How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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And does his vote change in the fall when he wins again? Or still same percentage of The House.
So what are you after with this line of obviously rhetorical questioning? I actually expect he’ll win by a larger margin in the fall since the turnouts won’t be at all comparable.
Need to find her name but lady that studies this stuff closely said Ireland slaughtered over 40K beef cows in 2022 after declaring some climate change nonsense in 2021 and it's coming here. She was saying that they are hiding it and blaming it on disease as to why they are trying to cut back on them but what it really is, is control and killing the small farmer. 30-50 years from now people will be eating insects for dinner.

Liberals are clinically insane and we are letting them overtake the rest of us.

30-50? Lol.

They're genocidal climate maniacs that want billions dead.

When they say it out loud, one should listen.
Is every post you make just to be blatantly racist? Seems to be your only motivator.

What about malt liquor and kools is racist?

Oh, are you referring to Biden plan to ban menthol cigarettes, then saw the polling in the black community, and immediately backtracked?

That stereotype that caused the Dems to abandon healthier voters for votes?

That one? Is that the one?

Seems like someone here sure is racist, and it ain't the guy who does taxes for free.
What about malt liquor and kools is racist?

Oh, are you referring to Biden plan to ban menthol cigarettes, then saw the polling in the black community, and immediately backtracked?

That stereotype that caused the Dems to abandon healthier voters for votes?

That one? Is that the one?

Seems like someone here sure is racist, and it ain't the guy who does taxes for free.

We already know your hatred for jews, Karldolph.
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Perhaps I don't understand the gun laws. So, if I indulge in recreational drugs (but have never been convicted of a crime in relation to that use), then I am not eligible to purchase a firearm?
Yep. You have to tell the government if you are committing a crime that you haven't been charged or convicted of. There are other problems with the background check but that's the big one.
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I vaguely remember someone saying that China fears what will happen to the chip making places in Taiwan in a war. If they are destroyed China's economy would collapse. This could happen becasue Taiwan is expected to fight.

The entire stock market gets crushed.

Remember the car shortages during covid? Childs play.

Personally I don't think China invades until they have similar capability. Why wouldn't the Taiwanese slash and burn/ scorched earth on the way out?
So what are you after with this line of obviously rhetorical questioning? I actually expect he’ll win by a larger margin in the fall since the turnouts won’t be at all comparable.

You brought up the percentage as if it matters. Gotta win by one vote, young man.

I'm saying I don't think it does, as you seemingly acquiesce to after popping off silliness.
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I've heard people say that "if you can't use the pardon power for your son, what's it for"? I understand wanting to use it for your child. The same way that a parent might lie to the police to protect their child or hide their child from the police. But that doesn't mean it is legal/ethical.
Or let your son be the PG of college team he's not good enough to play for...
For those that willingly turn over power to the Federal government, because they are in the best position to do good, rather than the private sector:

Congress approved 7.5 billion dollars, to build tens of thousands of charging stations nationwide.

That was two years ago. How many have they built? In two years?


Amazon, in that same time span, has installed 17,000

Government - SEVEN

Amazon - SEVEN (TEEN THOUSAND!) For which they paid, according to estimates, somewhere between 50 and 90 million dollars.

If you're keeping score at home:

Government - 1.1 billion dollars per charging station

Amazon - 5500 dollars (at most) per charging station 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Don't forget Elon and tesla superchargers.

55k+ built and operational, for 1.2 billion.

Tax us harder, daddy. Ukraine and Gaza need more.
Is it all women that you hate or just the pretty ones that would never have anything to do with a beta? Should we go down a list of Hollywood celebs and politicians who have been in black face or said the N word as part of their act or on screen persona in her case. The role she is playing for clicks which I assume is the reason. Are you on board with firing them all?

Yep. Bet she made bank with monetized views.

Dion, you watched it, correct?

You contributed to her pocketbook. Congrats, racist.
I bet @TheFrontRunner can't wait to watch this.

Park attendance was down for June too. Star Wars is so toxic that's dragging down other Disney shows. LOL. Iger Promised they would focus on telling good stories and less on social justice politics... then they release this and announced Silver Surfer was a girl. LOL. Disney is fooked because they have too activist in their midst and they don't care about the company making money.
Anybody got a good reason(s) why China hasn't taken out Taiwan?
I would have bet that by now...with FJB as Prez....they would have invaded. Absolute certainty they aren't 'afraid' of Biden. Perhaps they (China) don't feel confidant that they can pull it off?
I've heard "experts" say for years now that 2030 to 2035 was their time frame. I don't think they have the navy or stockpiles of food to start that war yet. But I agree that this shitshow of a government has to have them debating moving up their timeframe.
I have traveled past the Beaver Dam rest stop once a week in both directions for about a year. I have seen one car using a charging station.

