How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Think about how badly, and I mean infinitely bad the Harris campaign has been. After months of not being able to give a single policy, conviction, anything and having the press carry your water to try to drag you across the finish line, 2 weeks out ultimately all they can come up with is "he's literally hitler"

Right back where they started
If Trump wins and doesn’t put forth a concrete plan to gut the federal budget in at least a couple of months, it’s a massive failure.

He will put a plan forward when it's all sitting in front of him, if he ever gets the chance. Definitely wouldn't do that right now (not saying you're saying that). It's not good business. Get the deal ironed out and closed first. Then look at where changes need to be made to slim.down and be more efficient.
I heard Rich Harris say today that it was election day drop off ballots that are the problem. They do not begin counting those until the next day. Trump should tell his voters to vote by mail early or in person. He is doing great so far in early voting, btw.

1. You know how many people that can vote.

2. You know how many people vote early.

3. You can ballpark how many people will vote in person.

4. Add 2 and 3, then subtract that sum from step 1

5. Divide the remainder by the number of ballots a person can hand count in 4 hours.

6. Take the quotient from step 5, and have that many ballot counters.

Do I need to fly to Arizona and instruct these f***ing morons?
Who cares what Madonna thinks about anything and Axlerod was not comparing Romney to Hitler by any stretch. He was referring to Romney's rapid campaign moving from town to town across a state as a "Mitts-crieg". It was a play on words and nobody took it as a serious comparison to Hitler.
On the other hand... Trump has Multiple cabinet members who have worked directly with him and called him a fascist.
He has said he will be a dictator on his first day in office.
He has advocated for suspension of the Constitution.
He has asked his VP to ignore the Constitution.
He has asked state election officials to ignore election results and find votes for him.
He incited a riot against Congress.
He is a fascist.
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Who cares what Madonna thinks about anything and Axlerod was not comparing Romney to Hitler by any stretch. He was referring to Romney's rapid campaign moving from town to town across a state as a "Mitts-crieg". It was a play on words and nobody took it as a serious comparison to Hitler.
On the other hand... Trump has Multiple cabinet members who have worked directly with him and called him a fascist.
He has said he will be a dictator on his first day in office.
He has advocated for suspension of the Constitution.
He has asked his VP to ignore the Constitution.
He has asked state election officials to ignore election results and find votes for him.
He incited a riot against Congress.
He is a fascist.
The record is skipping again. Can somebody go stomp on the floor?
If they can steal Arizona, it means Trump HAS to either: win PA or both WI and MI

That is a HUGE deal. If Trump wins AZ, he only needs ONE of the Rust Belt states.

If PA gets called early. And NC and GA go to Trump, along with PA, just you watch; all of a sudden, AZ will get the votes counted toot sweet (because it won't matter)

The cheat proof plan is for Trump to get GA, NC, and PA then it's a dead issue.
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Trump gets elected.

Day ONE - closes the border.

Day TWO - signs an executive order making all illegals CURRENTLY in the country full and free citizens.

Day THREE - Republicans gain millions of voters in mostly Blue states. 😆 😆 😆 😆

Day FOUR - All Democrats over 75 die of apoplexy
If I were Trump, I'd start lawyering up in Arizona RIGHT NOW, and I'd get boots on the ground, to put pressure on/monitor the count. IOW - put the squeeze on the Adrian Fontes (D), Secretary of State.

My copium here is that the left knows people are watching now, whether it's people as high as senators all the way down to the volunteers running the election booths. I would think it's going to be hard to pull off successful mass-scale cheating. There's gonna be a lot more eyes on this, a lot more oversight, and just a lot of people worried that if they aren't doing this right (the actual folks changing ballots and such), they would/could go to jail, lose their jobs, etc.

In IT security, even a sign that says "security present at this facility" is enough of a warning to stop a bad actor. In a way, the sign is security in and of itself. So I'm hoping that sort of applies here. They did it the first time, but now a lot of people are watching. I think the cheating efforts won't be nearly as big because of this.

But the left has no limits so who knows. They'd probably "clinton" some poll worker for NOT doing their job to cheat. Lol.
There’s no media story that is going to influence anyone from suddenly changing their vote. Left wing rags create porn for left wing retards. It’s their fan fiction to convince themselves they’re not the absolute worst humans in America that are useful idiots for a tyrannical state so anyone that’s in their way is “Hitler.”

They will be “Hitler” in 2028, 2032, and forever. It’s what they do. Democrats are soulless pieces of shit, an evil party whose media targets low info people to want to be slaves.
If Trump wins somehow, we’ll see how the Dems react and if you keep this same energy. I think Raskin already given us a preview.
If Trump wins there are some things I know for sure.
Dems absolutely believe in honoring election results and in the peaceful transfer of power.
There will be no Jan 6th riots.
Kamala won't be shi**ing on the Constitution like Trump asked Pence to do.
Capitol police will not be hospitalized on electoral college certification day.
If Kamala loses she will officially concede the election with class and dignity unlike the Fascist in Chief before her.
Hitler's generals tried to kill him numerous times and he had over 40 attempts on his life.

Kamala doesn't even know recent history.
Too bad someone didn't succeed with Hitler. There were good reasons people tried so hard to kill him.
Trump doesn't warrant an assassination like Hitler. He is not nearly as dangerous as Hitler but he has shown a willingness to crap on our Constitution.
He is an agent of chaos and division.