How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Did you miss what I replied to Dion? My point still stands. Legal immigration not illegal.
Very little immigration is illegal as long as current ASYLUM law is in effect. That's why the GD Border Bill was so important to pass.
Currently.... Anyone who shows up ANYWHERE on the US Border can claim ASYLUM and has to be allowed in according to the law.
That has to be fixed before immigration can be controlled.
  • Haha
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Your cult is one big village led by the King of Village Idiots.
Just ask Republican Gov Dewine about what an Idiot Trump is.
Trump's America... Give this a listen if you clowns have any balls or any brains left after years of brainwashing.

What will happen to those businesses if Trump comes in an rounds up its workers?

There are 2 misconceptions about Haitians and immigrants in general. (At least)

#1. The government didn't place the Haitians in Springfield. There were a few Haitians there who got hired. Then, word of mouth worked to draw other Haitians to Springfield. Immigrant groups, particularly refugees, are tight-knit. They rely on each other -- languages skills, shopping, housing, health -- for information. Whither thou goest, I will go.

#2. Vance told 3 lies about the Haitian's. First that Harris illegally waved a magic wand of TPS and humanitarian parole and turned them into legal immigrants. First, Harris didn't do it. There are already government policies in place. Second, that it was illegal. Third, TPS and humanitarian parole are longstanding, legal processes available for immigrants in general. That's how all those South Florida Cubans got here.

In the longer view, immigrants and foreign workers are essential to this country's economy. Agriculture, medicine, light industry, building rely on foreign born workers. Because there aren't enough Americans willing or able to do those jobs. Other cultures aren't as anti-intellectual as America. Kids eagerly study so they're ready to earn their living. And since many countries which people are eager to leave are poor, the immigrants from there are ready for the kinds of labor intensive jobs that lots of Americans look down on. Kicking out foreign born workers -- and don't imagine that the effort would make nice with legal distinctions -- would cripple this country.

It isn't as if this is a secret known only to some. So, you have to ask yourselves the question. Is Trump lying? Are the voters he's wooing being stirred up simply to get him to power? (my 1st choice) The other possibility is that he really doesn't care. He likes chaos. Actually, there's a 3rd possibility, he's simply mouthing his Best Hits because of cognitive decline. He knows that jail awaits if he doesn't win.
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Your cult is one big village led by the King of Village Idiots.
you are one nasty NPC

I'm done with PlutoTV till after the election. Like their old 'classic TV' shows and old movies....but it is one Harris ad (see lie) after another. This morning it was 5 in a row on one 'commercial break'. Dont want to waste my time with that nonsense.
I was traveling for work this week. I took my Apple TV with me so I could watch what I wanted.

I noticed the same thing on Pluto. It was aggravating as hell.

I only pay for two services, YouTube Premium and Crunchyroll. Let's say that I ended up watching many training videos this week. lol
No. Again, as it literally says in the document secession was because Lincoln and his party want to end slavery:

“He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,” and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction. . . .

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.”

Did you even read it?
Foreign governments aren't entitled to constitutional protection.

Pathetic attempt at making a point.
Money only comes alive in someone's hands. The recent revelations about right wing influencers getting Russian money is an example of what I imagine we're both talking about. What Democratic politician do you imagine gets money from abroad to spiel propaganda. Do you imagine that liberal democracies like Sweden send our politicians money? Why?

I believe those right wing influencers only had to register as foreign agents and could keep on spouting. An old law dating back before WW2.
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I seriously doubt they have enough workers to complete that without illegally working people beyond 16 hours. Me, at that point I'd tell the leaders I'm going home and going to bed.
My buddy just had a public conversation with a misinformed liberal. After stressing (emotionally/visibly angry) that they were "reasonable" in their choice of candidate, they admitted 1) they "hate Trump" so nothing anyone says is going to register, 2) they couldn't listen to any reasonable examples as to the differences between the 2 candidates (because they didn't want to hear any negatives about D candidates), and 3) iirc what they said, when finally unable to come up with ANY specific instances where they said Trump did what they accuse him of doing, 4) reverted to "well both sides do it" and ended the argument when they couldn't prove the R candidate did what the D candidates have been doing.

