How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Actually that isn't true Kaplan. Usually this board has found it disrespectful when somebody was taking over multiple pages with their posts. Hell, LeviBooty was literally banned from this board for taking over one whole page. There has been LeviBooty-level posting by multiple posters tonight. It's been non stop since like 8 last night. Might be time to take a break bud. Or start another thread. Couple of you guys could just text each other. haha. Jesus.
I endorse this post.

@HymanKaplan , @Marleydogg : How about giving others an opportunity to express their opinions? TIA.
I find this to be a common opinion on the right, the whole 'if you can't be bothered to do it right, do we really want your ****ing vote' thing. Or take off work, or make it to the polls, or whatever. And I just fundamentally disagree. So much so that I favor Australia's model where voting is mandatory(small fine tax if you don't, hot dogs if you do!). I think democracy needs the voices of the weakest, the most downtrodden, the most marginalized, the least capable. Because they're humans too and that's all they have. If you're competent and successful you have power already. Power over your own life and immediate circumstances. As so many will come here with their 'Whoever's president don't affect me none, my bank account line go up!' and state. But society, America, is all of us. From the bottom to the top. Not just those who are already have agency.
What are you blathering on about? I'm fine with absentee ballots, for those that can't get out, I just want a method that is secure, the voter rolls purged, etc. Some evidence that every ballot counted came from a living, US Citizen. Those things are fundamental to a free and fair election. It's not too much to ask. And unless those things can hold up to that scrutiny, the ballots should be tossed. Fair is fair. No matter how downtrodden one might be. It's NOT that hard to vote, LOL. There are organizations that can come pick up your vote, confirm that you are who you say you are, and take it to the polling place, or, better yet, take YOU to the polling place.

This is the USA, not Point Nemo... LOL

It's an election, not Quantum Physics.
Actually that isn't true Kaplan. Usually this board has found it disrespectful when somebody was taking over multiple pages with their posts. Hell, LeviBooty was literally banned from this board for taking over one whole page. There has been LeviBooty-level posting by multiple posters tonight. It's been non stop since like 8 last night. Might be time to take a break bud. Or start another thread. Couple of you guys could just text each other. haha. Jesus.
Well, you all were sleeping. So, express your opinions, and quit whining about mine. And the frequency of them. Because, you know it won't make a bit of difference. I'll keep doing what I do.

board nazis (rolleyes)

Nobody is holding a gun to your head there chief. LOL
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The compromise is somewhere between taking the religious aspect out of it, and acknowleding that at the point that the child could be prematurely delivered and live, that it is essentially murder.

I don't get why both sides can't come to an agreement on that. Sure, the religious folks, think it's murder from the point of conception, and the pro-choice folks think that you should be able to put a spike in a baby's head, up until it breaches.

At the end of the day, either way, it's not the Federal government's business.

The last line it’s the only point that matters.

Most people who oppose abortion do so because they think it’s killing a baby. There is no room for compromise if you think it’s baby murder. I find 100% opposition to abortion a far more logical and intellectually consistent position than the position held by those who oppose killing babies unless they feel the baby was conceived in a bad way, or with arbitrary timelines.

Regardless, it’s certainly not a federal issue. And it’s not something that ranks in the top 100 issues that sway my vote.
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Seeing Louisville news and alllllll the topics and events are about pride this and pride that with the parade coming up.

One tiny little Juneteenth event buried in the list of things.

But yes....keep voting dem.
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I find this to be a common opinion on the right, the whole 'if you can't be bothered to do it right, do we really want your ****ing vote' thing. Or take off work, or make it to the polls, or whatever. And I just fundamentally disagree. So much so that I favor Australia's model where voting is mandatory(small fine tax if you don't, hot dogs if you do!). I think democracy needs the voices of the weakest, the most downtrodden, the most marginalized, the least capable. Because they're humans too and that's all they have. If you're competent and successful you have power already. Power over your own life and immediate circumstances. As so many will come here with their 'Whoever's president don't affect me none, my bank account line go up!' and state. But society, America, is all of us. From the bottom to the top. Not just those who are already have agency.
Being not a right means it's open to legislation. So they're trying to legislate. For you and me and everyone. What, you thought Republicans actually gave a shit about their supposed ideal of federalism and it wasn't just lip service? Silly boy.

