You seem to think lots and lots of people think like you. They don't. Have you seen the latest polls? Harris is ahead. 6 of 6. She's even closing in on Texas and Florida. And I presume other states that formerly seemed safe for Trump. The bubble has burst. The emperor not only has no clothes, he sags everywhere. Weird, as they say. Today in North Carolina, he was supposed to talk economics. Instead, he'd keep going back to tampons. Trump has some kind of cognitive problem -- in addition to his savagery -- and it's obviously getting worse.
Something has happened but it isn't clear what. The end of McCarthyism is often traced to that speech by Joseph Welch: "Have you at last no shame?" It really wasn't that simple, but it's close enough. People finally had enough red baiting and manufactured anxiety. In the 19th century, the Know Nothings bubble burst right as they were at their peak. Trumpism with its racial dog-whistling, homophobia, manufactured crises, and ludicrous conspiracies. Whatever fog the country has been wrapped in since 2015 ... it appears to be blowing away. Relief from his ludicrous fantasies and perverse ambitions is what people want. Maybe Biden dropping from the race was what did it. They wanted to be free from Trump but were afraid of Biden's age.
Don't be the last guy at the party.
I personally don’t want everyone to think like me and never said otherwise. Diversity of thought is very important, much more so than race, gender, etc.
Liberals have some good ideas, but suck at executing as they tend to be alarmists and emotional, which leads to disastrous results despite good intentions. Example; EVs. A novel idea that may very well be the future, but it’s technology that isn’t feasible today. The tech itself isn’t there yet and the infrastructure basically doesn’t exist at all. Didn’t stop the left from overspending in an extreme way with horrible, but predictable results. Many more with climate change, etc.
The right tend to be stuck in their ways too much. Many examples of that.
The tug of war between the left and right is actually a VERY GOOD and necessary thing, even if it’s heated and argumentative.
The problem we have today is the left is going full authoritarian and shutting down all communication with anyone outside their ever changing and radical belief structure. Silencing political opponents, which was going very well for you until Musk threw a wrench in it, jailing political opponents, assassination attempts, subverting elections, and outright election fraud. These are all things that occur in nations falling into socialism and communism. It’s also not good at all and it’s incomprehensible so many are on board with it. Speaks to true evil by those leading the charge, and ignorance by many following.
I don’t care about Trump, Harris, Biden etc. We’ve had democrat leaders and Republican leaders throughout our history as that pendulum has swung like it was always meant to.
The major problem occurring today is one party is breaking that pendulum completely and that NEVER ends well. The saying goes you can vote your way into socialism, but you can only shoot your way out. Now it will take A LOT more to get to that point. There will be a significant amount of time and suffering before that becomes a serious idea. Likely not in our lifetime. However, that’s the road we are going down and leaving for our kids and grandkids. Very very sad. Even more so seeing people like you who openly cheer for it or are just too stupid to know the difference.