The point is the very notion of the proposal is fraught with potential for fraud, waste, and abuse. The government is about the worst possible entity for trying to “fix” stuff like this.There are long lasting, generation-spanning effects of poverty. Just recently there was a study looking at the relative wealth of members of Congress: those whose family once owned slaves and those who didn't. I don't know how old you are but my 2nd great grandparents were in the same generation as the Civil War. 4 generations back. So, a program looking to help break that cycle is bad in your opinion. Everything has to make things perfect for everybody everywhere or it's no good. Is that it?
And this doesn’t even get into the issue of people getting “helped” in to a house they otherwise can’t afford in the long run, and then defaulting. Then the next step will be Dems calling to bail out the first generation homeowners and “forgive” their mortgages altogether.