Guys, I live in a big city, and tesla are like 1 in 20 vehicles around here. Now, I live in a very nice area of said city, but the tesla superchargers are usually half full when I pull in. I doubt the same in rural ky and type areas, but those are generally placed for ev long trips.
The entire stock market gets crushed.

Remember the car shortages during covid? Childs play.

Personally I don't think China invades until they have similar capability. Why wouldn't the Taiwanese slash and burn/ scorched earth on the way out?
Money exchange I think is the hold up over moving now. They are setting up alternative trade currencies and exchanges to work around swift and the US/EU. They are buying up resources around the world and we are just a customer. If they can sell to South America and Africa and Asia... Then they won't give an ish what we do.
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Sword cuts both ways. You scream for bodily autonomy when it comes to Covid vaccination but scream IDGAF about women's reproductive rights and their bodies.
If you were the one raped and impregnated against your will I guarantee that you would have a totally different opinion on this issue.
It's pure Hypocrisy

I don't give a shit about abortion one way or the other. Yeah, probably.murder, but like I've said, I'm for eugenics and the forced sterilization of the stupid. Or just give a one time payment of say, 100k to be sterilized voluntarily. 80 percent of the people that tale that deal with immeasurably improve this cointry and world in 1 generation.

I do, on the other give a great deal about your types pushing for medical tyranny because you're craven.

Hey, Craven Samwell Tarly!

Perfect! You're even fat! (As you have admitted, lol)

Sorry Sam.
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Sword cuts both ways. You scream for bodily autonomy when it comes to Covid vaccination but scream IDGAF about women's reproductive rights and their bodies.
If you were the one raped and impregnated against your will I guarantee that you would have a totally different opinion on this issue.
It's pure Hypocrisy

See, Sam, this is why I despise the Milquetoast abortion is murder, except in cases of incest or abortion ideology.

The clump of cells, baby, fetus, eggplant, cabbagehead, whatever you want to call it, is innocent, and in this country, IN THIS COUNTRY, we don't hold people accountable for crimes committed by others. Especially not a death sentence, you sicko.
Perhaps I don't understand the gun laws. So, if I indulge in recreational drugs (but have never been convicted of a crime in relation to that use), then I am not eligible to purchase a firearm?
This what I know from my most recent purchase. On the background it ask if you have a medical mj card is one if the questions. No context. But if you checked yes or lied and said no but you actually do, you would be denied.

Guns are under federal law. Mary j is still illegal federally. State laws don't matter. So I guess even if a Dr grants you a medical permit, that permit info is attainable by the fed. And you are offering up your personal info to the feds that you are indulging in the thc.

I don't think it has anything to do with guns you already own but future purchases you can't have a med card on your record to purchase new guns.

Thru my cancer treatments I have been offered by every single Dr I've seen to write me out the permission or however they do it and I have refused. I don't want it on any federal record of me and legal dispensaries are popping up everywhere these days. Yummy gummies and weed etc is so easy to get now it's not really relevant anymore.

The only thing the card does now really is allow you to cross state lines legally and not get in trouble. Don't get pulled over. Drive responsibly if you just went to Michigan and bought 700 dollars worth of goodies. And your fine.
This what I know from my most recent purchase. On the background it ask if you have a medical mj card is one if the questions. No context. But if you checked yes or lied and said no but you actually do, you would be denied.

Guns are under federal law. Mary j is still illegal federally. State laws don't matter. So I guess even if a Dr grants you a medical permit, that permit info is attainable by the fed. And you are offering up your personal info to the feds that you are indulging in the thc.

I don't think it has anything to do with guns you already own but future purchases you can't have a med card on your record to purchase new guns.

Thru my cancer treatments I have been offered by every single Dr I've seen to write me out the permission or however they do it and I have refused. I don't want it on any federal record of me and legal dispensaries are popping up everywhere these days. Yummy gummies and weed etc is so easy to get now it's not really relevant anymore.

The only thing the card does now really is allow you to cross state lines legally and not get in trouble. Don't get pulled over. Drive responsibly if you just went to Michigan and bought 700 dollars worth of goodies. And your fine.
1. I appreciate the information.

2. (which is vastly more important) I hope things are going well for you. Prayers sent (even if it isn't your bag.) If you live in the Lexington area, and ever need anything (errands, edibles, walk the dog, etc.) message me on here, and I've got ya. God bless.
See, Sam, this is why I despise the Milquetoast abortion is murder, except in cases of incest or abortion ideology.

