Wheres the very concerned about lies crowd? @sambowieshin if she lies about something as meaningless as working at mcdonalds, what else would she lie about
Surprised it took this long, tbh.
Local college athletes are very popular, and politicians usually have very large war chests.
Seriously? I mean, I had begun to believe it was really going to be live. New York Times article leads with the intro saying it’s a rare chance for voters to see Harris and Walz in an “unscripted setting.”
I find recorded and edited to be anything BUT unscripted.
Truly pathetic and sad, if this is true.
18 minutes? It’s more pathetic than I even imagined.
The good 'ol USofA bould take some pointers from Spain when it comes to illegal immigration.
If she lied about it she should come clean and admit it. Not a fan of Trump's lies about the election and not a fan of Kamala's lies about McDonald's (If it's a lie).Wheres the very concerned about lies crowd? @sambowieshin if she lies about something as meaningless as working at mcdonalds, what else would she lie about
First off, Biden hadn't been nominated yet. So that made it easier, mechanically, for a new candidate to enter. Second, as for your hypo, there would presumably be some mechanism to elevate Vance to the top of the ticket.
I'd take her 78 IQ over Trump's insanity any day.
TDSI'd take her 78 IQ over Trump's insanity any day.
Wheres the very concerned about lies crowd? @sambowieshin if she lies about something as meaningless as working at mcdonalds, what else would she lie about
BS.... Fake News meme.
Nine of top ten poorest states vote Trump bigly. 😂😂🤡🤡
They did. You'll literally blow up anything and buy in to any pathetic talking point. Think about it..you guys are now attacking gold star families instead of the ppl who turned them into gold star families. For christ sakes, the families requested he be there and earned the right to have him there. Go jump in a lake you outrage factory. And you can say oh well that's wrong too....but no one told you to be outraged, so you didn't care
She did look under the influence of something there. She's NOT prepared for this. I bet she's taking a pill cocktail. I really dont think she wants this job.She must be perpetually under the influence. Of what I have no idea, but she's definitely either chemically impaired and/or remarkably stupid
They did. You'll literally blow up anything and buy in to any pathetic talking point. Think about it..you guys are now attacking gold star families instead of the ppl who turned them into gold star families. For christ sakes, the families requested he be there and earned the right to have him there. Go jump in a lake you outrage factory. And you can say oh well that's wrong too....but no one told you to be outraged, so you didn't care
Oh, someone here is gaslighting for certain.Let the gaslighting commence!
We had 4 years under Trump and the left's fears didn't even come close to coming true.... So I think we have our answer on who is right and wrong.If she wins, you are most definitely looking at the unraveling of this great experiment in freedom and self-governance, an attack on our foundational values which will not be reversible.
It's not hyperbole. They of course see it the same, the opposite side of the coin... that if you win, it's descent into a fascistic theocratic autocracy. Both can't be true. Theirs is a paranoid, ignorant nonsense bred from the ease of our times - how easy it is to brainwash people into an irrational fear since life no longer presents the various daily and ever-present hardships it once did.
Both can't be true. Hopefully it's neither, but both can't be true. We're about to find out.
Biden says, "We will never forget.".... unless I am responsible... and it's not an election year... and I'm not at the beach...
Maybe she misspoke is all. Perhaps she didn't WORK the DRIVE THRU at McDonald's. Could it be she ORDERED a DRIVE BY at a PA farm. Got it confused with Old Macdonald.Wheres the very concerned about lies crowd? @sambowieshin if she lies about something as meaningless as working at mcdonalds, what else would she lie about
We had 4 years under Trump and the left's fears didn't even come close to coming true.... So I think we have our answer on who is right and wrong.
We had 4 years under Trump and the left's fears didn't even come close to coming true.... So I think we have our answer on who is right and wrong.
Was this smart?Maybe because they're smart enough to realize that Trump might change that.
Whereas with Dems, it is the same shit, different day.
My wife's parents are extremely liberal and freaked the hell out when Trump was elected. They sent a mass email to all the family talking about plans for nuclear war and the like. Biden has us closer to that while no wars started under Trump at all. Libs are nutty. Thankfully my wife is a true centrist and doesn't get caught up in their crazyness."Trump will have us in a war within 90 days! OMG!!"
Not one single war in 4 years, yet wars everywhere now. LiberL's are incpable of being honest. They are sick and deranged.
I used to really care about fiscal responsibility and getting the debt under control. But I've given up on that dream. It's political suicide to cut spending so it will never happen. At this point, it's all monopoly money anyway, so money isn't the problem in building it. Dems want to grow their voter base. Most Republicans are too scared to fight back. That's why we don't have a wall.
Nah... If she sucks I have no problem voting her out in 4 years.That's because she has a much higher score than you, of course you hold her up like a Diety.