I don't care if its Pub, Parochial or Private. If you are running for the School Council or class president and the rule says that your speech must be germane to the office you are running for...then you follow the assignment. Full stop. His parents drove that speech. They made up a fictitious office name. That is all cute and fine and I would like and agree with the politics of the family...but don't teach Jr. that you ignore the rules that adults (teachers) asked you to follow. The left is taught to disrespect authority. Very simple. Don't play their games.I also read the speech. It was a handful of paragraphs written by a seventh grader. Who clearly used the 'make...great again' political rhetoric intentionally. And was given a chance to remove said political content, but refused because including it was the whole point. He's literally wearing a homemade red hat with Make SBS Great Again. (Hint: He didn't make that hat himself.) If you want to be an activist go to public school; it's more fun, they have all sorts of rules they have to abide by.