Dr. Angus Dalgleish campaigned for Parliament in 2015 and lost. He was a big BREXIT nut backer and seems like he has a lot of politics in his blood for a doctor. Still, vigorous debate serves us all so he is certainly qualified to weigh into the debate and be listened to. If you've ever watched a commercial for virtually any drug or any vaccine there are potential side effects for almost everything. We do the best for the most... the needs of the many outweigh the few. It has always been that way and will always be that way. If you're looking for perfect you're not going to get it from any medicine that has ever existed.
You guys live and harp on the periphery. You obsess on the grey area of uncertainty and anomalies instead of the overwhelming good done for the many. The world doesn't work that way. The many, the intelligent, and the progressives will move forward, survive, and reproduce happily while the ignorant, the fearful, and the conspiratorial will be left behind in the dust. It has always been that way and is why despite your fears life expectancy has increased globally by more than 6 years just since 2000. We will move forward despite you and your fear mongering ignorance.