When meathead thinks of Trump, I bet he plugs his ears and screams like a pre-schooler. I can just see him doing this anytime he sees him on TV or hears his voice on tbe radio, and I bet he sounds like Sally Struthers crying on AITF. I don't know how they got Meathead's thumb out of his mouth long enough to get that twitter pic
Everything she says and does Trump can just slap in an ad and end with 'I am Donald Trump and I approve this message':
She is really struggling in the middle of this video (can't formulate words, like she is malfunctioning) to come up with anything.
Totally agree.Before we worry about deportation, we need to put a tourniquet on the southern border.
Deploy troops/national guard whatever it takes. Border is closed until further notice. Asylum applications can be mailed to etc.
Essentially, "Sorry folks! The United States is closed. The moose out front should've told you."
I think the Dems fired the first shot today. From being thankful that he survived an assassination, to back to literally Hitler.
These people will do and say anything to retain power. They are going to refuse to accept his election.
Fast forward into the real world...What does it say when the Republicans can't get their "greatest President" reelected? It says that when people vote Democrats win, so enjoy your Republican free future as you've seen your last Republican President. Texas will see to that as more and more of my fellow Californians flood the state with our blue votes and expensive coffee shops. Yee Haa!
Also you and @sambowieshin are wrong...her time as a senator she has the 2nd most liberal voting record in the 21st century in the senate. You do realize her voting roll calls are public record right?
wow. she sounds about as brain addled as biden, yet those two were “leaders “ of the free worldEverything she says and does Trump can just slap in an ad and end with 'I am Donald Trump and I approve this message':
She is really struggling in the middle of this video (can't formulate words, like she is malfunctioning) to come up with anything.
Exactly. It is hilarious to see people try and paint her as some sort of middle ground candidate. She is an extreme radical leftist.
JMHO, one of the things I see in this behavior is the fervent belief of the perpetrators that there are no and should be no consequences. Somehow, radical Leftists feel like it's OK to get up in someone's face, scream 'F*CK You!' and have no fears that anything bad will happen to them. I'm not a violent man, but some idiot Karen gets up in my face and starts cussing me out and/or aggressively berating me and there's gonna be some immediate retaliation. I'm not gonna go overboard but confronting someone and screaming in their face is assault and I can defend myself from assault. Some DA women on my front porch giving me the finger will be physically escorted off my property and the cops called if she puts one toenail back on it.
I've seen bike riders in the crosswalk give stopped vehicles the finger and scream 'F-You' because the vehicle had pulled a couple of feet into their path. How does anyone nowadays not think that the person behind the wheel may run your ass over or throw a bottle at your head? Insane what these entitled brats think they can get away with. Somewhere, someday, they're going to assault the wrong person and it will not end well for them.
Why doesn't he have a public plan now if that's what he's going to do? Since he doesn't, I strongly doubt he will.If Trump wins and doesn’t put forth a concrete plan to gut the federal budget in at least a couple of months, it’s a massive failure.
yeah it’s frightening to realize that we are living among these people, many of whom i know and are seemingly conservative people otherwise. the hatred for trump does strange and dangerous things to peopleAll of this begs the question: If Kamala is THIS stupid, then exactly HOW stupid are the people VOTING for her? It's frightening, to be honest with you.
Why doesn't he have a public plan now if that's what he's going to do? Since he doesn't, I strongly doubt he will.
Well, that is just unacceptable. They're the same size as Tennessee. Get it done, on election night. It's addition, not differential equations.
she’s a perfect example of someone who’s been promoted all her life because of who she knows and who she blows. i don’t think that she ever realistically thought she would reach the level of vpotus or have a shot at being potus. now that she’s there she finds that she’s totally out of her league but the regime behind her has no choice but try to push her over the finish line.To be brutally honest. I don't think she's ANYTHING. Having actually seen her in action, during this campaign, I think that she is, quite literally, too stupid to comprehend an actual political idealogy.
I'm not making a wisecrack either. I'm thoroughly convinced that she is mentally impaired. I'm being completely serious.
Perhaps she wasn't ALWAYS this way. Maybe she had some sort of head trauma, or it's substance abuse. Either way, as it currently stands, she's a certifiable moron. I think it would take her HOURS to complete a basic word search puzzle.
No question. But if he's going to really make some major moves on government, why not be open & honest about it now? Since he's not, I doubt he will but just for now lets people believe he will. Good politics & theater.Well, he can complete a sentence, and this point, by comparison, that makes him imminently more qualified than Kamala.
They're prepping so they can cheat again.
I completely get all of that. And there have been political puppets forever. But I'm saying that I have never seen anyone in Federal office THIS stupid. And that includes Dan Quayle.she’s a perfect example of someone who’s been promoted all her life because of who she knows and who she blows. i don’t think that she ever realistically thought she would reach the level of vpotus or have a shot at being potus. now that she’s there she finds that she’s totally out of her league but the regime behind her has no choice but try to push her over the finish line.
I heard Rich Barris say today that it was election day drop off ballots that are the problem. They do not begin counting those until the next day. Trump should tell his voters to vote by mail early or in person. He is doing great so far in AZ early voting, btw.Well, that is just unacceptable. They're the same size as Tennessee. Get it done, on election night. It's addition, not differential equations.
More than by law, by the Constitution. It's never happened before, but I think he has to be VP first before becoming, so would be sworn into that office he was elected to & turn around & immediately be sworn in as Prez. I think.If they take him out before inauguration, does Vance ascend to the top of the ticket by law?
This is exactly why people are skeptical about election integrity. It’s frustrating and alarming.
No question. But if he's going to really make some major moves on government, why not be open & honest about it now? Since he's not, I doubt he will but just for now lets people believe he will. Good politics & theater.
That would be great. But we're down to (IMO) keeping Boo Radley out of the Oval Office. We deal with the rest later.No question. But if he's going to really make some major moves on government, why not be open & honest about it now? Since he's not, I doubt he will but just for now lets people believe he will. Good politics & theater.