You can't reason with the unreasonable. They refuse to believe facts. They refuse to question narratives. They cannot even listen to reason without becoming violently angry. All because they have been told one candidate is a POS while the other is the next best thing since sliced bread.
Which is why the election will remain close.
111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling Trump ‘Unfit to Serve’

The 111 signatories included former officials who served under Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush. Many of them had previously broken with Mr. Trump, including two former defense secretaries, Chuck Hagel and William S. Cohen; Robert B. Zoellick, a former president of the World Bank; the former C.I.A. directors Michael V. Hayden and William H. Webster; a former director of national intelligence, John D. Negroponte; and former Gov. William F. Weld of Massachusetts. Miles Taylor and Olivia Troye, two Trump administration officials who became vocal critics, also signed.
111 piglets who suck from the teat of government came out against an outsider who has pledged to go after government?

You still don’t get it. What a shock.
I'm done with PlutoTV till after the election. Like their old 'classic TV' shows and old movies....but it is one Harris ad (see lie) after another. This morning it was 5 in a row on one 'commercial break'. Dont want to waste my time with that nonsense.
Imagine being this triggered. What a snowflake.
The lack of science followed by a strawman. The idea that variations within a defined genetic sexual expression leads to the conclusion that DNA is somehow responsible for dysmorphia is pure conjecture. It is working from the idea of dysmorphia backwards and making assumptions to fit your preconceived political conclusions.

Nevertheless, the self-serving political conclusions you make are stawman arguments. Most people don’t care about the decisions adults make about their own bodies and presentation. A man portraying as a woman is, for most, that person’s prerogative. And, the vast majority could care less. Same with a woman living as if she is a man.

The problems arise when a political/religious group does the very thing you reject, impose their beliefs upon others. When people are told they must accept specific dysmorphic teaching in schools to children or must deny science when discussing women’s sports, because religion trumps science. When one side decides they can control the meaning of words and others who do not conform will be ostracized and shamed. When it becomes “ugly” to simply reject the cartoonish demeaning portrayal of a girl by a man for monetary gain. When we are told we should not recognize online or in person grooming and the social contagion phenomenon that follows. When we are told it is wrong to identify that kids getting puberty blocker medications to suppress genetics and surgery is cruel, because sexual identity is not yet completely formed prior to puberty and the impact of those manipulations are permanently damaging to those kids.

You can makeup a fictional battle to appease your political ideology, because facts don’t support it, but you have to lie to do it. Adult trans people are free to live their lives how they wish so long as their right to do so does not negatively impact the rights of others. The rejection of super rights for trans people is not oppression.
Admire Major League Baseball GIF by MLB
So much for 'muh democracy.'
I worked in a Teamster shop for 17 years.
The majority of my coworkers held conservative views and voted that way.
The union elites have always been in bed with the DNC.
The workers not so much.
It sounds like the world is more varied than you imagine. Film at 10.
How much of a loser do you have to be to lie about working for... McDonalds? Its not like some prestigious Wall St firm like Morgan Stanley or Goldman, or a prestigious law firm like Cravath Swaine Moore... its freakin' McDonalds!
I've seen about 4 articles debunking that claim of working at Mickey Ds. No record of employment/pay at either the franchise or at corporate. Yet she keeps saying it....and it's in at least one commercial.

Yes....quite the loser.
If Harris is the msm says....why would she be pushing for another debate that close to the election?
Answer....she's not and she/they know it.

Why would Trump send Graham to try to get Nebraska's 1 free electoral vote? The vote won't be close in the popular. Harris is well ahead there. But that's why swing state voters matter more than anyone else.