How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It was voted down because stupid non issue shit like that doesn't belong on a ballot measures. Just makes the GoP look like morons and lose elections.
I'm going to regret this I know, but I'm trying to figure out the logic that leads you to that conclusion. It's not like any of us have a CHOICE about whether or not we support them. The payroll deductions are, you know, MANDATORY. LOL

FDR was the f*** up that started this catastrophe, not us. A responsible person, that started investing the money they paid into SSA would have probably doubled what they're going to get out of it, if they retire at 67.
This is the nonsense they pull. "Oh you drive on roads? Well, you actually love Karl Marx then"

SS is a ponzi scheme, I could get a much higher return investing the same amount myself and pull it out when I wanted. It's the dumbest shit on earth.
It's the anti-responsibility party. I want to have sex with whoever, whenever I want without worrying about a baby. I want a degree in underwater basket weaving without having to pay for it. I don't want to have to seek help for a mental disorder, I want you to pretend I'm normal. I don't want to accept that creating a godless, moraless society is why kids are shooting each other, I want you to give up your means of protecting yourself. I don't want to have to get a job, but I want you to pay for my healthcare. I don't want to discipline myself to eat healthy, but I want to be fat and on the cover of sports illustrated. I don't want to donate money to help poor ppl, I want to tax those who create jobs and nice products so they have to.

Every single issue the left cares about can be widdled down to them being entitled brats who don't believe in taking any type of responsibility for their own actions but still somehow believe the world owes them everything. And the dem politicians are winning because they give it to them for votes, regardless of the inevitable destruction of society it will bring. Bold strategy Cotton, let's see how that pays off for the country.
Post of the year candidate.
I actually believe in none of those and they have all weakened the entities they are meant represent.

I believe in SS and Medicare now I guess, since they have stolen countless dollars of mine for the “promise” and I’d like to have some back.

Public education has proven to make us dumber by each decade.
i think the lack of responsible two parent families is where the blame lies. it won’t matter what kind of school system we have if there’s no guidance at home
A Harris staffer that works there did it. Case closed.

Damage from gunfire, fired sometime after midnight on Monday, was discovered at the Democratic National Committee campaign office near Southern Avenue and Priest Drive in Tempe, the Tempe Police Department told The Post.

“No one was inside the office during the overnight hours, but this raises concerns about the safety of those who work in that building, as well as those nearby,” said Public Information Officer Sgt. Ryan Cook.
i think the lack of responsible two parent families is where the blame lies. it won’t matter what kind of school system we have if there’s no guidance at home

Study after study has confirmed that having a father in the home is THE single biggest factor when determining the chances that a child(ren) will succeed in school and life. It is not even CLOSE.
Do you buy it through a metals IRA? I buy bullion, in the form of 1 ounce rounds, and some 5 ounce bars etc. I've got SOME legal tender coins (Maple Leafs and Austrian Philharmonics) but it's mostly rounds/bars. The premiums are too high on the government minted stuff.

Paying the taxes and shipping sucks, but I like to have it "in my possession"

Junk silver used to be a deal, but not now.
I'm not a member anymore, but I heard that Costco is selling 5 and 10 ounce silver bullion now. Sometimes below spot (if you time it right)
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i think the lack of responsible two parent families is where the blame lies. it won’t matter what kind of school system we have if there’s no guidance at home

This is 100% true. Dealing with it right now as a parent of 4 all under 12 years old. The thing is, parenting isn't easy. There are no classes but you have to be a good person...that is the most important. Ability to give attention, direction and space isn't easy.

It is a daily learning experience, but like anything in life you have to want it, to do it. Sacrifice. So many people have kids and don't realize what it is to be a parent.
How did it get where abortion is the absolute, unobstructed, #1 most important thing in the world for the left? It’s not like a lot of these loons we see out there in their v*gina hats are getting laid all the time. Real mean want nothing to do with those crazy bats and the “men” on the Left are either too scared to hit on said crazies or prefer another medicine.

Near as I can figure.... this seems spot on.

"....mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone."

