How will they rule ??!

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2020 was a stolen election and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
he's moving the goalpost, again. because he is a moron loser. at first he would say "show me any evidence" and then we pointed out the reams of evidence in terms of sworn affidavits and photos of duplicate ballots and election board hearings, etc. So NOW ... he has to say "cite the court case". Moving the goalpost and gaslighting ... it has gotten kinda boring.
The 'weird' attack has been so successful for this very reason. It hits at the very core of the movement. No matter what, y'all see yourselves as 'normal'. No matter what the country looks like, who's in charge, what changes, doesn't matter. You're the real, normal, middle-class Americans. Everybody else who doesn't conform to that cookie-cutter are the 'weird' ones. Ultimately, you're fine with being called out as racist, fascist, whatever. Because those are the others pointing to that. But this weird thing turns that on its head. That's what has a possibility of winning this election, branding Republicans and MAGA with 'You're scaring the hoes...' energy.
How do you know the 'weird' attack has been successful? What polling data do you have?

Which poster was it on here who acted oblivious that most cops aren't mindless order takers for tyrannical politicians?

There's clueless white Dems on here who think the government are just some big humaniatarians with huge hearts and they have absolutely no ulterior motive for importing millions of people who are raping and killing actual citizens? You think the government cared if you got a cold? The same ones who unleash drugs into your country? Who don't bat an eye at people being raped and murdered and kids trafficked?
The leftist brain should be studied for the insane brainwashing it endures and consumes without question.

Similar to how the left simulatenously believes they are both the mainstream culture and counter culture, how can one campaign on open borders, fight deportation, fight a wall, fight Texas from protecting its border, give room and board to illegals, education and healthcare, give them drivers licenses and welfare, talk about wanting them to be made citizens, keep releasing violent illegals

and then turn around and claim you have been tough on the border?
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How do you know the 'weird' attack has been successful? What polling data do you have?
Power of media

Their followers are utterly insane and stupid.

Our government and current admin appear to have played a major part in trying to get Trump murdered and the left who has exagerrated and played up Watergate (another fed opp takedown) forever somehow has no interest in that story or holding powerful people accountable but they instead have devoted their time to play to Gen Z with calling people 'weird' and regurgitating the talking points given to them by the White House for Kamala's campaign.

How does someone live through the last four years and still not be awake at the reality of the Democrat Party?
Well, show me someone in Congress who doesn't oppose any changes? Any mention of cutting benefits or making significant (and needed, in my opinion) changes to the current SS system is political suicide. No one will touch that with a 100' pole.

'Changes', especially if DJT says it, will be disseminated across the media as 'ending SS as we know it', regardless of what he actually says. 'No more SS for Grandma!!!'. The Dims, on the other hand, want to give everyone a 'basic income' so 'SS for everyone!'. Well, the SS system is busted and will be flat broke in about 6 years. What could possibly go wrong by making sure everyone is dipping into that dried up well? Oh, let's not forget those folks who've crossed the border illegally and have not paid one bloody cent into the system. By all means, let's give them some cash, too.

The first step to making changes that will ensure the sustainability of the SS program is to realize that the current system cannot be fixed. Keeping some important pieces and making sure those most in need and receiving current benefits don't take the brunt would be job 1. After that, funding, privatization, COLA, income that is taxed, means testing, etc. all need to be on the table or the whole thing will implode. Same with Medicare, another program teetering on the edge of collapse and expected to collapse within the next 5-7 years. Running up >$1T in annual deficits with 10's of $T of unfunded obligations (pensions, SS, Medicare/caid) is lunacy. Nobody on either side of the aisle cares just so long as they can line their own pockets. Certainly neither of the frontrunners for President are going to cut spending or even propose cutting spending. The only thing I can say is that Trump will overspend less insanely than the Cackling idiot.
I'm not talking about Congress. I'm talking Trump & he's flat said no changes under him. While some of the rest you said may be true, Trump not interested & he's the subject I started on. So IDGAS about the rest. You spread the rest of that under somebody else's post. Or talk to Trump about it.
I disagree. The weed in the late 60s and early 70s you could sit with a group of people and smoke joints for

Trump declares seniors should not pay taxes on Social Security​

Then if not seniors, who should pay taxes on SS?
Trump goes to Natl Assoc. of Black Journalists in Chicago, was told there was no option to zoom in and that Kamala would be there....she's not there, IS zoom calling in and he was basically attacked.

Another DEM setup. Her campaign will be despicable.
So Trump falls for the setup. Not smart on his part, is it? If he looked bad, it's on him.
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Told y’all him acquiring Twitter wasn’t about free speech. Just controlling the narrative. Like any billionaire worth their salt.

Thomas sowell quote comes to mind: "if someone received favorable treatment for so long, equal treatment feels like oppression".

