How will they rule ??!

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Im not gonna disagree with you. Both parties are not in it for the right reasons. Trust me I’m not a fan of Mitch and the like.

But I do believe that’s why we should all support Trump. If nothing else, he’s in it for his legacy (even if not the American people) and that’s better than thee other corrupt and horrible men in power. The issues I have with the left, and sometimes my emotions take over, is equal rights do need to be extended to all, but that doesn’t mean our culture needs to normalize abnormal and potentially immoral behavior. We cannot continue to promote abnormal behavior to our kids which the left pushes routinely. I believe the left is rampant on that issue. Allow, but don’t promote.

I also believe we all better stop playing around with the border crisis because the left is making it a power play and once they’re able to tell Americans we don’t need you, it’s game over. They’re rushing in poor masses and history shows when that happens the poor overtake the system and collapse our form of government. If you study the history of democracy, it’s the poor masses that usually tear it down. The left will have full power and will tear down the institution which is their play here. Don’t let them fool you, left wing idelology and promoters have always been anti western liberal values and firmly against republic democracy. This isn’t a game, my kids, your kids, your future family, are all threatened by this. We cannot vote for politicians that are creating the problem. Immigration to the left is about future amnesty and they can then go unchecked.

I would urge you to consider. I would urge everyone to consider. If we don’t stop the immigration play by the left they will have one party rule and we will all lose, and this is the REAL threat to democracy, not the made up political “Hitler” nonsense. This is real.
The gist of your message, and THANK YOU for taking the time to write a thoughtful post, is correct. But some of the details are incorrect from my perspective. There isn't a single person from the "left" that I know (and I work with them) that "promotes potentially immoral behavior". There is nothing wrong with a person being themselves, as long as they are not physically harming others. I don't care if you're all tatted up, pierced up or you belong to a satanic club, as long as you're an inherently good person. There are many people I know from the right, who PREACH right from wrong, but they sure don't lead lives that reflect their preaching. They're also letting their little kids play with guns and knives, and whathave you, and claiming "the Bie Bull teaches sur vie vull". There are nutcases everywhere, on both sides of the fence.

Regarding border security, I'm RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. The left, IMO, has done their level best to just open everything up, and let everyone in. I don't agree with that. Like you, for the sake of maintaining the integrity of the whole, there ought to be rules and procedures you must follow OVER TIME in order to get the chance to experience living in another country. I feel that way about every country. People coming here simply don't respect our culture and history. They just see the US as a "free for all, gimme gimme gimme". They work here, and send all their money out of the country. My former boss loved to show everyone pictures of the mansion he's building in Africa, saying that it would be worth a couple of million dollars if something like that were built here. So, I feel he's not here to be a part of this country. He's here to prosper for someone or somewhere else.

There really needs to be a third party that represents the good of both parties, if that's possible. Not just a vote because you don't like the other two options. But I haven't voted much over the years because I never feel like politicians are all that concerned about MY situations, so why support theirs? They already stay far beyond their usefullness. Ross Perot was one of my favorites :) There needs to be gun control, and border control. People need to learn to better co-exist with others, and people need to learn to see with their ears and listen with their eyes. I'll be the first to tell you that I don't like much change, and have difficulty adjusting to it.
Easy now, it happens.

I have six pairs of identically mismatched socks....................wait a minute.

Nevermind. 🫤

He registered so he could vote against Trump in the PA primary. He gave money to the dems.
I have a fam member who registers dem so she can vote in Fem primaries in LOU and be given a listen when she calls our Dem Congressman. It's a common tactic for mischief. Follow the money for the truth.
First, congrats on getting to 88 years old and having a large family. Kudos to you, you must be doing a lot of things "right". We should all be so lucky. EDIT: I hope they are all UK fans!!

This country is no longer the country you and I grew up in. Too many segments have been radicalized by modern day liberalism. Do you actually believe that only the left on here gets called names? If you believe that, then you haven't read enough. Most of us get called terrible names on here every day from the left and to so called "moderate". I suspect you are old enough and wise enough to look in the mirror and see your side doing it too.

How do you compromise with people that want open borders (which is a direct destruction of the country) and end what this country is and has been? With people that want to kill children? With people that want to indoctrinate and mutilate children? With people that celebrate Lenin and destroy Washington? Guess what ... you can't. All it takes is for good people to say nothing when people like Dion, shins, sams dad, james, etc., spew their hatred.

