How will they rule ??!

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Actually, I am FOR seat belt laws (unless you're in the car by yourself), because your body flying around, willy nilly, can bash someone's skull in and kill them. Just as if you stored your toolbox in the back seat, unsecured, and you rear-end someone, and your Craftsmen socket seat separates your passenger's body from their head (which should be manslaughter)

Before seatbelts became law, I had to go to traffic school for three nights. Back then they showed videos of car wrecks and people ejected, it was very brutal. I started wearing a seatbelt that night. Now it's just a class you do online without the videos.
Being not a right means it's open to legislation. So they're trying to legislate. For you and me and everyone. What, you thought Republicans actually gave a shit about their supposed ideal of federalism and it wasn't just lip service? Silly boy.

Well, thank you for admitting that it's NOT a right. And it is up to the legislature. Fed or state. Dobbs just got rid of Roe. The feds can absolutely pass a law, and the SCOTUS can render a judgment later, as it's designed amd worked for 250+ years. Minus the uniparty traitors who need tarred amd feathered in the public square.

Speaking of, I would suggest we take the congressperson utilizing insider info, and any that are outpacing the Warren buffet types in gains, be made an extreme example of.

I mean, Extreme.
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? Why? I'm not trying to just be an ass about it, I genuinely don't know what grounds you guys think would be such an obvious challenge and slam dunk(especially for the partisan makeup of this court, but that's a side issue). I don't mind looking stupid if I get an education out of it.
I actually misread your original post. But I'm still right when I posted that it would go to the Supreme Court, if it wasn't kicked before by lower federal courts and state courts. Yes, the Supreme Court "could" try to ignore it. But they absolutely "would" review it, and it would absolutely be a slam dunk to nuke it, starting with 8th Amendment related decisions. Kennedy v. Louisiana etc. It's just not going to happen that this law would even get that far. It's more likely that a state would try to pass some asinine law allowing the death penalty for fentaynl dealers than for abortion, anyway, and that would not work, either.
Before seatbelts became law, I had to go to traffic school for three nights. Back then they showed videos of car wrecks and people ejected, it was very brutal. I started wearing a seatbelt that night. Now it's just a class you do online without the videos.
I've shared this story before, about how, on long trips, I was relegated to the rear window "bay" LOL

Got fired, at high speed, into the backs of the front seats more times than I care to remember. That didn't hurt so much, but hitting that drive train "hump" on the floor, and getting sunburned like an ant under a magnifying glass (because of the parabolic shape of the rear window) was extremely unpleasant. LOL

(Just because my stupid older sister wanted to stretch out, and was too big to fit up there. Bitch... LOL)
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No SCOTUS involvement. Dobbs removed abortion from the rights covered by the Constitution, so anyone is free to legislate whatever they want on it. Doesn't go to SCOTUS at all. Republicans could pass a law tomorrow that any woman in America who has an abortion gets the immediate death penalty and it's constitutional(if they can get it passed obviously, which addresses your second point and that's of course much more complicated).
The first part is too. I mean, regardless of stare decisis, pretty much any law is up for Supreme Court review if they take it, can get really complicated.

You think if it goes to 6-3 the other way, they won't try and reverse Dobbs?

Come on, Dion.
Actually, I am FOR seat belt laws (unless you're in the car by yourself), because your body flying around, willy nilly, can bash someone's skull in and kill them. Just as if you stored your toolbox in the back seat, unsecured, and you rear-end someone, and your Craftsmen socket seat separates your passenger's body from their head (which should be manslaughter)
That's some final destination shit
Well, thank you for admitting that it's NOT a right. And it is up to the legislature. Fed or state. Dobbs just got rid of Roe. The feds can absolutely pass a law, and the SCOTUS can render a judgment later, as it's designed amd worked for 250+ years. Minus the uniparty traitors who need tarred amd feathered in the public square.

Speaking of, I would suggest we take the congressperson utilizing insider info, and any that are outpacing the Warren buffet types in gains, be made an extreme example of.

I mean, Extreme.
Most legal scholars have agreed, for a long time, the Roe v Wade was flimsy. It only stuck around because everyone (well, ENOUGH) were terrified to touch it.

I will continue to maintain that it's a state issue, not Federal. (Since it's now precedent that neither the procedure, nor the baby is protected under the Constitution.)
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Dude I hate the Democrats. I dunno whether you just haven't been here long enough to see me bagging on them because I spend the majority of my time here swimming against the conservative tide, but Democrats are worthless. They're the same imperialism and capitalism, bombs and bosses, just with rainbows on them. Go back and look at who voted for the Iraq War. It wasn't just Republicans. I was a child at the time and even I knew the geopolitical implications and situation better than those numbskulls. I can go on and on about Democrats, Pride Month, the Deep State; much of the same shit you'd hear out of any redneck's mouth. I live and work every day in deep EKY. My critiques of those things are just from a dialectical materialist leftist position and not from the right.