As soon as Dobbs was leaked, liberals started pushing for federal legislation. So, the fact that some in the GOP want this resolved federally is a reaction to the threat made by Dems. The fact is, the feds lose control over this political hotcake if they acquiesce to the states and that would mean losing a money maker to state politics. As long as there is a blood thirst for baby killing, the politicians will take advantage.
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I find this to be a common opinion on the right, the whole 'if you can't be bothered to do it right, do we really want your ****ing vote' thing. Or take off work, or make it to the polls, or whatever. And I just fundamentally disagree. So much so that I favor Australia's model where voting is mandatory(small fine tax if you don't, hot dogs if you do!). I think democracy needs the voices of the weakest, the most downtrodden, the most marginalized, the least capable. Because they're humans too and that's all they have. If you're competent and successful you have power already. Power over your own life and immediate circumstances. As so many will come here with their 'Whoever's president don't affect me none, my bank account line go up!' and state. But society, America, is all of us. From the bottom to the top. Not just those who are already have agency.

Well the founders chose not to set us up as a democracy.

You should have to pass a quiz on candidates to be allowed to vote in elections.

I’ve said it many times, stupid people exercising their right to vote has done fast more damage than stupid people owning guns ever could. Stupid people should refrain from doing either.
Dionsysus, although I don't doubt that you're an intelligent, albeit misguided, man, the less you post about legal issues, the more intelligent you will present yourself to be. Sometimes silence is golden and can be to one's benefit.
To respondt o your post, I can assure that if a law passed that demanded the death penalty for abortion, it would absolutely go to the United States Supreme Court, and get nuked, unless it was first nuked in a state appellate court- which would happen so quickly it would spin your head.

On what grounds would a federal ban even be reviewed by a state court, let alone nuked by the SCOTUS?
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Actually that isn't true Kaplan. Usually this board has found it disrespectful when somebody was taking over multiple pages with their posts. Hell, LeviBooty was literally banned from this board for taking over one whole page. There has been LeviBooty-level posting by multiple posters tonight. It's been non stop since like 8 last night. Might be time to take a break bud. Or start another thread. Couple of you guys could just text each other. haha. Jesus.
I have all the trolls blocked and several of the "righty" posters because they won't stop engaging the trolls. Including the two you just replied to. I swear 70% of the replies are to blocked posters. I can't even imagine having to scroll past jameslee's trash anymore.
And that, right there, is the fundamental difference in left and right.

We want freedom, they want control.

Who pushed smoking bans? Seat belt laws? (That was actually the scum insurance companies) helmet laws? (Same, also probably related to the 19th amendment. 😉) Hate speech law? ( again, 19th)

Sorry, I don't need the government to mommy me.
Who tried to ban several musical artists? Like Prince, Twisted Sister,


Well, seeing as how the media called Florida for Bush before the polls in the panhandle closed could have been seen as going either way, I'm going to call that one even, and I absolutely despised Bush.

And Who says Gore was headed to pull ahead?

Haven't you argued about how many mail in ballots went to Biden late, due to counting rules?
And thats why he hugely surged in 4 states at 4 am?

Come on dude.

They were trying 'hanging Chad's' to push that shit to Gore in half the state. The other half said Bush won. Someone had to make a decision, and that falls to the judiciary in that one.

Agree or disagree?
I thought the media called Florida for Gore and that is why several people in the panhandle went home? I do remember they were only "recounting" in 4 counties. The 4 most heavily D counties. And they were "creating" votes.
Damn this thread went like 4 or 5 pages in one night.

