off your facts list...
"An important effect of extending the 2017 tax cuts is that it’s estimated to cost an extra $3.8 trillion over the next decade. Without significantly cutting services, the federal debt would balloon to 211% of GDP by 2054, compared to about 100% of GDP right now."

"The cuts have the largest benefits for the wealthy and for small business owners, but there are also provisions that benefit middle-income Americans like the increased standard deduction and Child Tax Credit."
Can you not understand basic economics, I know thats rhetorical. ITS A SPENDING PROBLEM YOU MORON

Sam is out here arguing that money is better in the government's pocket than your own. He's long gone

Mr copy and paste here repeatedly shows why our public school system is failing children
Can you not understand basic economics, I know thats rhetorical. ITS A SPENDING PROBLEM YOU MORON

Sam is out here arguing that money is better in the government's pocket than your own. He's long gone

Mr copy and paste here repeatedly shows why our public school system is failing children
I'm just linking an article from the WALL STREET JOURNAL about the damage Trump's economic plan will do to our federal deficit.
Giving the middle class a few hundred dollars then blowing the federal deficit thru the GD roof is not putting money back into our pockets fool. It will cost all of us more money down the road.
You are exhibit A of someone who never listened to their teachers because they think they are smarter than everyone else. You're not.
You have a short memory.

Tucker got a great response tonight.

“It will be a triumph of Americans over the machine that seeks to suppress them.

It will be a middle finger wagging in the face of the worst people in the English-speaking world.

It will be a moral victory the size of which I never thought I would live to see.”

"I think Donald Trump’s going to win. He’s ahead in all seven battleground states, and early voting favors him.

But more than that, you can feel the vibe shift—it’s the return of freedom, the return of the country you grew up in.

We can’t have another 2020 where facts were hidden and victory was claimed with billions of votes. The vibe is too strong to ignore."


I almost hate having optimism for this election because I do not trust our elections. But it's hard to not feel like we are going to win this.
Man, how much did Calipari's offensive "philosophy"* suck?

Look, I know it was Kentucky Wesleyan. I get it. I also get that if one of Cal's freshman phenom teams played them last night, it would have been a disjointed and ugly affair for the most part. A lot of "GOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelling, with a lot of nerve-wracked players that would all try to "iso" OVER and OVER and OVER, instead of running an offense that makes the other team work their asses off on defense, and getting a wide open shot as a result. And taking that shot w/o fear of getting yanked if they missed it, like we saw last night.

*(meaning, pulling anyone that gets a hot hand, in order to put in one of his non-shooting pets, so we can watch them drive into double teams and either: dribble it off their own foot, OR get their sh*t swatted into the third row, only to watch them let a mediocre/mid-major white kid bust their ankles while driving by them for a layup
It was very encouraging to watch for sure. Got a team full of shooters like the rifle team (nice line Lamont Butler)
Mitch couldn't have said it better:

"Ronald Reagan knew what makes a nation prosperous. “Free trade serves the cause of economic progress, and it serves the cause of world peace,” he said in a 1982 radio address. That sentiment was in line with years of conservative policy. The Republican Party had long stood for free markets and free trade, principles that helped cement America as the world’s economic superpower.

Sadly, many in my own party seem to have forgotten these lessons. A populist faction insists on imposing more and higher tariffs that would raise the prices of everyday goods and services as well as destroy the commercial incentive for nations to live in peace.

Such advocates claim that tariffs protect American workers from foreign competition. In practice, they hurt the workers they purport to help. Consider Chinese-made electronics. When tariffs are imposed on products like smartphones and laptops, as Donald Trump is proposing to do, American consumers end up paying higher prices. A report from the Consumer Technology Association projects that Mr. Trump’s proposed tariffs could raise technology prices for U.S. consumers by as much as 21%. China accounts for more than 90% of U.S. laptop and tablet imports. Its manufacturers won’t bear the brunt of these tariffs—American consumers will, as the levy will be passed on to them in the form of higher prices.

This is basic economics at work. When we place a tariff on a foreign product, we artificially inflate its price and allow domestic producers to raise their own."

"Tariffs also reduce consumer choice and stifle innovation. When two parties voluntarily exchange goods and services, both sides benefit. When people prosper, their communities do too. This principle holds true at the national and international levels. Free trade has fueled the American economy by opening new markets, reducing prices, and increasing innovation.

Some protectionists claim that imports are a drag on our economy. That is misguided. We don’t consider someone’s ability to consume more a sign of poverty; the same is true of a nation. Rising imports often coincide with stronger economic growth. Trade allows the U.S. to specialize in high-skill industries and benefit from cheaper imported goods, leading to a more efficient and prosperous economy."

Free trade also promotes peace by creating mutual dependencies. As the 19th-century French economist Frédéric Bastiat observed, “If goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will.” Economically connected nations have more to gain from cooperation. The alternative—protectionist policies and sanctions—often backfires, uniting such adversaries as Russia, China and Iran. History proves that diplomacy and free trade are more effective for peace and prosperity than tariffs and sanctions.

The choice is clear: We can embrace the principles that have made America the world’s largest economy, or we can retreat into the failed policies of protectionism."

You're probably the only person in the world who agrees with Mitch on that.
We joke about this, but honestly just once I’d like to see these dirty tactics turned around on the democrats. Why not have a random person from Kamala’s past come out with some outlandish claim? Put them on defense.
There was. The Walz pedo story and Harris' husband beating a woman.

The media doesn't care and so the programmed idiots don't care.