How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Democrat doing the right thing. Maybe we’ll get a blue wave of Trump voters. I’d shoot fireworks off right over top of my globalist neighbor’s house.

I live in a very rural area. Most of my neighbors are Amish. I was talking with one a couple of weeks ago. He was the one who brought up politics when he said Trump has to win this time or we are in big trouble. I hope there is enough people like that to beat the cheat.
I would absolutely favor that as they are overwhelmingly dumb and emotional voters. They’re also the ones responsible for the growth of the alphabet people agenda.

I don’t care if it’s not PC. They are the by far the most low info voters and the most easily manipulated and hive-minded.
Objectively... you're not wrong.
That's the typical cover, just as spouting hamas propaganda is actually pro Palestinian

Attacking American jews on campuses who have literally nothing to do with Israel is in fact anti semtic tho.

All the countries in the world, one where barbaric things are happening...welp. the one that's majority jew...wait a minute.

Remember these are the rules you guys created...going all the way back to saying the tea party was racist or literally calling anything you dint like racist. Can't have it both ways. Remember the whole it's tike to listen and learn...if many Jewish ppl say you are anti semitic you should probably listen

Israelis would vote Trump if they oculd vote in our election, but ya know, the rest of the world hate him.


One of the dumbest things you have ever posted. And that is saying something. Slavery was going on for thousands of years before the USA did it. Hell slavery around the world is still just can't talk about it because it's mostly islamists doing it.

Dion only knows enough history to exploit people's ignorance. There were some 10 million Africans brought to the Americas during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, only ~300k of whom were brought here. They of course practiced hereditary slavery there too, but the reason for such the great disparity in numbers is that they didn't treat them well enough for them to survive as long, just kept importing replacements.

And the Arabs had black African slaves too. They didn't do hereditary slavery as practiced in the AMeircas because their slaves were eunuchs; they castrated or bought them already castrated from African warlords and merchants while the female slaves were primarily used as concubines.
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Israelis would vote Trump if they oculd vote in our election, but ya know, the rest of the world hate him.


Dion only knows enough history to exploit people's ignorance. There were some 10 million Africans brought to the Americas during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, only ~300k of whom were brought here. They of course practiced hereditary slavery there too, but the reason for such the great disparity in numbers is that they didn't treat them well enough for them to survive as long, just kept importing replacements.

And the Arabs had black African slaves too. They didn't do hereditary slavery as practiced in the AMeircas because their slaves were eunuchs; they castrated or bought them already from African warlords and merchants castrated while the female slaves were primarily used as concubines.
I think slaves in the Caribbean had a life span of around 5 or so years. Work until your back breaks then discard
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That's the typical cover, just as spouting hamas propaganda is actually pro Palestinian

Attacking American jews on campuses who have literally nothing to do with Israel is in fact anti semtic tho.

All the countries in the world, one where barbaric things are happening...welp. the one that's majority jew...wait a minute.

Remember these are the rules you guys created...going all the way back to saying the tea party was racist or literally calling anything you dint like racist. Can't have it both ways. Remember the whole it's tike to listen and learn...if many Jewish ppl say you are anti semitic you should probably listen
Didn’t happen. Rightwing fake news. Unrelated jews were not targeted.
Okay, let me explain this to you.

Trump could be effing Pinocchio and I don't care.

How is my life under Kamala?

How is my life under Trump?

That's what matters. Now if you want to go to a forum inhabited by mostly women, what you're preaching they will buy. Men on the other hand will do what I did above. Real men, not the pencil necked geek liberals that are in this thread.

So Trump lied about something. He was the most successful president I ever saw doing exactly what he said he was going to do.
Lol take a chill pill. I wasn't trying to turn this into any sort of critique about Trump. My only point was I will criticize politicians on both sides for lying. They poster I originally responded to is most likely liberal, so my only point was trying to show I was criticizing the Squad, and Tlaib, in good faith.

For the record, there is no life under Kamala because she's not President. As I believe Trump said about Vance, VP is kind of useless.

Also for the record, my life's better now than it was in under Trump.
Which things specifically?
The bombing of a hospital in Gaza. She originally came out guns blazing and said it was the IDF. And to be fair those were the initial rumblings, but it was kind of proven to be a bit of Hamas propaganda.

US intelligence reports and other sources very quickly came out and said it was actually a Hamas rocket that missed its target. When presented with this information she doubled down. A little later I believe she tripled down.

Her original tweet blaming Israel is still up almost a year later.
Lol take a chill pill. I wasn't trying to turn this into any sort of critique about Trump. My only point was I will criticize politicians on both sides for lying. They poster I originally responded to is most likely liberal, so my only point was trying to show I was criticizing the Squad, and Tlaib, in good faith.

For the record, there is no life under Kamala because she's not President. As I believe Trump said about Vance, VP is kind of useless.

