Trump is a lot of things but stupid is not one of them.
He's too smart and aware of legality to tell his followers directly to attack the Capitol but he knew exactly what he was doing.
When you spend months telling them the election is gonna be rigged... Then tell them the election was stolen from them ... Then tell them that Pence can fix it if he wants to....Different rules apply now.... We will never give up.... We will never concede....if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.... You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen....
Then say....We’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We are going to the Capitol.
He brought the gasoline, the matches, lit the match then handed it to his goons he'd just spent 2 hours telling to fight in order to save their country.
He knew exactly what he was doing and how to do it.
But ... But.... But he said peaceful. 🤡 One word in two hours of anger fueled raging about a stolen election and a country that sh** on their votes.
Here is a closer look at what the president said at a rally of his supporters, which is a central focus of the impeachment case being prepared against him.