Seeing a pattern yet, dims?
Rational people- "Make America Great Again"
Dims- "America is already great..."
Also Dims- "America was never great..."
Rational people and immigrants- "America is a wonderful country. So thankful to be here."
Dims- "America is built on slavery, is racist, and needs to change."
Also Dims- "Let's bus and fly immigrants illegally into America so they can enjoy the same opportunities..."
Also Dims- "Let's put them up in shithole living conditions with 8 people to a room and let people pay them dramatically less than citizens."
Rational people- "Slavery as an institution needs to end!"
Dims- "No. Freed slaves will take our jobs."
Also Dims- "Let's kill the president."
Rational people- "Let's pass laws to protect freed people, so they can be productive."
Dims- "Let's keep them from truly being free by using the legal system against them."
Also Dims- "Those people aren't productive, so let's abuse them more by forming secret societies."
Rational people- "Let's get rid of these secret societies that are hurting the people."
Dims- "Let's kill another president."
Also Dims- "Let's pay some of the people not to be productive then incentivise them to have children outside of marriage to destroy their families abd keep them poor and unproductive."
Rational people- "Prices are going up way faster than my wages can keep pace, inflation must be increasing."
Dims- "There is no inflation."
Also Dims- "Inflation isn't bad."
Also Dims- "Inflation isn't increasing that much."
Also Dims- "We can't take four more years of rampant inflation."
Also Dims- "Let's lower the interest rates."
Also Dims- "Let's spend the people's money to bring more people in illegally to take jobs at lower wages and receive free welfare and services the citizens don't receive, and reduce the taxes being paid to the govt."
Also Dims- "We don't really know what causes inflation."
Stupid Dims- "The days of 3% growth in GDP aren't coming back."
Also Stupid Dims- "Trump can't make things better."
Also Stupid Dims- "Trump can't win."
Also Stupid Dims- "Trump will never be president."
Rational people- "We think we can be productive and that a country run like a business is better."
Also Rational people- "OH, look. He won and GDP growth beat 3%."
Dims- "We want the green new deal, amnesty for illegals, free college tuition, student loan repayment, reparations, higher taxes, more censorship, and more money spent in foreign conflicts that could have been avoided by diplomacy."
Also Dims- "We want the same things Trump wants for the country."
Also Dims- "Trump is a monster, a warmonger, and a fascist..."
Rational people- "...even though he brokered peace, refused to enter more conflicts, and wants free speech for all?"
Dims- "Trump stole the presidency. We need to secure election integrity. There was foreign interference in our election."
Rational people- "Are you talking about the Russian disinfo campaign the Democrats knew was false and used to try to influence the election?"
Also Dims- "No. That foreign interference was fine."
Rational people- "Hundreds of thousands of votes don't all magically switch from one candidate to another in 2 minutes at 1am. Also, there's no evidence of a "pipe bursting" at the polls where vote counting and onbervation was said to be "halted," and there's video evidence they kept counting without observers present. Also, theres no chain of custody for large batches of "mail in votes" in more than 4 key states on election day."
Also Dims- "No. That lack of election integrity was fine."
Also Dims- "We deleted all of the voting data legally required to be maintained and accessible for 1-2 years after the election from subpoenaed servers, cards and hard drives."
Also Dims- "Elections are secure."
Dims- "We need to prevent foreign interference in our elections.
Rational people- "Why is a foreign diplomat campaigning in multiple states for a candidate on the ballot?"
Also Dims- "That's different. He can endorse whomever he wants."
Rational people- "The candidate and US Govt agencies are paying for the foreign diplomat to campaign for that candidate, a foreign agent who stands to lose a lot of money if their opponent is elected."
Also Dims- "....."
They reveal their self-centered hypocrisy and empty hearts every time they open their mouths.