How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I'm not but I was a huge fan and agree with your assessment. I'm about positive he still holds the single season interception record with 9. I'm almost as certain he was all SEC punter as well.
Correct on both accounts (int number was 7). Seriously, that dude was just phenomenal. A LEGEND, and I would bet most UK fans would say, Who? And that isn't their fault. That guy needs some more love from the UK Athletic Dept. if you ask me.

I didn't even know he PLAYED QB, until he was forced into action, either at the end of a geme or something. What an athlete, and like I said, a LEGEND.

Safety - 7 interceptions in 1984

Punter all SEC , averaged 44.6 yards per punt in 1984

QB - 2 for 2 100 completion percentage 30 yards per completion LOL

Also, converted 4th and a mile on a fake punt, which he just decided, all on his own to do, against Miss St. I thought Jerry Claiborne was going to have a stroke when Paul just said, "f*ck it, I'm going" 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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Can you imagine, if Trump loses the election because of ONE Republican lawmaker in Nebraska?

That guy (Mike McDonnell) is proper fvcked. 😆

The Republicans will FLOOD into Omaha, and you can imagine what will happen THEN.*

*(trash will get picked up, that senior center will finally get a much needed new coat of paint, a brand new gazebo stage will be built in the main city park so that Saturday evening concerts can be held, and 200,000 dollars will be raised to get the new homeless shelter off to a good start.)
i think the lack of responsible two parent families is where the blame lies. it won’t matter what kind of school system we have if there’s no guidance at home
And even in cases of two parent families, children aren't raised by their mothers anymore because both parents usually have to work now. Children are now raised by daycare, babysitters and or public schools. We wanted so badly to let women work (and I'm not saying that they shouldn't be able to if they want) that we have created an economy in which they have to in order to make enough money to provide for kids. This is a by-product of encouraging women into the work force. We no longer have full time mothers and well, dads are great but kids need a mother's love growing up. It does so much for a society and there's no way to ever get that back.
Imagine thinking anyone cares about Jan. 6th outside of media types, D.C. crowd, and deranged people. No one else cares. It's 4 years later and they are asking people about it at union town hall in Michigan haha

I truly believe whoever the 2028 nominee for the Republican party is will be asked: 'do you denounce those who 'attacked our democracy' on Jan. 6th?'
Correct on both accounts (int number was 7). Seriously, that dude was just phenomenal. A LEGEND, and I would bet most UK fans would say, Who? And that isn't their fault. That guy needs some more love from the UK Athletic Dept. if you ask me.

I didn't even know he PLAYED QB, until he was forced into action, either at the end of a geme or something. What an athlete, and like I said, a LEGEND.

Safety - 7 interceptions in 1984

Punter all SEC , averaged 44.6 yards per punt in 1984

QB - 2 for 2 100 completion percentage 30 yards per completion LOL

Also, converted 4th and a mile on a fake punt, which he just decided, all on his own to do, against Miss St. I thought Jerry Claiborne was going to have a stroke when Paul just said, "f*ck it, I'm going" 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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Are they just waking up from eating a poisoned apple? I, we, everyone has been talking about Nebraska's 2nd district for almost a f***ing year. LOL

I don't think it's going to matter, because I believe Trump is going to win New Mexico, and if he does, it renders the entire Rust Belt, Nebraska's 2nd, and Maine irrelevant.
It is interesting that Republicans are trying to change the way the EC works in NE to get themselves a better outcome. Makes all the criticism of the left’s desire to reform it kind of ring hollow, huh? Almost like the only reason y’all favor the EC is because it favors y’all.

Crime is down! All is well!

I still remember people in that Lexington shooting thread calling me a conspiracy theorist when i pointed out numbers are only down because some cities numbers just arent in the report, for one reason or another.

If trump miraculously wins - how long till those cities all get their numbers in the report and msm will start pounding the "crime is up under trump" headlines?
And even in cases of two parent families, children aren't raised by their mothers anymore because both parents usually have to work now. Children are now raised by daycare, babysitters and or public schools. We wanted so badly to let women work (and I'm not saying that they shouldn't be able to if they want) that we have created an economy in which they have to in order to make enough money to provide for kids. This is a by-product of encouraging women into the work force. We no longer have full time mothers and well, dads are great but kids need a mother's love growing up. It does so much for a society and there's no way to ever get that back.
Back in the days of industrialization, the children actually grew up with the fathers working out on the farm.

No harm done. The raped children will all be provided abortions. NO CHARGE! As many as they need.

Spread the JOY! Make all of our new friends feel WELCOME! - demo☭rats

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
That’s perfectly fine. If it was my daughter, I would actually be glad that her rapist was let back out onto the street. Makes it easier for me to get at him.

Crime is down! All is well!

I still remember people in that Lexington shooting thread calling me a conspiracy theorist when i pointed out numbers are only down because some cities numbers just arent in the report, for one reason or another.

If trump miraculously wins - how long till those cities all get their numbers in the report and msm will start pounding the "crime is up under trump" headlines?
Excellent question. Crime will be up spectacularly under Trump. In fact, everything is worse under Republican administrations, according to MSM, with Fox News/Business barely lone exceptions.

I, too, have grown weary of the bias over the years.
This is 100% true. Dealing with it right now as a parent of 4 all under 12 years old. The thing is, parenting isn't easy. There are no classes but you have to be a good person...that is the most important. Ability to give attention, direction and space isn't easy.

It is a daily learning experience, but like anything in life you have to want it, to do it. Sacrifice. So many people have kids and don't realize what it is to be a parent.