4 or 5 pages, that are virtually indistinguishable from the previous 16000 plus. 😆

Mike-McD isn't happy about it though. His disatisfaction with the posts on this board is, frankly, all that he ever posts about anymore. Which begs the question... LOL

Just some bored NIght Owls.
What happens when you get T-boned on the driver's side at 40 mph? I'd prefer to bounce into my.passenger than be crushed betwixt the driver door and my seat belt. Just saying. Insurance companies got tired of paying for faces through windshields, pretty much.
When I was a teenager, my neighbor was in a bad accident, hit nearly head on by a garbage truck. She wasn't wearing her seat belt. however the angle the truck hit her caused her to fall over towards the passenger seat. The steering wheel went over her through and the drivers seat. It would have crushed her. She was saved by not wearing her seatbelt. That was in the early 80's though, before cars bugged the living daylights out of you if you didn't buckle up.
Our president basically threatening the American people if they uprise against him? With f-15's?

Hate to break it to his idiotic ass, but the Vietcong and the Taliban didn't have f-15's either.

Nor more than half of the invading forces and law enforcement on the invaded side.

Has he ever visited eastern Kentucky?

Does he comprehend war at all?

Who drives the semis that feed this country, moron, and if they stopped, mass starvation would happen in 2 maybe 3 weeks. How long to deploy people to take over and do it?

Even if they just went on a real strike. In one week, it would absolutely cripple this country, or really, any other civilized one.

Eisenhower, he is not.
Problem is, they are trying desperately to root out anyone in the military who might oppose the positions the President takes on these issues. It's why they fired anyone who resisted the vaccine mandate. It's why the DOJ put out those memos about identifying any right wing or conservative military members as threats and basically domestic terrorists. It's also why they want to allow illegals to join the military without any sort of background checks or citizenship requirements. The Dems want to build a Woke, Gestapo military who will obey any command, even if that command is to fire upon American citizens.
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Most legal scholars have agreed, for a long time, the Roe v Wade was flimsy. It only stuck around because everyone (well, ENOUGH) were terrified to touch it.

I will continue to maintain that it's a state issue, not Federal. (Since it's now precedent that neither the procedure, nor the baby is protected under the Constitution.)

Roe stuck around because the court was politically liberal, even though liberal commentators admitted it was bad law.
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Perot got 19%, I do believe. If they (media and dems) allow him to debate those two, he might well pull ahead of both on that stage in 2 hours.

Again, I like what he says, but i don't really trust him, like any politician.

Strangely, Trump, I do trust in that aspect, in that he basically has held the same views on trade, foreign policy for 40+ years (see 80's interviews) and he did try in his 4 years to right the ship, if you will.
Get tired of so many people saying they wish they had another option other than Trump or Biden. If more of those people who say shit like that would cast their vote for RFK, Jr., then maybe the tide would turn. Saying you won't vote for him because he doesn't stand a chance is just ignorant.
The last line it’s the only point that matters.

Most people who oppose abortion do so because they think it’s killing a baby. There is no room for compromise if you think it’s baby murder. I find 100% opposition to abortion a far more logical and intellectually consistent position than the position held by those who oppose killing babies unless they feel the baby was conceived in a bad way, or with arbitrary timelines.

Regardless, it’s certainly not a federal issue. And it’s not something that ranks in the top 100 issues that sway my vote.
I think we have to admit that the religious viewpoint on abortion is going to be different than what our government should be enforcing, or what the medical community should be doing. The heartbeat law makes the most sense to me and is something most people can understand. Abortion after that violates the Hippocratic oath IMO. We also perform surgeries on babies very early in the womb as well, and the baby benefits. We as a society attempt to protect life with our laws. At a minimum, in no way is abortion healthcare, certainly not after the baby has a heartbeat.
Trump meeting with Ben Carson in Detroit this weekend. Detroit is Carson's hometown. Carson as VP might help take Michigan.
Tactically, Carson makes sense. Not the most dynamic guy, but he does check some boxes.

No one other than Youngkin brings a state to the table (I'm talking about states that matter, not S Dakaota lol). If Carson can bring Michigan that would be HUGE.