How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The analogy is understandable. For me, the initial Covid push was believable and it looked as if many of our fears were well-founded. But, after a short while, as evidence was revealed, it became clear that those in charge were ignoring the evidence about impact, origins, etc.

I have read this thread off and on for quite some time now and have seen the claimed conclusions repeated, but unlike Covid, I do not see the progression of evidence toward those conclusions. I get the question, “do you think JOE BIDEN got 81 million votes???” All hypotheses start with a question and I think that is a good question; however, what has followed has not been convincing to me. Evidence of fraud and attempted fraud? Sure. The type of substantive fraud that would lead to Trump losing? Just haven't see it.

And, realizing the weakness of this aspect of my position, while admitting it is a factor, who is the most credible person claiming that cheating resulted in a fraudulent president not named Trump?

There are a number of influential voices who are pro-Trump or anti-Biden or just credible by reputation. Who would you point to to say THIS person lays out the case best?

With Covid and other “conspiracies,” at some point, people who did not originally believe a “conspiracy” admit they were wrong. Where are those people?

Covid, as a story, pales in comparison to the election was truly stolen. That conspiracy has germinated at the base and never attained traction toward the mainstream. Why is that?

Someone referenced a poll suggesting 62% of people think fraud was at play. What was the polling question? Because I believe fraud was at play. That is not the good question. The good question is did fraud impact the reported ultimate outcome?

If 62% of people believe that, really believe that, why is the outrage so confined?
Is pretty simple actually. The powers that be, including the GOP, do not want to let the general public know the election was in fact stolen through whatever process of fraudulent votes took place (although we all know it was mass mail-in voting). They don’t want the general public not having faith in the process. They all just looked the other way as the fraud took place whether they were happy about it or not. A good amount of the GOP is as corrupt as the left in their own right. This is certainly not a government for the people but a government for the government. It’s why Trump is not well liked amongst a lot of the brass, he is not one of them but an outsider disrupting the apple cart.
There is absolutely no reasonable way to justify student loan forgiveness. I find the idea absolutely abhorrent, especially in a country 30 some trillion in debt.

Agreed. A partial REFUND of tuition and fees, yes, but that needs to come from the schools themselves, and their budgets need to be reduced by that margin so they don't just try to charge it to the people. Any school that matriculated people with unmarketable degrees (those for which jobs were not directly available in a working field of study and application) into the workforce should be paying students for that con job.

Likewise, state run schools that offer non-direct application-based instruction should be denied funds until they cut those useless, and non-productive programs. We don't need to be funding alcoholics and professional video game players for 5 years and not prepare then to get a better job than delivering pizzas.

Teach a professional practice, trade, or skill, and only give degrees to people that have mastered such so we don't have more Joe Bidens and Kamala Harrises lying and sleeping their way into leadership positions
Let's tell it like it is. They are NOT feckless. They are at this point willing accomplices. The feckless perception is only manufactured. The players change so it looks random, but they're playing their part in an organized fashion. I don't know if their families are threatened or their personal lives compromised via epstein like blackmail, but it's clear based on their body of avoidance and compliance that the party is merely controlled opposition. They have facilitated all of this for a generation
Very well said.
Standing as it has been applied especially recently is not in the Constitution ... Prove me wrong. I'll take Robert Barnes' word over yours

So, you are saying trial courts should reject the Supreme Court’s holdings as to standing? Is that what Robert Barnes is saying? The cases and controversies language has been construed for over 100 years as a standing requirement. Prove me wrong.
Lol. Someone needs to explain to idiot leftists on this board the difference between "fortune" and "consequence of choice." Oh, wait... they know the difference and there isn't a genuine post typed by them. Just trying to appear caring, while they'd cut your jugular for $500 if they knew they'd never get caught
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They cheated, you see. And will again. The whole idea that there was no evidence is an outright lie.
I think you can already tell which states they'll hijack again. Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina are the target states they'll rig. I think they know they probably overdone it last time and will just concentrate on a handful states to make the steal seem more realistic.
Abortion has overtaken climate change as the undisputed #1 religion for women, especially college-educated white women. It’s insane. Also, “right wing ideology”? Just goes to show both how powerful the education/MSM are when it comes to pushing a message and he easy it is to brainwash women.

