The media's Democrat's China's "October surprise" whiteboard
- Trump's mean tweets are indicative of how much he dislikes people
- Trump's rallies and photo ops after assassination attempt show his campaign is on the ropes and treading water
- Melania is being held hostage in one of Trump's properties
- Kamala is a woman of the people who grew up poor and even worked at McDonald's
- Kamala's campaign platform detailing how she's going to help the "common folk" is both original and refreshing, no matter which accent she needs to use
- As a felon, everyone knows Trump's unfit to be president and people are distancing themselves from him
- Look at all of the white "dudes" that are voting for Kamala!
- Even if Kamala isn't black, she's clearly not a white male, nor deferring to one, and doesn't need one to run this country nor help her through an interview
- Kamala had nothing to do with the decisions made by Joe Biden
- Kamala is better than Trump because she wouldn't abuse her authority and lock people up that havent done anything wrong
- Trump's publicity stunt working at McDonald's in PA has made America fat, set us back decades, and caused food poisoning on the west coast
- Trump is Hitler
"Looks like we gotta ROLL OUT the Trump IS HITLER marketing!!"
"Should we reuse the signs from 2016, or the ones from Charlottesville, or just make new ones?!?!"