How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Im sure she had the questions ahead of time. We know for sure any time she has to think on her feet its a disaster.

Based on social media, seems she exceeded expectations. Granted expectations were the ground. No doubt she had the questions. Also sounds like moderators were predictably all in on saving her.
Im sure social media doesnt have any bots tonight. For example, most of the morons are not here tonight. Wonder what they are doing...
This scumbag is not asking questions that Americans care about. I actuallly think this moderator has hurt her with swing voters. They aren’t stupid. They see what’s going on.
Yeah those independents love his health care plan, complete inability to say he wants Ukraine to win the war and immigrants eating dogs. Putin's little bitch. 😂😂😂
Here's the bottom line. Kamala may have done better than people expected, although, I'm not ACTUALLY sure what that means. I suppose that means that she was able to complete sentences.

Trump has managed to point out President Harris' poor record without falling into the trap and going down some kooky rabbit hole.

His record is exponentially better than Harris' and everyone knows that, but he hammered it home.
I think he could do better, but he had plenty of energy. So that debate point is gone. She sounded tired that last half hr.
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Here's the bottom line. Kamala may have done better than people expected, although, I'm not ACTUALLY sure what that means. I suppose that means that she was able to complete sentences.

Trump has managed to point out President Harris' poor record without falling into the trap and going down some kooky rabbit hole.

His record is exponentially better than Harris' and everyone knows that, but he hammered it home.
“Didn’t go down a kooky rabbit hole”?! He repeated the crazy made up story about Haitian immigrants eating our pets!
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The moderators not going after Harris and having to interject themselves as usual with their bias debating Trump should tell you all you need to know. No matter how many times you can say you have a plan in a sentence doesn't mean you have one. She is a fraud. You have the ability to make a difference in the White House for all of these so called 'plans' you talk about, but nothing of substance ever comes from it.
Here's the bottom line. Kamala may have done better than people expected, although, I'm not ACTUALLY sure what that means. I suppose that means that she was able to complete sentences.

Trump has managed to point out President Harris' poor record without falling into the trap and going down some kooky rabbit hole.

His record is exponentially better than Harris' and everyone knows that, but he hammered it home.
Agree, but many will take your first paragraph over the last two.
Im sure social media doesnt have any bots tonight. For example, most of the morons are not here tonight. Wonder what they are doing...

THey'll be here in full force when the media tells them she killed it.

No, Trump did nothing to really hurt himself tonight. That's all that really matters. She did well for the low information voter, manipulating with emotion and bold-faced lies, but that's not enough. They're going to need whatever October surprise they have cooked to be massive.
It's obviously a hit job tonight, 3 on 1, but a good debater seizes on opportunities. Trump didn't do that very well tonight. This debate won't hurt or help either candidate and that's a positive for Trump.
Guaranteed he lost moderate independents with his stupid dog eating story, healthcare answer, Russia and Orbon love fest. He appeared unhinged, red faced and unstable at times.
I love it.
She kicked his ASS
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Climate change is the biggest money grab ever. I’m sick of this shit. The climate is always changing. I’m afraid we’re done as a nation if Harris gets in. It’s been a good run.
He looks like a loon tonight. Kamala is eating him alive. How bout his health care plan?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ask an independent that's not in the cult of Trump.
Why is it if you support Trump you’re in a cult and if you support Biden/Harris you’re not? It’s the only talking point you retards can make. You have no good policies, just vote on emotion.