The rest are left to feed on the ashes in the wake of their destruction. Their minds are broken because their desire rules over them unchecked.
@paulcalhoun - are you the ACTUAL Paul Calhoun? Hero of the 1984 HOF Bowl, and possibly the most versatile player in UK Football History? (Punter, Safety, and IIRC second string QB)
I'm not but I was a huge fan and agree with your assessment. I'm about positive he still holds the single season interception record with 9. I'm almost as certain he was all SEC punter as well.
I actually believe in none of those and they have all weakened the entities they are meant represent.


I believe in SS and Medicare now I guess, since they have stolen countless dollars of mine for the “promise” and I’d like to have some back.

Exactly. They were sold by socialists as an investment when it was a Ponzi scheme. Instead of rounding up the perps that created it and lied about it, everyone is trying to get their money back out if it. Health insurance is another such failed scheme.

Public education has proven to make us dumber by each decade.

Exactly. Like all socialism, it devolved to attempt to drag down those trying and with the potential to succeed. It always promises to make a level playing field by "lifting up" but instead adds more weight and breaks down those who might have lifted society up through innovation.

Gangs and bullying have flourished along with poverty and corruption, broken people and families, because everyone is lustfully looking at what is not theirs, instead of looking at what is right and just for all, and placing the blame for the lack thereof with the people in power trying to make sure they never have what the elite do. Gullible, malleable, and addicted masses
I can't help but wonder if this is the governments way of trying to stop Trump from doing any campaign events...or maybe it is true. Iran is definitely in some deep shit if Trump wins and they know it (that is a fact...they will go broke again).

I can't help but wonder if this is the governments way of trying to stop Trump from doing any campaign events...or maybe it is true. Iran is definitely in some deep shit if Trump wins and they know it (that is a fact...they will go broke again).

Exactly my thoughts on this. They've got no way to attack him on issues, and the govt dole/grift is at risk in a big way if he's elected again, unless they can push the narrative of him being scared and in a bunker like he was for 2 days once because of credible threats.
How did it get where abortion is the absolute, unobstructed, #1 most important thing in the world for the left? It’s not like a lot of these loons we see out there in their v*gina hats are getting laid all the time. Real mean want nothing to do with those crazy bats and the “men” on the Left are either too scared to hit on said crazies or prefer another medicine.
Ann Coulter said it. Abortion is the left's holy sacrament. They must kill the chirren.
Capitalism, or at least the version that is expressed by the United States, post WWII, represents the best chance for the MOST people by FAR, as opposed to any system the modern world has ever seen. And if it were not for that prosperity, the world would be a much more inhospitable place.

It is a practical impossibility to quantify the amount of suffering that the United States has alleviated, world wide, since they decided to enter in to WWII.

It's not perfect. Nothing is. But I'll never understand it, when US citizens rail against it, and characterize it as evil incarnate. I just have to keep in mind that all of that comes from ignorance. They just don't KNOW how much the United States has, on balance, done for the rest of the world. And also, what it would BE right now, if NOT for the US.

Those are words that the rest of the world might want to reflect on as well. Because they sure like to talk sh*t about us (while holding out their hand.)
You act like we did it out of altruism. We did it out of self-interest. We bribed ourselves up a global alliance to oppose whoever we don't like. Everyone benefitted from the secure exchange of goods that didn't require personal economic investment in military dominance. All of this prosperity isn't due to capitalism, it's thanks to globalism. There're tons of different economic systems the world over and they've all benefitted from secure trade.
A Harris staffer that works there did it. Case closed.

Damage from gunfire, fired sometime after midnight on Monday, was discovered at the Democratic National Committee campaign office near Southern Avenue and Priest Drive in Tempe, the Tempe Police Department told The Post.

“No one was inside the office during the overnight hours, but this raises concerns about the safety of those who work in that building, as well as those nearby,” said Public Information Officer Sgt. Ryan Cook.
I bet it’s the same SOBs who got Jussie and they have now made their way to Arizona with the Proud Boys.
Imagine thinking anyone cares about Jan. 6th outside of media types, D.C. crowd, and deranged people. No one else cares. It's 4 years later and they are asking people about it at union town hall in Michigan haha

I truly believe whoever the 2028 nominee for the Republican party is will be asked: 'do you denounce those who 'attacked our democracy' on Jan. 6th?'

And if you don't remember who Alex Wagner is...I believe she is the one who on air years ago said that Rand Paul getting attacked by his neighbor was her 'favorite story of the day'