Children need your time...
I remember that fake punt very well. That '84 team was very good and such a pleasure to enjoy at that point in time.
I did not see that game or any other games in that time frame. I was in Germany in the military out in the middle of nowhere at a special weapons unit (@AustinTXCat knows what I am talking about). Most of our tv was either from AFN (Armed Forces Network), the BBC (worked with Brits and Belgians), or German networks.

Tifiw but some interesting points here. Sounds like at best kamala is 12% black but mostly irish white descending from wealthy white slave owners.

I know i jokingly said months ago she too is probably foreign born. Wouldn't shock me if that was actually the case. Everything else about her is a lie. What's one more.
Something interesting about this ... you see a bunch of pictures of when Kamalahoe was younger. Yet, still not ONE photo of Big Mike either as a child, in a yearbook, or while pregnant ... either time. That's weird.
Correct on both accounts (int number was 7). Seriously, that dude was just phenomenal. A LEGEND, and I would bet most UK fans would say, Who? And that isn't their fault. That guy needs some more love from the UK Athletic Dept. if you ask me.

I didn't even know he PLAYED QB, until he was forced into action, either at the end of a geme or something. What an athlete, and like I said, a LEGEND.

Safety - 7 interceptions in 1984

Punter all SEC , averaged 44.6 yards per punt in 1984

QB - 2 for 2 100 completion percentage 30 yards per completion LOL

Also, converted 4th and a mile on a fake punt, which he just decided, all on his own to do, against Miss St. I thought Jerry Claiborne was going to have a stroke when Paul just said, "f*ck it, I'm going" 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

The next time I see Paul I'll tell him he's being discussed on the Political Board. He'll get a laugh out of that.🤣
His "suicide watch" consists of everybody waiting and wondering just when he will be "suicided"
Something interesting about this ... you see a bunch of pictures of when Kamalahoe was younger. Yet, still not ONE photo of Big Mike either as a child, in a yearbook, or while pregnant ... either time. That's weird.

Everything about both they and Kamala is a lie. Nothing would shock me.

Another one thats a total lie and plant is omar. Her religion wont even allow a woman to be educated, are mens propi, etc but..... we're supposed to believe she was voted to Congress? Zero chance. None.
Here is one thing I've never understood. The left loves to rake in celebrity endorsements. But, if you actually think about it; most of them are HS drop outs, have no connection to real life, and are, by and large, mediocre at best (on the intelligence scale) And so that is a good thing HOW exactly?
well, for one, most sold their souls to get their fame and fortune. the other is despite how ignorant or idiotic they are, they have a very broad reach and morons follow every word they say because they idolize them.
I did not see that game or any other games in that time frame. I was in Germany in the military out in the middle of nowhere at a special weapons unit (@AustinTXCat knows what I am talking about). Most of our tv was either from AFN (Armed Forces Network), the BBC (worked with Brits and Belgians), or German networks.
Yeah, back then, Stars & Stripes Sunday edition college football box scores were our link to collegiate football. Heh, I remember when Florida State def West Virginia in 1982 Gator Bowl. We found out about it 4 days later. Stationed down in Sinai desert at the time.

We received AFN-Europe radio at Burbach. Barely. No TV. I listened to a couple football games over AFN back during 80s while stationed in Germany. UK coverage was non-existent, except for announcer reading box scores. Best time of my life back then.

Tifiw but some interesting points here. Sounds like at best kamala is 12% black but mostly irish white descending from wealthy white slave owners.

I know i jokingly said months ago she too is probably foreign born. Wouldn't shock me if that was actually the case. Everything else about her is a lie. What's one more.
Brown and Harris are really not Irish names. Those are Anglo Saxons sent to Ireland to Anglicize the Irish. Likely they married and had children with local Irish unless they took English wives with them.
The left is going to succeed in one of their murder attempts. I pray I’m wrong but with the intel agencies and the amount of psychos jumping at the chance with the media’s constant call to arms, hard to survive this.

God knows what will happen after that.
Not to mention the Secret Service being in complete dissarray. Trump would seriously be better off hiring his own security detail to counter the SS.
Russia, Iran, IRS, UN… quite the stable of endorsements. LIBS are a National embarrassment.

These endorsements have got to impact the willingness of independents to vote for Kamabla. Not that they’ll pull the lever for Trump, but if anyone is actually on the fence between voting for Kamabla or not, being on the same side as Dick Cheney, Iran, the IRS union, Satan, illegal aliens, the UN (not the US), etc. has got to sway you a little bit.

How could anyone look at that group of evil people and think they want what’s best for you and the United States?
Yeah, back then, Stars & Stripes Sunday edition college football box scores were our link to collegiate football. Heh, I remember when Florida State def West Virginia in 1982 Gator Bowl. We found out about it 4 days later. Stationed down in Sinai desert at the time.

We received AFN-Europe radio at Burbach. Barely. No TV. I listened to a couple football games over AFN back during 80s while stationed in Germany. UK coverage was non-existent, except for announcer reading box scores. Best time of my life back then.

My father, God Bless him, would go to the post office on Lansdowne Dr. every few weeks, and send me a "care" package. It would always contain the Herald Leader Sports sections that he had set aside, and a couple of VCR tapes, that had the previous few weeks' Kentucky games on them. (Football AND Basketball when they overlapped)

It's hard to put into words what that meant to me. It was like Christmas when those packages would arrive. My father is just an awesome man. (a week from Saturday is when I take him on his honor flight (Korean War) and I can't wait)
I didn't realize you knew him. That's awesome.

Paul Calhoun once kicked an 80 yard punt. (probably still the school record)
Yeah, he's a good guy. A couple of my In-laws are close friends with he and his wife. They're good people. If you didn't know who he was, you would have no idea he played college football because he doesn't really bring it up.