How will they rule ??!

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Insane video. FedEx driver doesn't even get half way to his truck before two competing thieves run for the package of phones.

Homeowner asks "How did they find out these phones were being delivered?. Something fishy is going on here"

I cannot remember all of the particulars.....

Long, long story short:

A former colleague ordered several thousand dollars of video equipment for his new job.

He received a "has been delivered" message.

You guessed it, no packages were delivered to the proper location.

Here is where the story could get long and convoluted. So, I will paraphrase.

FedEx and the vendor said they were on their own as the packages were delivered.

They took a chance and went to an apartment complex down the street to look around.

Their packages were neatly stacked in an out-of-the-way stairwell.

Was this intentional by the driver? You be the judge.
This all sounds good to me. I don't see the problem. (although, I don't believe in the death penalty, and I'm not crazy about using "clown" as a pejorative)

I’m surprised you’re a death penalty opponent. Personally I would prefer for certain crimes, daily infliction to the con of the pain inflicted on the victim, would be the best deterrence in my view. But knowing that won’t happen, just disposing of the trash works for me.
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Net Contrarian woke up ornery this morning. Flooding the board with nonsensical shit like this. How can you tell how nice of a truck it is Mitch?
By the quality I can see & the neat sign applied. You're going to obtain a large sign & neatly apply it to your truck instead of buying food? If so, you don't deserve food. I'll wait till you wake up again.
By the quality I can see & the neat sign applied. You're going to obtain a large sign & neatly apply it to your truck instead of buying food? If so, you don't deserve food. I'll wait.
You see a back window of a truck Mitchcat. No way to tell what type or the rest of condition of truck. The sign probably cost less than 5 dollars and is obviously a statement on todays inflation, not a plea from a starving man. Try harder. At least make some sense with your contrarian takes.
So will KY support the constitutional amendment in November that allows state funding beyond common/public schools - or not? Not = not caring about results, just control by the state.
Welp, the fear mongerers are already out in my part of the state.

Yeah...Biden is too senile to walk or ride a bike but he has full and complete mastery over the grocery stores of America. He loves raisen them there prices!! 🤡
You either want a free market capitalist economy or government controlled communism.
You sound like a commie to me.
Well if it’s now law, then it seems to be youre opinion that it violates the 1st besides the 10 Commandments have historical relevance when it comes to the US legal system.

I’ll repeat a phrase i know you’re familiar with that seems relevant, “No one is forcing it on the kids”, it’s just hanging up in a classroom, who cares.

^ did I get that right?
One is by choice....the other is a government mandated law.
One is secular and advocating treating EVERYONE with kindness....the other is advocating for ONE particular religion's teachings over all others.
Hypocrites have the hardest time with hypocrisy.
What d

What does any of your idiocy have to do with the meme posted about the minimum wage?

I'm sure the other idiots you read on Facebook use such terms, yes, but not one person in the real world have I ever heard such foolish nonsense, Village Idiot.
Wrong again....Fanatics never think they are the fanatics.

"We are the Christian Taliban," crowed white nationalist Vincent James Foxx in his webcast after the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade.

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Just give people vouchers and let them send their kids to the school of their choosing. The corrupt public school cabal is fighting like hell to keep all of our tax money to spend any way they want to promote anything they want at the expense of taxpayers and the parents of children. Let people choose the schools they want with the taxpayer funds. It is long past the time we reimagine public education in this state.
Think public schools are expensive? Wait till the taxpayers start pressuring all the state reps for more and more voucher $$$ to keep up with the rising costs of the private schools.
You think those private schools won't just jack up their tuition to get more free tax payer $$$ in order to get richer AND keep out the rif raff that still won't be able to cover the difference in voucher $$$ and tuition cost??
It will be EXACTLY like college tuition costs once the government loan $$$ started being passed out for college. Tuition went from 1,500 a year to 25k once that pot of money became available.
Same will happen with the dumbazz voucher system.
This is nothing more than a money grab and redistribution of wealth towards the wealthy but y'all are to GD stupid to see it for what it is.

Wrong again....Fanatics never think they are the fanatics.

"We are the Christian Taliban," crowed white nationalist Vincent James Foxx in his webcast after the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade.

I can only imagine your Google algorithm. Based on your searches and views, its undoubtedly hilarious.
Yes. Radical(to you) positions on social issues. Not economic ones. Just like the middle and upper class people are moving from Republican to Democrat because they don't agree with the right's radical(to them) positions on social issues(anti-intellectual Trumpism, anti-LGBTQ). Neither group sees a big enough difference in economic message that it really matters to them, so they vote on social issues where there's an obvious split. Culture wars. Like I initially said.
School choice is a piece of a free market capitalist economy. State monopoly schools are not.
So what happens to all the children who can't afford the good private schools that are stuck in public schools that are even more poorly funded than they are today??
Currently about 10 percent of the nation's kids are in private school. Vouchers may expand that to 20/30 percent leaving the other 70/80 percent of kids in rat hole schools with rotting facilities and poorly paid babysitters.
That's the direction we are moving.
Just since I've retired, the quality of the teacher applicant pool is becoming a joke. They are now taking kids without teaching degrees who have no practical education experience at all. Great for kids right?
Because there is no pension anymore, the incentive to stay long term is gone. The turnover is much worse than it once was. Teachers are walking out at random times because they lose nothing by doing so. Just get a new job and transfer your retirement monies. Then there are no subs to cover those rooms because the subs used to be a pool of young, aspiring teachers. That pool is gone.
Good luck producing the teachers, doctors, engineers and scientists we need to compete in the world.
It's pathetic what our society is doing to education in red states.
You see a back window of a truck Mitchcat. No way to tell what type or the rest of condition of truck. The sign probably cost less than 5 dollars and is obviously a statement on todays inflation, not a plea from a starving man. Try harder. At least make some sense with your contrarian takes.

Elaine disagrees with the message, so he has to attack the messenger. Typical liberal tactic.
Wonder why your kids aren’t learning math and science? Exhibit A Sambowieshill. He’d rather spend the 8 months a year he actually has to work ranting about his 1st amendment rights being violated while hanging another rainbow flag or planned parenthood poster.
Never hung anything but an American flag in my room.
Probably not as intended, but maybe as has been abused by “y’all.” Historically speaking.
Absolutely as intended. We have their writings that specifically speak to their intent. A relevant Jefferson quote being the actual source of the phrase 'separation of church and state' itself:

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." - Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Danbury Baptists 1802

As you can see he clearly quotes the exact text of the First itself and elaborates on its meaning and goals.
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