The clump of cells, baby, fetus, eggplant, cabbagehead, whatever you want to call it, is innocent, and in this country, IN THIS COUNTRY, we don't hold people accountable for crimes committed by others. Especially not a death sentence, you sicko.
Just not that simple.
YOU and the GOVERNMENT are imposing YOUR beliefs about what constitutes a "life" with your draconian state overreach.
You are hyperfixated on YOUR definition of "life" while simultaneously completely ignoring the life of the person that we ALL AGREE is a living person.
What's even worse is that you are doing so from the perspective of a person COMPLETELY without a worry about that law impacting YOUR bodily autonomy.
Laws for thee and NOT for me.
Hypocrisy and hubris are a nasty combo when imposing your laws on others.
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I heard she has a ton of references.
Just not that simple.
YOU and the GOVERNMENT are imposing YOUR beliefs about what constitutes a "life" with your draconian state overreach.
You are hyperfixated on YOUR definition of "life" while simultaneously completely ignoring the life of the person that we ALL AGREE is a living person.
What's even worse is that you are doing so from the perspective of a person COMPLETELY without a worry about that law impacting YOUR bodily autonomy.
Laws for thee and NOT for me.
Hypocrisy and hubris are a nasty combo when imposing your laws on others.
The Federal government isn't imposing anything, with regards to abortion. And that is how it SHOULD be.

However, they had very little problem, flexing their muscles, when it came to a shot (that didn't work, and may turn out to be harmful)
two of four kroger stores, all within six miles of me have installed ev charging stations, taking up what were about eight parking places closest to the store. i’m usually at kroger at least three times a week and have yet to see one in use.
There’s a Meijer on Westport Rd in Louisville that has a bank of about 6-8 of them. They aren’t up front or close, they’re actually out at the edge of the lot, every time I went by there no one was using them, they’ve been there a while. A couple of years at least. However a couple of weeks ago, I saw about 5 of them in use. There’s a cyber truck riding around out in that area and Middletown I’ve seen a few times too.
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I have traveled past the Beaver Dam rest stop once a week in both directions for about a year. I have seen one car using a charging station.
Stop there every time I go through there. Haven’t paid attention to the charging stations. I go for the Huck’s. I remember stopping there when I was a kid and the WK pkwy was still a toll rd. My dad would always stop there when we’d go to Morgantown to visit my great grandmother.
You brought up the percentage as if it matters. Gotta win by one vote, young man.

I'm saying I don't think it does, as you seemingly acquiesce to after popping off silliness.
Ok I get it. Yes, you only need one vote, a win is a win. I wasn’t trying to delegitimize, just glean information to use for predictions about the fall.
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There’s a Meijer on Westport Rd in Louisville that has a bank of about 6-8 of them. They aren’t up front or close, they’re actually out at the edge of the lot, every time I went by there no one was using them, they’ve been there a while. A couple of years at least. However a couple of weeks ago, I saw about 5 of them in use. There’s a cyber truck riding around out in that area and Middletown I’ve seen a few times too.
Everyone I've talked to at Ford has said they are losing their ass on EV's. I've heard they are going to move to hybrids instead but who knows how bad it gets for them before they can switch.
Yep. Bet she made bank with monetized views.

Dion, you watched it, correct?

You contributed to her pocketbook. Congrats, racist.
No, racism gets demonetized. Even on the hellhole that is Musk’s X. And still, being racist for money? That’s as scummy as one can be.
  • Haha
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1. I appreciate the information.

2. (which is vastly more important) I hope things are going well for you. Prayers sent (even if it isn't your bag.) If you live in the Lexington area, and ever need anything (errands, edibles, walk the dog, etc.) message me on here, and I've got ya. God bless.
Awesome dude thanks. 2nd time going thru and 45yrs old. Life. Learned you never know what ppl are going thru. And I've seen ppl getting a much worse deal than me. Truly humbling. I try not to feel sry for myself.

Anyway I'm dont usually talk serious here. I'm here to antagonize and shit talk lol.

Did live in lex for 21 yrs. From western ky as a kid. Live in danville now. Job, if I ever go back, is still in lex. My wife has a safe that could look like store window of variations of all the dispensary products. I'm usually edibled up by nite fall, hence the shit talking I tend to do at nite.

We got 3 horses, more dogs than I will admit, chickens, outside barn cats. I lease the back half of our land and he has sheep, heifers and a donkey. So petting zoos don't really do much for us or the kid lol.
Stop there every time I go through there. Haven’t paid attention to the charging stations. I go for the Huck’s. I remember stopping there when I was a kid and the WK pkwy was still a toll rd. My dad would always stop there when we’d go to Morgantown to visit my great grandmother.
My grandmother (paternal) lived in Paducah, and my Dad and I used to drive down there a LOT in the Summer. That WKY parkway, while brutal, was also fun. Those rumble strips, to let you know you were approaching a toll booth, and my Dad would always let me fire the change from the passenger seat (he had a convertable)

As a kid, that drive seemed like it lasted FOREVER. Fond memories though.