One thing I agree with you is the board interaction makes things worse, quickly. Having said that, things i see or read on here become the national discussion 2-3 days later. Like it or not, this thread is great for a swath (all sides) of news from all sorts of sources.
Thanks for your post. I agree with the first two paragraphs, and if you read my post, I called out people for calling conservatives or Republicans names just as I did the other side. Then, you go into how your side is right and you can't compromise with people that think different than you. That is what I'm saying. There is a border compromise. People aren't really mutilating children. That is a talking point. I know no one that celebrates Lenin and destroys Washington (I assume you are talking about George, but maybe D.C.) Who wants to kill children as you state? Let's talk about issues and end the hatred of the "other team" and get things done, instead of just calling each other names.
I’ll say this. My liberal contingent of contacts on social media, who are normally routinely active with posting how awful they think Donal Trump is, have been completely radio silent the last 24 hours.
Give them time. They just haven’t uploaded the liberal talking points on how to handle this.

This should be the clearest example of liberal drones to date. The MSM has not gotten their talking points yet to repeat over and over on every channel, so your liberal contacts are quiet.

Once they decide on their messaging and it pops up in every network, those same people will magically become very active on social media.
BBB has never hidden his political leanings.
And I won't. What I won't do is engage in a name calling exchange with people that disagree with me. I'm not stupid. I live in western Kentucky and know that most people around me, including some of my closest friends have different political beliefs than I do. That hasn't affected any of our abilities to raise families, develop a retirement plan, and actually retire and enjoy our life and each other's company. Some of you need to broaden your horizons and talk to people that think differently than you do. You might actually enjoy their company.
Give them time. They just haven’t uploaded the liberal talking points on how to handle this.

This should be the clearest example of liberal drones to date. The MSM has not gotten their talking points yet to repeat over and over on every channel, so your liberal contacts are quiet.

Once they decide on their messaging and it pops up in every network, those same people will magically become very active on social media.

Some like the Village Idiot already started flailing about red flag laws and such. Mentally ill shooter!

He piped down quickly, because that narrative hasn't been approved yet. 🙄

He'll Be Back.
While we are what 37 trillion in debt and increasing exponentially? Yeah, let's devalue our currency more, create more inflation, while borrowing more from the CCP. Yeah, that will show that darn Putin. Who cares if it hurts Americans and can only escalate into a nuclear exchange. A sober minded person would see that Ukraine isn't worth that, and it's even more insane that we continue while childishly pretending that negotiation or dialogue is verboten for some reason.
IMO Joe has to pay the billions due to the money that was given to Hunter.....and then of course to Joe.
Every single time something bad happens to a Biden, something worse immediately happens to Trump.

The worst possible thing other than death happens to Joe (calls to step down) and Trump is immediately killed if he doesn't turn to his right.

At some point these "coincedences" don't look so coincedental.
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And I won't. What I won't do is engage in a name calling exchange with people that disagree with me. I'm not stupid. I live in western Kentucky and know that most people around me, including some of my closest friends have different political beliefs than I do. That hasn't affected any of our abilities to raise families, develop a retirement plan, and actually retire and enjoy our life and each other's company. Some of you need to broaden your horizons and talk to people that think differently than you do. You might actually enjoy their company.
I retired well before you, I promise. Take your pompous "I'm a liberal and I'm better than you" attitude and go fly a kite.
It would be nice to live in a world where we can trust our government and the media to tell us the truth. It would be wild if this guy was just some crazy kid trying to become famous and a war broke out because of him. It would be nice if we could wait on the facts. The problem is the facts often never come. The problem is the media has an early narrative which they push and most people believe that to be the truth.

I have no idea what this shooter was. I do know that he should have been neutralized long before he was.
Give them time. They just haven’t uploaded the liberal talking points on how to handle this.

This should be the clearest example of liberal drones to date. The MSM has not gotten their talking points yet to repeat over and over on every channel, so your liberal contacts are quiet.

Once they decide on their messaging and it pops up in every network, those same people will magically become very active on social media.
I think it’s more a matter of them currently being resigned to the notion they have no hope of beating Trump now.
I really don't care if someone is a liberal. My 66-year old sister is a liberal. My best friend is a liberal. My next door neighbor is a liberal. And so on... At least we can discuss in a civilized manner. Mostly. I'll never understand their way of thinking but at least they don't alienate me for my views. Really need someone that can bring this country together. Not saying Trump is the one that can do it but Biden certainly isn't the one. No excuses if you vote for that bastard.
I think it’s more a matter of them currently being resigned to the notion they have no hope of beating Trump now.

Logic would dictate that be true. Just wait though, in a day or two once the DNC decides their strategy, those people will be chirping just like they always have.

Report back in 3 to 5 days and let me know. I’m curious…
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It would be nice to live in a world where we can trust our government and the media to tell us the truth. It would be wild if this guy was just some crazy kid trying to become famous and a war broke out because of him. It would be nice if we could wait on the facts. The problem is the facts often never come. The problem is the media has an early narrative which they push and most people believe that to be the truth.

I have no idea what this shooter was. I do know that he should have been neutralized long before he was.

It's been 24+ hours and the President just told me we know absolutely nothing about the shooter. Zilch. Way to go, top guys. Keep us posted!

By tomorrow, they won't even be mentioning anything related to an investigation.