Also for the record, my life's better now than it was in under Trump.
There are very few Americans that have a better life now than they did under Trump.

Kamala's been on the both sides of every issue and you talk about Trump lying.
People like you think it's okay to put 20,000 people from Haiti into a town where they're going to completely disrupt life for everyone. And you applaud when the national guard arrest illegal aliens on Martha's Vineyard trying to get to Obama's mansion. Gfy.
Yep. His idea of being a good person is to do whatever the media says is good until it affects him personally and then he might care. When a 14yo girl gets raped and murdered by 2 illegals in Tx he won't even bat an eye because it's not his kid and he doesn't know the people personally. So it's easier just to go along with the crowd.
I think I did. Every foreign business bleeds the profits off. USS isn't at all unique nor they at all large in the overall economy or even in the steel industry. So I don't see why these relatively small profits concern you so much over other profits leaving. The plants will still be here making steel for us. IF the steel is being made here, in what way is foreign ownership any security issue?

The foreign cars are built from scratch here. They use raw steel here.
We aren't communicating on this.
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My final sentence was "Somehow you manage to always align with him.". So we agree on that. Me, I think NATO should do what it wants regardless of what Putin says. So we definitely disagree. As for my dumb question, I didn't even ask the original one of this exchange of you. Yet you chose to butt in. So what's dumb?
But it should be within the context of international law and mutually beneficial diplomacy. You neocons have come to believe that you're the good guys so whoever you kill or mame is OK because its "for the good".
I don’t often agree with you, but I do here. Laura Loomer is a fvcking nut job….. Case Closed. Trump does himself a disservice by having her so prominently featured in his campaign; frankly I don’t see any upside she brings to the table.
Nobody is not voting for Trump because of Loomer
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The guy that cries false correlation is comparing russia which is putting convicts in uniform to nazi Germany. And Either Ukraine can stop Russia and they can win, but if not Russia can supposedly steamroll Europe...since we're talking about no correlation.

BTW. Why do you hate Obama

You guys are supposedly okay funding this thing for 50 years until every last person dies in Ukraine, which is what putin wants, meanwhile ppl in eastern Ukraine don't care who "rules" them as long as they have food to eat.
And they've already told the EU that they will just replace the dead Ukrainians with migrants. SO they can still harvest the resources of Ukraine for the profit of a few billionaires even if every male in Ukraine is dead.
One of the dumbest things you have ever posted. And that is saying something. Slavery was going on for thousands of years before the USA did it. Hell slavery around the world is still just can't talk about it because it's mostly islamists doing it.
Slavery in general being practiced in other times and locales with different circumstances have nothing to do with what I posted. Hereditary chattel slavery based on race is our unique evil.
I can't see her posts, but tell her there's only one living POTUS that isn't a descendant of slave owners.

And why is that? Because he’s an immigrant. You know, like the ones he consistently scapegoats.

It's stuff like this that if you think about it logically you can see how nonsensical some of these polls are. LIke in PA... a country that Trump won over Biden by 30k votes. Mostly blue collar workers. They are saying Kamala is surging there. LOL. Who believes that kind of stuff?
Israelis would vote Trump if they oculd vote in our election, but ya know, the rest of the world hate him.


Dion only knows enough history to exploit people's ignorance. There were some 10 million Africans brought to the Americas during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, only ~300k of whom were brought here. They of course practiced hereditary slavery there too, but the reason for such the great disparity in numbers is that they didn't treat them well enough for them to survive as long, just kept importing replacements.

And the Arabs had black African slaves too. They didn't do hereditary slavery as practiced in the AMeircas because their slaves were eunuchs; they castrated or bought them already castrated from African warlords and merchants while the female slaves were primarily used as concubines.
Fascist game respects game.
The bombing of a hospital in Gaza. She originally came out guns blazing and said it was the IDF. And to be fair those were the initial rumblings, but it was kind of proven to be a bit of Hamas propaganda.

US intelligence reports and other sources very quickly came out and said it was actually a Hamas rocket that missed its target. When presented with this information she doubled down. A little later I believe she tripled down.

Her original tweet blaming Israel is still up almost a year later.
No, US intelligence said it was probably a failed misfire, not a missed rocket. And if you read the report it was just as much speculation as Tlaib’s was. You just take the US intelligence agencies’ word on their speculation rather than hers. Which is fine, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but it isn’t an example of antisemitism to assume a fascist government who bombs civilians bombed civilians.
You just take the US intelligence agencies’ word on their speculation rather than hers.
Why exactly should she not take the word of US intelligence agencies? She doesn't exactly have evidence to the contrary. If she's not believing US intelligence in the absence of other evidence, then I question why. I believe Omar later made a statement akin to "US intelligence is now saying it wasn't an IDF missile," which seems reasonable to me. Tlaib probably should have done the same.

Do you hold Trump to the same standard of not believing US intelligence about Russia?