Exactly right. If we must walk in fear on the eggshells of filthy, idiotic democrat psych-op race baiting bullshit then we're already defeated. And if the American people are so thoroughly brainwashed to be fully programmed to live by these stupid, divisive rules, it's over anyway.

Stay on the offensive. Attack the beast and deflect their vomit right back in their disgusting faces.

Jmo but there are times you just don't engage. He doesn't have to say yes to everything.

Granted i dont know exactly what they knew about this biased news lady but given the vitriol in her voice, any scan of her social media would've told them what was coming.

I cant tell if trump just has a weak team or if he doesn't listen. Its probably some of both.
lefties ... why do you have to lie about everything?

Because their ideals cant win in the marketplace of free speech.

CNN literally had immediate reaction this afternoon explaining what the audience laughter meant:

Also, CNN...they are firing the opinion section? Many in the comments making the same observation. 'It's all opinion. So they are firing everybody?'

Is there anyone left at cnn? Did last one out turn out the lights! Because their entire operation is opinion and propaganda.
Whats crazy is the population part of that tweet. There isnt a worldwide population decline. Only happening in western cultures.

So while educated westerners are not reproducing, people in areas like this are reproducing at light speed.

But yes....keep telling men to wear dresses.
It couldn't be more obvious with which countries and people are being targeted with third world migration replacement, climate change and LGBTXYZ propaganda. The third world sure isn't concerned with carbon footprint nor are they changing their kids' genders. The west is being colonized.
It gets y'all's goat.
In other words, you made it up. More lies from the turd blossom. They found a focus group of people stupid enough to think that that was an effective word to use, which just shows you the level of intellect lacking in the current Democrat rank and file. Not something you yourself should be extremely proud of at this point.
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Trump is cooked based on my updated straw poll. His only play left imo is to drop Vance. The guy will put the 25th on trump anyway so Peter thiel can run the country. Vance is a liability and not to be trusted. Trump can chalk it up to a ptsd choice after the shooting. It’s that or lose.
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ALL you need to know about the left is this-

They don't mind that hard working people put money into Social Security, and can't afford to feed themselves in retirement, while 10s of millions of illegals get larger checks than them (by 2x or more), housing, and free phones/service from the govt without having worked a day in this country nor paid into it from wages.

The left as a group are greedy, heartless, lazy, oblivious and inconsiderate, POS flies laying their eggs in carcasses of their creation on a daily basis. There may be people among them that mean well but are too stupid to realize the damage their support is doing, and that does not absolve them of their responsibility for it.

They do not care about you or your kids. They do not care about your health or well-being. They only care about how they feel about themselves and what they want to do at each particular moment. They hate conservatives because they actually want to personally help others and stop violent crime from happening to ANYONE, rather than give more hard-earned money to an already irresponsible and unaccountable, corrupted govt, that has demonstrated a million times over that it can't be trusted and doesn't care about the people as anything more than cattle and/or lab rats, and won't use it properly nor take care of anyone.

They know this country will end up like Venezuela in its worst moments, and they are fine with it, as long as they never see it (and they legitimately think it will never affect THEM, because they are programmed not to reason at all), and that's just another reason to hate the conservatives who remind them every day that they are the ones responsible for where they are and what's happening to the country. No thought EVER of actual improvement of themselves or changing their broken ideology. Extreme narcissistic personality disorder that they love or hate in others based solely on whether they agree with them or give money to their gods.

Illegal aliens, dear ignorant VP, are not "residents" of this country. They are here illegally, TRESPASSERS, just as they would be if they broke into your home and became squatters inside the KHarris mansion. I guarantee she would NOT refrain from arresting and or killing someone that broke into and took up residence in her home, much less withdraw her life savings to house them, feed them, and make sure they had health care.

Someone needs to get some ethics and some balls, and ask her directly and relentlessly if she would do that for anyone breaking into and squatting in her California and/or DC residence.

We were just talking about my Dad and your family a while back, my Dad is back in the hospital tonight. I'm just going to stay up all night in case I need to drive to Kentucky. He has averaged being in the hospital 2 or 3 times a year for 3 or 4 years now. Doesn't sound life threatening but at his age made sense to go to the hospital. I got to take care of something at 9 am here and then will go check on him.
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The whole point is just to muck it up so you aren't actually talking about their record, the issues... what's real.

It's pathetic really.

Yeah it’s a fools game for Trump to be going on these side missions…is she Indian or is she black? Is she DEI? Who cares. Dealing with people that call a man, a woman. A black man, a white supremacist. A latino murderer, a white person. A dementia patient, sharp as a tack. A terrorist, an austere religious scholar. Riots and burning of cities, peaceful protests. You can’t win with these people.

Just hammer her on policy and record. If Americans are too dumb not to vote for their own security and prosperity, country is toast anyway.
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