How will they rule ??!

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Because telling the truth wouldn't have been politically expedient... this is a veritable killshot to the jan 6 hoax; there's no version of the conspiracy theory prsented by the media and democrats which can handwave this away.

It was a dog and pony show meant to distract and delay (as well as to uncover and to destroy evidence that would further) any real investigation into what happened, who organized it, who incited it, and who was responsible for letting it happen. None of which was Trump
So it's all based on societal stereotypes or tropes about the sex. Otherwise there would be burly gruff men that would be women...bc a woman is a woman.

It's why you guys go in this nomsensical circle about what a woman is....then tie it into calling it genocide or whatever else.

No you can call yourself whatever you'll never be a woman tho.

It's the same with pronouns, they have no real meaning. They're just words and letters assembled. That tho, is a completely different topic...thats narcissism
I'm at a point where there's no use in trying to teach an idiot.
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The idea that chromosomes are fixed things with fixed functions is strange. There are mutations all along chromosomes. No two of us are alike. And genes aren't even fixed in how they function. Here's a pic of the first cat to be cloned and its source. Identical genetics, but the expression of those genes produced a very different cat.

The way people respond to transsexuals is baffling. Some people feel betrayed by their bodies. Their bodies don't reflect who they are. So, they try to fix it. Who doesn't do that? None of us feel that we're a slave to our genes. What business is it of someone else? Some people act as if they aren't cruel to someone who's different that they aren't quite complete. The right to be cruel. Even worse: the right to be admired for being cruel.


The lack of science followed by a strawman. The idea that variations within a defined genetic sexual expression leads to the conclusion that DNA is somehow responsible for dysmorphia is pure conjecture. It is working from the idea of dysmorphia backwards and making assumptions to fit your preconceived political conclusions.

Nevertheless, the self-serving political conclusions you make are stawman arguments. Most people don’t care about the decisions adults make about their own bodies and presentation. A man portraying as a woman is, for most, that person’s prerogative. And, the vast majority could care less. Same with a woman living as if she is a man.

The problems arise when a political/religious group does the very thing you reject, impose their beliefs upon others. When people are told they must accept specific dysmorphic teaching in schools to children or must deny science when discussing women’s sports, because religion trumps science. When one side decides they can control the meaning of words and others who do not conform will be ostracized and shamed. When it becomes “ugly” to simply reject the cartoonish demeaning portrayal of a girl by a man for monetary gain. When we are told we should not recognize online or in person grooming and the social contagion phenomenon that follows. When we are told it is wrong to identify that kids getting puberty blocker medications to suppress genetics and surgery is cruel, because sexual identity is not yet completely formed prior to puberty and the impact of those manipulations are permanently damaging to those kids.

You can makeup a fictional battle to appease your political ideology, because facts don’t support it, but you have to lie to do it. Adult trans people are free to live their lives how they wish so long as their right to do so does not negatively impact the rights of others. The rejection of super rights for trans people is not oppression.
If you have any doubts, just recall this:

“Kerry replied with a chuckle, ‘I think everybody in the world is sitting around talking about waiting out President Trump,’ but he said that was in regard to other matters, not the Iran deal.”

Putin, for example. And, Hamas.

Not too many years ago during a budget dispute there was a government shutdown where only essential offices stayed open. Went on for several weeks. No difference whatsoever.

Of course when it was over, all the non-essential workers got back pay. So their do nothing jobs gave them an actual paid vacation.
It is sad that our youth is that stupid. What is even worse is that our elderly that are voting for Harris are that stupid too. Imagine living your life past 50 and not knowing just how corrupt and evil the left is.

God help them.
All the elderly watch ABC Nightly News, 60 minutes, etc and are completely brainwashed. Sad.
It is sad that our youth is that stupid. What is even worse is that our elderly that are voting for Harris are that stupid too. Imagine living your life past 50 and not knowing just how corrupt and evil the left is.

God help them.

All the elderly watch ABC Nightly News, 60 minutes, etc and are completely brainwashed. Sad.

Both of these. I give those groups a pass. They absolutely should be able to believe their teachers and their news. Especially kids because they are not yet exposed enough to the world to be wary of people. Both these groups are getting brainwashed.

If the gop ever wins again they absolutely must get our enemies' money out of this country. That money is intentionally and effectively brainwashing pur population through our once trusted pillars of information.
World needs much more Elon Musk.
Where we are in modern America is one of the smartest people on the planet is facing prosecution from a politician in order to keep his friends from facing ridicule. And people like Dion and Sam and nightwish support that. Meanwhile, they have carte blanche to say whatever they want. The liberals are a pathetic lot.

If this was applied to the left there wouldn't be five people left in Hollywood.
This is one of those time you read the teeet and it’s a crazy allegation. Then you read the screenshots and it doesn’t support what the tweet alleges. Then you’re left to wonder if they’re just full of shit, or if they included the wrong screenshots rather than the ones that actually support the allegations. Then, because the left is always full of shit, and because you don’t really give a shit about Matt Gaetz, you don’t care and move on without doing further research.

So lefties here will continue parroting the allegations based on those screenshots, no one will care because they aren’t providing proof, and lefties will breathlessly jerk themselves off in their moms basements claiming the lack of interest in their bullshit is support of Gaetz.

In other words, just link the actual complaint or no one really gives a shit.
yea, gaetz is going after the deep state big time and this pops out of nowhere ... i'm sure the timing of the "allegation" is just coincidence...
yea, gaetz is going after the deep state big time and this pops out of nowhere ... i'm sure the timing of the "allegation" is just coincidence...
It didn't suddenly pop out. The accusation was leveled at least 2 years ago about the time his wing man got arrested. You're apparently from Florida so if you were ignorant of the charges, you've been trying to.

Like when he suddenly revealed that he had a nearly 20 year old "adopted" son. Not odd at all.

Gaetz has a History of Odd. Like showing his peers in Congress pics of the women he claimed to have had sex with. Lots of adult men do that. We all just run around bragging about our alleged conquests. You can't get most men to shut up about it. Very believable behavior.
Both of these. I give those groups a pass. They absolutely should be able to believe their teachers and their news. Especially kids because they are not yet exposed enough to the world to be wary of people. Both these groups are getting brainwashed.

If the gop ever wins again they absolutely must get our enemies' money out of this country. That money is intentionally and effectively brainwashing pur population through our once trusted pillars of information.
So, no Free Speech, eh?
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Oh, you.mean the bomb threats from one foreign country?

Actually kind of interested to know which one, since Dewine wouldn't tell us, but do go on, Village Idiot.
Your cult is one big village led by the King of Village Idiots.
Just ask Republican Gov Dewine about what an Idiot Trump is.
Trump's America... Give this a listen if you clowns have any balls or any brains left after years of brainwashing. Everything Trump touches turns to sh**.