How will they rule ??!

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^ Lincoln was almost shot when a bullet went thru his stove pipe hat while riding unaccompanied in DC of an evening. He went on with his mission too.
May 22, 2024

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday pushed back on claims that former President Trump’s political opponents are out to kill him as “outlandish and dangerous” and urged GOP colleagues to tamp down conspiracies he worries could lead to violence.

“What Donald Trump said falsely suggesting his political opponents are out to kill him is beyond the pale and is the stuff that leads to political violence,” Schumer said on the Senate floor. “Donald Trump seems to have no consideration for the sanctity and peacefulness and further functioning of our democracy.”

JFC - I'd truly love to introduce that vile MF'ers neckbone to his teeth. I could do the time. I'm old as **** anyway.
You second paragraph literally contradicts itself.

What did you just babble? You mean Pubs aren't MAGA but are conservatives?

That might make sense, even though still incorrect.
As I said, Pubs (meaning most these days) are MAGA, meaning not conservatives. Sorry I wasn't clear enough for you to understand. You can't love spending & deficits/debt like Trump & be conservative.
Supporting Ukraine only.prolongs the conflict, leading to death destruction and more.

So, yeah, supporting them from here is absolutely being a war hawk.

You have any skin in the game, NetCat?
The skin I have in it is beating off the oppressors of the world. That's not enough for you? What's yours?
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It's more advantageous for them to keep getting pounded, by NATO weapons, lose thousands of armored vehicles and hundreds of thousands of men. Than it is for the US, who's using 1 percent of their GDP to support them? You sure?
While we are what 37 trillion in debt and increasing exponentially? Yeah, let's devalue our currency more, create more inflation, while borrowing more from the CCP. Yeah, that will show that darn Putin. Who cares if it hurts Americans and can only escalate into a nuclear exchange. A sober minded person would see that Ukraine isn't worth that, and it's even more insane that we continue while childishly pretending that negotiation or dialogue is verboten for some reason.
Got a question that I don't think I've seen addressed here and I haven't seen it anywhere else.

Looking at the stage...sniper is to the left....and the innocent victim who was shot and killed was to the right.
In several videos taken by people in that section, the guy looked to be sitting in the top row or close to it.
Sniper was elevated. By the looks of the building, and comparing that to the stage (which isn't real high off the ground) it looks to me that he would have been shooting downward.
So....did the bullet hit something and ricochet upward? Same bullet that barely missed Trump's head? Another bullet where the guy was just firing?

If so, I imagine the police, FBI, SS are looking at that...looking where it may have hit....trajectory of the bullet, etc.
My total guess is the first round fired is the one that hit Trump. When the shooter saw he missed, his next few shots were more rushed and perhaps less precise, and those hit bystanders.
Who could answer that?

A) it's an absurd start. No one is claiming she's a liberal, but that liberals in PA switched registrations to her to hurt Trump. ( fact)

B) I already addressed your second paragraph, which is as dumb as it gets.
Oh yea, plenty here have claimed that anyone not MAGA is a lib.

You addressed it? WTF? I wasn't quoting you. You're absurd.
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No, but the guy obsessed with it, runninrichie, came in here and is being himself, obsessive behavior.

Take a gander at the Ukraine thread for an idea.

Go away.

He's a total nutcase. Tries to impose his will on everybody that doesn't agree with him yet all anybody does is laugh at him. He also makes fun of those special needs people so he's a rotten human. Oh well. One day he'll admit he has issues and begin to heal.
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Biden speaking live tonight. He can’t afford to say anything nice about Trump, but do they have the guts to try and make hay with this? Guess he will generically condemn it while trying to look good.
He’s still trying to hold on to his spot on top of the ticket, so he’s taking the opportunity to make all these “presidential” appearances.
To that I say, why aren't you over there volunteering?

And stop trying to derail this thread.

You already make up about half of the 30000 posts on the Ukraine war thread.

Out, out, out!
If you want to talk about Ukraine so much, why TF don't you go to the Ukraine thread?
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Of course when something like this happens there are all types of theories. Especially these days. That being said....I don't see anything weird about a SS agent, or security telling someone to move. Unless I missed something.
i don’t either. my post was intended to show the people shouting at the media people in the other video.
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Biden speaking live tonight. He can’t afford to say anything nice about Trump, but do they have the guts to try and make hay with this? Guess he will generically condemn it while trying to look good.

The dumbass already spoke, I suppose he'll just say the same things....

Most interesting point about it was Biden said Trump was given highest security, we gave him everything he needs, etc etc etc...Which based on what everybody has been saying, is a bold faced lie. Not sure why Biden would even bring that up, unless that narrative floating about is in fact true - his administration denied extra security requests.

The most egregious BS though, from all these morons - is the notion that they never support violence of any kind, or would even suggest such an awful thing. If the mfer is LITERALLY HITLER, which I've been told every week since Trump came on the scene and threatened to spoil Washington's party, wouldn't you want to kill him? Literal Hitler is awful and must be stopped. Of course, everyone knows what they mean.

Of course, we can't forget the state sponsored covid riots. I pray we never see violence like that again, and I'm still shocked that happened here in the United States.
HS classmate of the shooter, says he (the shooter) was picked on constantly.

The reporter asks if he can give an example of one of the reasons he was picked on. Classmate said, "One thing was, he continued to wear a mask, even after COVID."

Thanks Fauci and Biden, you ****ing imbeciles.
HS classmate of the shooter, says he (the shooter) was picked on constantly.

The reporter asks if he can give an example of one of the reasons he was picked on. Classmate said, "One thing was, he continued to wear a mask, even after COVID."

Thanks Fauci and Biden, you ****ing imbeciles.

That’s exactly the mindless drone that would do this. They are void of all critical thought and just believe whatever liberals say without question or thought.

If you’re wearing a mask still, I’m talking about you, idiots…
And also... A Trump supporter was killed tonight. While you have had words for people in this thread that don't agree with you... You haven't had any words for the dead man or the 2 or 3 wounded people.

We aren't the problem when a leftist shoots Trump supporters.
You must have missed it. I absolutely said that I was glad the shooter was killed and was sorry that anyone was hurt.
And another thing... People like you are the problem in this country. You want to be the fence sitter in the middle so bad that when one side goes wildly off the rails you pretend the right is that side by default. Elon Musk had only ever voted for democrats. He just endorsed Trump. His pollitics and beliefs haven't changed. He just started to see how far the left has gone towards crazy.

And I know you'll say "pubs go crazy too"... We at least call it out. The left refuses to call out anyone on their side.
You are completely misquoting me and missing my message. I think I said both sides are crazy and we need to focus on what we agree on. I'm not the problem in this country. I'm just trying to get people to find common ground, which actually exists. Where you get that I said only one side is wrong I don't know. Re-read what I posted. I said both sides calling names are wrong. But, if you want to continue the division, keep moving the goal post and calling names. I'm trying to do the opposite, and evidently this isn't the forum for that.
He wouldn't even hire her as a door attendant at the Trump Plaza. LOL
I meant to come back to this. Which poster said (paraphrasing) "I'll bet she could holster a Whopper."?

That was the funniest/best post of the day.

A 5 Clown award winner (and those are given, oh, not NECESSARILY given, each, errrr only when there is a worthy...)
Easy now, it happens.

I have six pairs of identically mismatched socks....................wait a minute.

Nevermind. 🫤
Yep you gotta have the same style. Back in the day with those knee high 3 stripe colored socks it just didn't work out. The jig was up rather quickly. All the same? Nobody knows.
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