How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Just think, if Hillary would have won we had free everything to look forward to. Free school, Internet, health care, illegals, refugees, The list goes on and on. Oprah of politics.

Everyone gets free something, unless you're white and work for a living, then your taxes get raised even higher in order to foot the bill. Forced equality through breaking the backs of the middle class and giving it all to the poor.
Why not redistribute the wealth though? What could go wrong?
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Every child in America owes Donald Trump $45,000.00, Right off the bat. Soon as you're born you get the bill from Trump. Got to get all this shovel ready stuff paid for and LOL, the Mexicans sure as hell are not going to do it.

Might need to come back for more if for some strange reason Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Pakistan do not agree to build my safe zone in Syria. I'm sure they will, but just in case we better take $65,000.00 each in the wildly unlikely event they don't pony up the cash.

Oh, you don't have to give it directly to Trump. Just drive over to the richest person in your county and put it in their mailbox. Trump's tax breaks for the rich have to be paid for, too. I almost forgot.

Trickle down, beyotches.
Stand back, folks, because this BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN is going to one-up Ronnie by a country mile in spending.
If Ronnie is the goal post then he should be lauded as the most frugal of the last 30 years. Another idiotic position by you. Why not make the last president the benchmark? I know why. [laughing] rube.
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On second thought, I doubt you even have a job. Still living at home stealing your mom's cigarettes I bet, hoping to avoid the next beatin' from your step-dad. That about right? Be honest, do you use the oven to heat your house in the winter?
You sure paint a descriptive picture. Sounds like a first hand account. Sorry bud, but that's no excuse.
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If Ronnie is the goal post then he should be lauded as the most frugal of the last 30 years. Another idiotic position by you. Why not make the last president the benchmark? I know why. [laughing] rube.

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$1,692,000,000 Ronald Reagan Republican

$8,134,000,000 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Ronald Reagan beat down Russia and bankrupted them. Tore down the Berlin Wall. Obama created and helped fund and arm ISIS. Costs much more to be a bad muslim than it does to be a good Republican.
$1,692,000,000 Ronald Reagan Republican

$8,134,000,000 Barack H. Obama Democratic

Ronald Reagan beat down Russia and bankrupted them. Tore down the Berlin Wall. Obama created and helped fund and arm ISIS. Costs much more to be a bad muslim than it does to be a good Republican.

People do not want the records of those two compared. It will show exactly how pathetic Barack Obama actually is. The only reason they oversell how detrimental the bubble burst was is because they've got no other excuse for why Obama had two terms and couldn't produce jack f'n squat.
Nothing as scary to a black American nationalist as a liberal white man ready to sell his job to the first immigrant who jumps the border.

Black man should fear liberal white man - MX
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Outlier of the day: A new Gallup survey released on Tuesday found that 32 percent of respondents think that Trump possesses the personality and leadership qualities necessary for someone to be president, compared to 51 percent for Clinton. “Voters rate Trump worse than any other presidential candidate in Gallup's records on having the personality and leadership qualities a president should have,” said Gallup. The organization first polled on this question in the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush, who both got significantly better numbers—59 percent and 57 percent, respectively—than Trump.

It’s not over ‘til it’s over, V.2: Yes, Trump might be happy about one poll that puts him one point ahead, but perhaps he should take a look at this Moody’s Analytics model. The model, which has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential race since 1980, predicts that Clinton will win next week. More specifically, the model forecasts that she’ll take 332 electoral votes, while Trump will receive 206. Swing states Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Florida are all set for Democratic victories, according to the model, which is based on three economic factors and three political factors.

Remember: Just seven days to go until the election.
So a POTUS sells access while in office for a post-presidency position/org that attacks his successor. Unfortunately does not meet the stringent requirements for our media to care. By stringent, I mean "are they a republican?".