Mostly correct, but what I think you're missing, is that today's USA, the 'farriggt militia types are the types who say 'I don't care if my gay married neighbors grow weed and have multiple 'weapons of war and shoot off fireworks (at reasonable hours) Great, problem is the left only is OK with 2 of those.
Or we could revive the Platt Amendment.

I might even pick up a Havana double corona (even though I gave up tobacco), and some Havana Club Rum once in a while.
It's a little disappointing, how much Mr. Hand got incorrect about the Platt Amendment.

Still, though, I can't think of it w/o this going through my head. LOL

"What are you people? on DOPE?" (the Clown raises his hand halfway)

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Actually, I am FOR seat belt laws (unless you're in the car by yourself), because your body flying around, willy nilly, can bash someone's skull in and kill them. Just as if you stored your toolbox in the back seat, unsecured, and you rear-end someone, and your Craftsmen socket seat separates your passenger's body from their head (which should be manslaughter)

What happens when you get T-boned on the driver's side at 40 mph? I'd prefer to bounce into my.passenger than be crushed betwixt the driver door and my seat belt. Just saying. Insurance companies got tired of paying for faces through windshields, pretty much.
It was probably the life insurance companies that lobbied for them. The biggest danger of not wearing a seatbelt is getting ejected from the car, and crushed by it.

Anyway, like I said, if you put others in increased danger, by not wearing it, it, IMO ceases to become a personal liberty issue. I guess you could tell anyone that rides with you, that you refuse to wear a seatbelt, and have them sign a waiver that says they accept the risk. LOL

I could also see a similar rationale for requiring motorcycle helmets. If your face is unprotected, and a big old cicada nails you in the face or eye, it could cause you to lose control of the motorcycle, and crash head on into somebody. I'm ALL for a person's freedom and choices, but taking risks on public roads puts others in unneccessary danger.
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It was probably the life insurance companies that lobbied for them. The biggest danger of not wearing a seatbelt is getting ejected from the car, and crushed by it.

Anyway, like I said, if you put others in increased danger, by not wearing it, it, IMO ceases to become a personal liberty issue. I guess you could tell anyone that rides with you, that you refuse to wear a seatbelt, and have them sign a waiver that says they accept the risk. LOL

Yeah, the chances of a driver in a crash that a seat belt would effect them slamming into a passenger, or not, again is way less than the kinetic force of a head on smash, as opposed to a fender or door or rear end accident. (Depending on speed and physics of course.)

I put it on every time, habit, and don't want my car scolding me, but air bags are way better. Side and front.
Yeah, the chances of a driver in a crash that a seat belt would effect them slamming into a passenger, or not, again is way less than the kinetic force of a head on smash, as opposed to a fender or door or rear end accident. (Depending on speed and physics of course.)

I put it on every time, habit, and don't want my car scolding me, but air bags are way better. Side and front.
Yeah, it's not a hill I'm willing to die on, I was just saying that I can at least see the rationale behind them. 👍
Clearly, I'm bored, but honest question. I left the channel on, after the NBA finals game, and Kimmel has some African American celebrity on, who claimed to be Jewish. Clearly, she isn't ethnically a Jew.

Now, does she practice Judaism? Perhaps. Was she born in Israel? Is she a Rachel Dolezal culturally appropriating?

I'm genuinely confused.

And she has gotten even more bizarre as it goes on.

But, to me, a Japanese person can be Muslim, but they can't really claim to be an Arab Muslim, can they?

Are people just this insane? 😕
Clearly, I'm bored, but honest question. I left the channel on, and Kimmel has some African American celebrity on, who claimed to be Jewish. Clearly, she isn't ethnically a Jew.

Now, does she practice Judaism? Perhaps. Was she born in Israel? Is she a Rachel Dolezal culturally appropriating?

I'm genuinely confused.

And she has gotten even more bizarre as it goes on.

But, to me, a Japanese person can be Muslim, but they can't really claim to be an Arab Muslim, can they?

Are people just this insane? 😕

Ummmm, pretty sure that you can be whatever you CLAIM to be. That's the narrative.

It's always been a dream of mine to go to law school (primarily to be a nuisance to a justice system that I think crushes people without means), but I can't afford it. If I identify as a minority or illegal, I'll bet I could get a scholarship. I was under the impression that you could just study for the bar, pass it, and become a practicing attorney, but that law has been changed. So I really have no other choice, now do I? Are there any accredited online law schools? All I need is the sheepskin, I can do the rest myself. I took the LSAT already (157) so...

(and shame on you for watching Kimmel)
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The first part is too. I mean, regardless of stare decisis, pretty much any law is up for Supreme Court review if they take it, can get really complicated.

You think if it goes to 6-3 the other way, they won't try and reverse Dobbs?

Come on, Dion.
I actually don't think so. Dems shot their load on Roe, now that it's been overturned I don't think they'd try to impose it through SCOTUS again as it was always big and unwieldy. Public opinion has shifted enough they just want to use it as a campaign issue. I may be proven wrong on this in time but I would be very surprised if we ever get some sort of Roe 2.
Ummmm, pretty sure that you can be whatever you CLAIM to be. That's the narrative.

