How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The people that tell you that you are in a cult write sh-t like this:

It's always been a projection, a projection by people who think they are much smarter than they really are.

They don't/can't even look at that picture and understand what it means, what's been/being done to them, what's being conveyed, the very obvious reality staring them in the face. They are walkgint talking dunning-kruger graphs, the lot of them.

Speaking of such idiots, I was telling that madaboutblue character a year ago that there's no way self-respecting black men were gonna vote for Her (this ticket). The pandering and patronizing is over the top; now they're sayig it's all because they're misogynist.

Hillary got something like 90% of the Black vote. They can't be not voting for Kackkles simply because she's a women. That's completely clueless.
If I was a Black man, and some moron like Barry talked down to me like he did them the other day, there'd be an ass-whoopin ;)

metaphorically speaking. They'd at the very least never get my vote again. It's insulting their intelligence.
Obama AGAIN shows that he's the most HYPOCRITICAL POS that ever feigned being a constitutionalist. This ashole is excoriating "black men/brothers" about not wanting to vote for anyone as equally empty buy much worse of an actor than he is. And that's ALL he is. Maybe their rise up into politics is more similar than we know, but I DO KNOW that POS was afraid to choose A WOMAN for VP both times he campaigned for president!!

As a matter of FACT he didn't even choose a BLACK or minority VP to put on the ticket with him. Why is that BO, because it stank then and it still stinks now, even if none of your rimmers want to say anything about it? Why?

Because YOU are a liar and always have been. You are a hypocrite and always have been. You lied to get your school paid for and you lied to become president. Campaigned on transparency and continually signed documents to make the govt less transparent every step of the way, among other things.

Why would anyone listen to the "brother when it suits him" multi-millionaire who hasn't given a dime to help democrats of any color anywhere? He's been out of touch since before he threw $30k hot dog and pizza parties. He's been against the people since before he put a loaded gun in the hand of a gang member that killed an American citizen. He's been oit of touch since before he murdered civilians by drone

He just had the help of the media to hide it. Go back to your drugs and MV mansion, BO. Save the fake accents and slang for the people that will pay to hear it.

So wishy-washy...just say what you mean. ;)
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Luxury Leftism is about you making you feel good about you. Never mind that your Luxury views only harm those you profess to want to help. But then reality bites you in the ass.

I've always liked her. (not her views)

But it's like that syaing come to life, however it goes, "a liberal is just a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet."
Very true. They interviewed people outside Kamala’s rally in NC today and over and over they said the reason they were voting for Kamala was because she wasn’t Trump. These petulant scum will gladly watch four more years of wars just to stop a man they hate. Incredibly irresponsible.

It’s these delusional low-informational emotional voters that are exceptionally gullible to media brainwashing that will burn the GD country to the ground just to “vote against him”. These idiots can’t coherently argue any policy issues, and when you press them on it, they get easily triggered and start talking about “muh democracy and muh abortion”. It’s generally depressing when you think about it, but hopefully they’ll be outvoted this time.
I actually view you as a decent poster despite the fact we disagree on a lot. I don’t think you’re a troll like many on here. That said, I’ll go through this with my view and try to better understand.

1. Completely agree we need not just equal, but more spending cuts. That’s why I’m stoked at his idea of a gov’t efficiency program run by Musk, who is quoted as saying more than 75% of federal gov’t programs are waste and can get the ax. Let’s go!!!

2. I’m mixed on reinstating the Salt deductions. It does reward high tax/big spending states, but it also helps MANY middle class workers who need any tax break they can get their hands on. So that’s a debate worth having.

3. The idea that car loan interest deduction helps the wealthy is a fallacy. Wealthy people by definition do not carry car loans. This only makes a tiny bit of sense if you consider middle and upper middle class wealthy, which they are not. Also, “give to the poor” vs tax the wealthy are 2 separate conversations. Poor do not pay tax, so tax break and deduction conversations can only be about those that pay taxes. We can have a totally separate debate about some sort of safety net for the poor. I can promise any program like that will not be dependent on taxing the wealthy more.

4. Those earning out of country should not pay tax in country just like those earning in KY shouldn’t pay tax in CA. Also $253k is not by any stretch of the imagination “wealthy”.

5. Not up to date in his SS and Medicare policy, but I’m sure they will continue being the failed and mismanaged programs they’ve been since inception. Just further proves the gov’t sucks at everything and the fewer programs and gov’t intrustion, the better.

6. How many waiters make $100k per year as a % of all waiters? I’d venture a guess it’s very very small. I also really hope you aren’t claiming $100k is “wealthy”. In today’s world, someone making that can barely afford to buy a low end home. It just seems odd that you’d focus on an extreme minority to say a policy is bad for everyone.

You come across as someone that can’t get past this tired idea pushed by the left that the wealthy “don’t pay their fair share”. It’s a myth and outright lie to create class warfare. The reality is it doesn’t matter one tiny bit what anyone pays in taxes, the gov’t will waste damn near all of it and those in need will stay in need.

I’m all for the lowest amount of income tax paid by EVERYONE regardless of income level and we go to a consumer based tax system, which was how it was always supposed to be. Income tax is the only thing the left focuses on publicly and politically as a way to divide and conquer. The truth of the matter is the gov’t can generate even more income in a robust economy with consumerism. The problem is that removes their ability to create class warfare, which they so love. Along with race, gender, sex, etc etc etc.
You must not realize he is Dion.
Dr. Angus Dalgleish campaigned for Parliament in 2015 and lost. He was a big BREXIT nut backer and seems like he has a lot of politics in his blood for a doctor. Still, vigorous debate serves us all so he is certainly qualified to weigh into the debate and be listened to. If you've ever watched a commercial for virtually any drug or any vaccine there are potential side effects for almost everything. We do the best for the most... the needs of the many outweigh the few. It has always been that way and will always be that way. If you're looking for perfect you're not going to get it from any medicine that has ever existed.

You guys live and harp on the periphery. You obsess on the grey area of uncertainty and anomalies instead of the overwhelming good done for the many. The world doesn't work that way. The many, the intelligent, and the progressives will move forward, survive, and reproduce happily while the ignorant, the fearful, and the conspiratorial will be left behind in the dust. It has always been that way and is why despite your fears life expectancy has increased globally by more than 6 years just since 2000. We will move forward despite you and your fear mongering ignorance.
I'm glad you admit he's not a conservative but a wildly spending populist. So that gets him more votes because people want more government goodies. Doesn't mean anyone should be a populist. I'll stick with conservative & pick the better or poor option between big spender & bigger spender. If this position puts me out on an island, so be it. I am curious why me saying Trump isn't conservative offends so many of his ardent supporters.
Dude... You run section 8 housing. You get most of your income off of government spending. Please stop pretending to be morally superior to us because you want less spending.... we all want less spending. Covid blew up Trumps spending. He wasn't much worse on spending than anyone else until covid hit.
Dude... You run section 8 housing. You get most of your income off of government spending. Please stop pretending to be morally superior to us because you want less spending.... we all want less spending. Covid blew up Trumps spending. He wasn't much worse on spending than anyone else until covid hit.

That guy is only here to try to sow division . It’s not going to work.