Can't be a coincidence that the increase in "climate change" has paralleled that of abortion. If a passionate Gavin told them, D women would believe that climate change was caused by men getting them pregnant
So you don't know.
It was 65 million give or take a bit. Had we had an honest election we wouldn’t have to guess at the actual number of votes. It’s ****ing absurd that we even have to guess. Anyone that participated in the fraud or knows about the fraud and is staying quiet about it deserves the death penalty IMO.
I think you can already tell which states they'll hijack again. Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina are the target states they'll rig. I think they know they probably overdone it last time and will just concentrate on a handful states to make the steal seem more realistic.

They appear to be targeting every state. Can't think of one state that hasn't received an outcome changing number of illegal immigrants
" Waaaa ... my student loans....!!"
"Waaaa ... I had unprotected sex and got pregnant by someone I don't want to marry or raise a child with ....!!"
"Waaaa ... I got a free college education because I'm a minority and still cant get a job with my gender studies degree ....!!"
"Waaaa ... I tattooed my face with symbols of death and butterflies and no one will hire me ....!!"
"Waaaa ... the election was compromised, Trump was not a legitimate president ....!!"
"Waaaa ... the person I elected is a lying imbecile that committed hundreds of felonies over 8 years, it must be Trump's fault ....!!"
"Waaaa ... affirmative action isn't enough....."
"Waaaa ... because I'm not a white male Republican I can't get a job where I dont have to actually work or know what I'm doing ....!!"
"Waaaa ... those fascists are taking over platforms and allowing free speech again......!!"
"Waaaa ... I dont want your heterosexual beliefs shoved in my face....!!"
"Waaaa ... I need to be able to dance naked with a dildo on main street and read stories to your children in a public library....!!"

Gotta love the whining liberals. Never their fault. Always some external excuse why they're hateful, mistreated, and stupid
" Waaaa ... my student loans....!!"
"Waaaa ... I had unprotected sex and got pregnant by someone I don't want to marry or raise a child with ....!!"
"Waaaa ... I got a free college education because I'm a minority and still cant get a job with my gender studies degree ....!!"
"Waaaa ... I tattooed my face with symbols of death and butterflies and no one will hire me ....!!"
"Waaaa ... the election was compromised, Trump was not a legitimate president ....!!"
"Waaaa ... the person I elected is a lying imbecile that committed hundreds of felonies over 8 years, it must be Trump's fault ....!!"
"Waaaa ... affirmative action isn't enough....."
"Waaaa ... because I'm not a white male Republican I can't get a job where I dont have to actually work or know what I'm doing ....!!"
"Waaaa ... those fascists are taking over platforms and allowing free speech again......!!"
"Waaaa ... I dont want your heterosexual beliefs shoved in my face....!!"
"Waaaa ... I need to be able to dance naked with a dildo on main street and read stories to your children in a public library....!!"

Gotta love the whining liberals. Never their fault. Always some external excuse why they're hateful, mistreated, and stupid

Pretty much...
You're making my point: People adoring & voting for Trump by & large aren't conservatives. We're a small minority anymore. Spend away, MAGA !! That's Trump's solution.

Yes, those others ex DeSantis aren't conservatives either. BTW, you don't read here much since you don't know who I'm voting for.
I think you are either FOS, or you simply can't see the forest for the trees.
I've been a conservative since Reagan and will be voting for Trump for the 3rd time in November. American life is imploding by design on nearly every front. War, economically, culturally. And you rather quibble over spending while the whole house burns down. Beyond that, this isn't even about the left vs right paradigm anymore. This is about the American citizens versus the uni-party. This is about a government that is loyal to the globalists, not the American people. Nobody here is pretending that Trump is perfect, but they haven't tried to imprison him, keep him off state ballots, and tried to assassinate him twice already because of "spending." He is a threat to their hegemony, global ambitions, and money laundering. I mean they are quite literally and maliciously driving us to a nuclear holocaust. They used a supposed "pandemic" in order to crack down on civil liberties, and far as I'm concerned committed human right abuses deliberately. Our so called "news" is nothing but state propaganda rivaling North Korea's. But hey look everyone, VHCat up on his high horse rather do that than vote for anyone who doesn't pass his conservative litmus test of purity. Take the red pill and wake the hell up.
Gotcha. So either your brain automatically is in 100% lockstep with the ideologies of the GOP.