It's always been a dream of mine to go to law school (primarily to be a nuisance to a justice system that I think crushes people without means), but I can't afford it. If I identify as a minority or illegal, I'll bet I could get a scholarship. I was under the impression that you could just study for the bar, pass it, and become a practicing attorney, but that law has been changed. So I really have no other choice, now do I? Are there any accredited online law schools? All I need is the sheepskin, I can do the rest myself. I took the LSAT already (cold) and did well. So...

(and shame on you for watching Kimmel)

Indeed on that Kimmel rubbish. Ashamed I left it on that channel and added one viewer to that tripe. ( Btw, it's Tiffany Haddish that's the guest)

Law school long ago was that way, I think one state allows taking the bar without law school, amd one that if you go-to an instate law school, you don't have to pass the bar. But that might be 20 year old not current info. States are always changing the reciprocity rules, etc. Kind of like the medical schools.

It's wild to me, that if you go-to med school in India or some random south American countries, accepted usa physician, and others, like Germany, no, you have to attend a usa med school.
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I actually don't think so. Dems shot their load on Roe, now that it's been overturned I don't think they'd try to impose it through SCOTUS again as it was always big and unwieldy. Public opinion has shifted enough they just want to use it as a campaign issue. I may be proven wrong on this in time but I would be very surprised if we ever get some sort of Roe 2.
Agree, but they always used it as an election issue. They could have codified that shit just like they could the tax code if they really wanted and cared.

Another reason I can't stand them.

The uniparty.
The rational 60 percent of America, if they had a voice that wasn't constantly being drowned out/beaten down by our two "distinguished parties" and their zealots, could, I'm sure, come to a resonable solution to abortion.

In fact, if we could neuter the looney 40 percent (I'm giving each side 20 percent), this country could probably roll up it's sleeves, and get down to some serious work, while giving the disadvantaged the type of help that would, you know, actually ****ing HELP.

Convention of States...
I took the LSAT on a whim. I had no idea what to expect, but it was mostly logic and conditionally based ordering. Not what I was expecting at all. But was sort of in my wheel house.

Anyway, it's a pipe dream. I was serious about wanting to help folks that get caught in that system. I've seen it a bunch (through family members, friend's of mine and their children)

You get popped on something minor, especially a drug offense, and they make you jump through hoops that you cannot believe. A person that is struggling to get by, perhaps working multiple jobs, and has no support system, or an intelligent friend or family member that can help them navigate that mess, well... they're doomed. They get sucked down the funnel, and before you know it; what might have started out as minor, turns into missed court dates, bench warrants, etc. and now they've got REAL problems. It's a damned travesty.

I'm NOT making excuses for poor decisions, but is it too much to ask for the courts (and their privatized and very expensive, yet mandatory counseling centers (many of whom probably pay kick backs to politicians etc.) to not make it exponentially more difficult to get through?

Here is an example; my son got into some trouble (drug charges), got put into the system. Probation, CAPS appointments twice a week (for counseling, urine test, the works, all of which, was pretty hard for him to cover, expense wise) Anyway, he was within 60 days of completing his requirements, and he recieved a letter from CAPS (privatized probation officers/case handlers) that his probation was being revoked because he failed to keep them informed of his current address.

Yes, that's correct. They mailed a letter to him, which he received, telling him they were violating him because he didn't give them his current address. The address that they mailed the letter to. I wish I was making this up. Luckily for him, he had family (me primarily, to advocate for him, with promises to bring immense grief on them if they didn't notify the judge of their stupidity) but a majority of folks like that don't. So, as I said, they're screwed...
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And that, right there, is the fundamental difference in left and right.

We want freedom, they want control.

Who pushed smoking bans? Seat belt laws? (That was actually the scum insurance companies) helmet laws? (Same, also probably related to the 19th amendment. 😉) Hate speech law? ( again, 19th)

Sorry, I don't need the government to mommy me.
You fight every day for government control over people's bodies.
That is the most control you can have short of mind and body.
Freedom vs Control. What a joke.
Current abortion laws passed by the right give zero freedom and mandate full bodily control.
The irony is ridiculous
I took the LSAT on a whim. I had no idea what to expect, but it was mostly logic and conditionally based ordering. Not what I was expecting at all. But was sort of in my wheel house.

Anyway, it's a pipe dream. I was serious about wanting to help folks that get caught in that system. I've seen it a bunch (through family members, friend's of mine and their children)

You get popped on something minor, especially a drug offense, and they make you jump through hoops that you cannot believe. A person that is struggling to get by, perhaps working multiple jobs, and has no support system, or an intelligent friend or family member that can help them navigate that mess, well... they're doomed. They get sucked down the funnel, and before you know it; what might have started out as minor, turns into missed court dates, bench warrants, etc. and now they've got REAL problems. It's a damned travesty.

Driver license suspension laws among the most egregious of examples. Good lord.
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