More from the very quotable Leibowitz:Sure it does. The laziness. The lateness. The refusal to read briefs. The accusation of stupidity. The word salad. Trump said he didn't come down to the office because he was working in the residence. Sure. On his golf swing: he had one of those indoor golf thingies installed. The writer and fellow New Yorker Fran Leibowitz famously said of Trump, "You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don't."
“I think that it’s very hard for people who are reasonable to understand these Republicans,” Lebowitz said. “So I always say to people, ‘It’s very easy.’ First of all, they’re not Republicans. They’re anarchists. ... They’re destroyers of government, destroyers of democracy.
“The Democrats are always trying to analyze them: ‘Why do they think this way? Why do they think that?’ You know, a 6-year-old could tell you what’s wrong with these people. They’re mean, and they’re stupid. And it’s as simple as that.“