I have a family member that holds a pretty prominent elected position in the state as a Republican. Honestly we agree on about 90 percent of everything we debate on here. There are just a few things we don't see eye to eye on but even on those things we could probably find a middle ground most Americans could be ok with. It is just sad that the majority of our politicians choose to keep us divided and enraged instead of looking for solutions to common problems.All kidding aside, I think most conservatives agree with a lot of what you mentioned.. and some of it comes down to "who is paying for this?"
Like with Abortions, you mentioned yesterday. I am totally fine with abortions being covered if it's a health crisis to either/or the mom or baby. Not fine with it being covered at month 8, because the mom changed her mind. Now, that doesn't mean I think she can't have an abortion in this scenario, it just means that taxpayers shouldn't pay for it.
Same with Trans. Of course most of us think these people should be allowed to live. No one is going around rounding them up. But should they be given jobs for being trans? No. Should the tax payer really be funding dick-chop-off surgeries? Also no. And using these services for minors? Also no.
Edit: I realize I am probably not as much of a staunch republican as many others here, so these are just my views, which are admittedly probably more libertarian. Im sure there are some here who don't agree to the above.
Keep hoping he will run for governor one day. He would be awesome. He is much more Reagan Republican than MAGA but supports Trump policies even though he hates his verbal vomit.