Or through conditioning you’ve come to believe that every idea of the GOP is your own.

Or you agree with certain things of the GOP, so you decided to agree with the whole platform out of convenience.

Which is it?
Dude, I don’t have to justify my political beliefs to you or anyone else. Have a nice day.
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I see far more ethical concerns with schools pushing confused little kids to question their sexuality and "gender," etc.

We can’t all about gender, but what I am asking is if funneling money to cronies in the name of religion is ethical.

If you ask me, punishable by hell, but this is also where MAGA loses credibility when it comes to corruption.
I’d also like to hear from people who preach about public schools not being an indoctrination factory, only to make them an indoctrination factory.

One of these days you’ll realize you’re exactly the same as “the libs” and it’s education that loses:
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Anyone with half a brain cell can see Trump is trying to create drama with hurricane relief because North Carolina is a swing state. It’s another case where you’re either in on propagating the con or you’re the target of it.
Iirc many ballots in ga oddly voted only for president. All for biden.

Its statistically impossible. Every in person voting split is never worse than 75/25 and even thats a severe outlier. Yet come mail in time, its 99% dem and that 1% is for appearance.

All in places that just so happened to simultaneously experience some issue where everyone had to be kicked out so vote counting occurred in secret.

To me, the most impressive thing isnt the cheat, because we can all see that. The most impressive thing is the widespread number of people involved and theyre all staying completely quiet.
Yep. That was one of the most glaring examples. Oh six figures of ballots only voted for the president ? Gimme a break. Who believes that? These people were motivated so much to vote for a Democrat that they only filled out one box? Couldn’t be bothered to fill out the rest of the ballot? Couldn’t even hit the “check all Democrat?”

If you wanted to argue like 78 people did this, sure. But over six figures? No way.
...or willing ignorance.

We just couldn't be bothered to take out the trash until there was too much for the truck to pick up. We were entertained to death
This is exactly it. Our ancestors created a whole new country over what? A 2% tax? Meanwhile today, we have let government grow enormously, let them tax us to death, let them invade our nation with replacements, poison our food, have people running the show that were never elected and we can’t be bothered because hey, we have TikTok, sports ball, and Netflix.
I agree its totally believable the government would do this, especially under dem rule. However for anyone that dealt with condemnation or takings, its immediately obvious it isnt possible the government was able to move anywhere near this fast.

Even when the government really wants land, it takes them forever to do something about it.
I saw another video this morning of a guy who went into Chimney Rock. He was on their main drag I believe. There were still buildings standing but in pretty bad shape. Speaking as an Architect, they were likely undermined and unsafe. Not sure if they would have to be condemned or if they could be shored up and salvaged. There were some locals using bulldozers clearing the street and debris. Said there wasn’t a stink, there weren’t bodies everywhere, the guy came across a dead horse. He talked to one of the bulldozer operators and the guy said it was mostly police and military in the area. So it was bad, but there’s probably a lot of rumors floating around. We will see. I think there were areas hit worse and wiped out more than the area that guy was in.
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So Trump good with Israel hitting Iran nuke sites. Talk about escalation. Wow. WW3 here we come.
Biden is in charge and planning on sending long range missiles to strike inside Russia.
Now which of these 2 scenarios has a higher likelihood of ending in MAD?
Who has been in charge the last 4 years?
Now back to your regularly scheduled "butwhatabout Trump" TDS while pretending to be conservative.