How will they rule ??!

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Yes, and at an upscale restaurant in Lexington like Ruby's, that 2.13 an hour becomes a six figure yearly income. It doesn't bother me a bit, because I would just as soon tip the server directly instead of absorbing the cost on the bill. It works better for them in the long run. You think they're better off getting 20 per hour, without tips? No way in Hell.
And how many restaurants across the state aren't Ruby's in Lexington? Like I said, if people want to leave gratuity, more power to 'em. But the base rate should be higher and more consistent.
Also, I know some sorry pieces of shit that refuse to tip regardless of whether the service is good or bad.
Theoretically that should be their right to be pieces of crap. But when the server's hourly wage literally depends on it no one should be working for free.
And how many restaurants across the state aren't Ruby's in Lexington? Like I said, if people want to leave gratuity, more power to 'em. But the base rate should be higher and more consistent.
Fine, then restaurants, the majority of which operate under very thin profit margins in the best of times, will simply pass the increased expense to patrons, who in turn often have their own struggles to consider, especially among those who eat at non-Ruby level restaurants. So, the patrons will either stop tipping altogether or leave nominal tips, since the servers are now being "paid", and the servers will find themselves with less disposable income. And thus they'll work in new professions, and your new server at Ruby's will be on the competence level of a bad fast food employee. Great plan, ace.
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Fine, then restaurants, the majority of which operate under very thin profit margins in the best of times, will simply pass the increased expense to patrons, who in turn often have their own struggles to consider, especially among those who eat at non-Ruby level restaurants. So, the patrons will either stop tipping altogether or leave nominal tips, since the servers are now being "paid", and the servers will find themselves with less disposable income. And thus they'll work in new professions, and your new server at Ruby's will be on the competence level of a bad fast food employee. Great plan, ace.
"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living." - FDR
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"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living." - FDR
An interesting quote, but it doesn't address the reality that your scheme will actually result in less income for servers.
Someone smarter than me figure out the numbers that define a small business and income threshold (300,000-million$) somewhere in between, and illiminate federal income taxes for those folks up to that income threshold that is defined. And place incentives on profits reinvested in the business through benefits and infrastructure spending. The more you spend on your business the higher the tax threshold rises.

Put these together and watch local economies expand and flourish.

But considering the dems and globalist just orchestrated a Hollywood style world pandemic and multiple wars that ruined small businesses and destroyed our economy I feel that that particular group isn't interested in anything positive for this country.
My point was that I never said that limiting border crossings is racist or xenophobic. I never said it was.
That YouTube clip was a reference to how the Republican party used to embrace and refer to immigrants.....not bash them like Trump does. It was not as much about the border crossings as it was about the language used regarding immigrants.
Reagan and Bush didn't call them terrorists and rapists. They were much more respectful.
Many people are for limiting border crossings due to a variety of factors that have nothing to do with race. I think border crossings should be limited due to giving time for crime checks, housing issues, healthcare issues, strain on government agencies etc. That is what I was referring to. Has nothing to do with race or xenophobia for most of those factors.
That clip was about verbiage used by Republicans then vs calling them rapists, terrorists now.
* KA -- BOOM *

Thanks again, Joe.
Of course the mother, it has rights and the fetus doesn’t.

But you didn’t answer the question. Why does the mother get to pick herself to live and the fetus doesn’t? According to your view the fetus is a person with equal rights, so why do you think the mother’s decision/opinion has more weight?

You argue the dumbest shit.
Did not go back pages to read all comments on the service industry, but there needs to be at least the national minimum wage paid to those workers. As far as tipping? I tip most of the time, but if you give bad service/attitude, you do not deserve a tip. Entitlement only works for government pay outs because they want votes.

You will not get jack from me if you bring an attitude to the table. Just being cordial is enough for you to get the suggested amount and if they go the extra mile they will get more.
I’m all for tipping for proper service. But this tipping cashiers for ringing up an order thing has gotta go. Got prompted to leave 15/20/30 percent tip the other day for buying a bottle of water that I walked over and got out of the fridge myself. I even ordered and paid for it on the touchscreen myself. Wild
Yeah, there are circumstances where tipping really isn't warranted. Fast food restaurants, or even some fast casuals like Chipotle or Panera Bread type places don't need to be accepting tips. They're no different than McDonald's or anywhere else where a team of people prepare your meal and hand it to you. Wait table service is different though. There's certain levels of expectations, timeliness and efficiency that's required. So yeah, I will tip appropriately when deserved and tip well when deserved too, but this deal with adding tips for doing next to nothing is getting ridiculous.
And how many restaurants across the state aren't Ruby's in Lexington? Like I said, if people want to leave gratuity, more power to 'em. But the base rate should be higher and more consistent.
I had a neighbor who had two kids working at a Cracker Barrel and said they made bank on tips, far better than just making a standard wage. Especially on weekends. Old people tip well and they turn tables a lot faster than a place like Jeff Ruby's.
Fine, then restaurants, the majority of which operate under very thin profit margins in the best of times, will simply pass the increased expense to patrons, who in turn often have their own struggles to consider, especially among those who eat at non-Ruby level restaurants. So, the patrons will either stop tipping altogether or leave nominal tips, since the servers are now being "paid", and the servers will find themselves with less disposable income. And thus they'll work in new professions, and your new server at Ruby's will be on the competence level of a bad fast food employee. Great plan, ace.
Add to that, the service will decrease drastically because there will be no incentive to provide top service.

But the left doesn't like Trump's fantastic move because they will lose control over ALL peoples' income. And once people get used to NO taxes on tips, they ain't gonna like what they see in social insecurity and Mediscare.

Oh, I guess someone gave up their stupid argument about babies in the womb talking (and making life decisions) and what not...
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another fun weekend in chicago. imagine how bad it would be there if not for such strict gun laws.

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I always tip well because our terrible system is dependent on it. You know how much servers in KY make? 2.13 an hour. It's absurd. Inexcusable.

False. Servers make minimum wage if no one tips. The pay scale is dependent upon a societal an agreement/norm that we tip. A friend of mine who owned a restaurant said he never had to pay servers more than the statutory minimum because with their credit card sale tips alone, his servers made more than minimum wage. He had servers who worked for him for their whole careers and, this was no Jeff Ruby’s, but a reasonably priced restaurant that packed them in for lunch.
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That's an incredible tweet and he's exactly right. Just the FDA part alone is worth deep exploration. They literally sold our citizens to slaughter in return for money from big food and pharma. Big pharma is a very visible brine and we all know about that at least because of the sham vaccines but big food is potentially even worse.

If you travel abroad, one of the first things you notice is the best difference in ingredient labels. The ones here are a laundry list of scientific components and abroad it's real food. They justify it by using a ridiculous method called single dose toxicity which means they don't care if an ingredient list contains toxic or poisonous ingredients as long as one ingredient on its own isn't enough to be considered toxic. They completely and intentionally ignore the combination of ingredients just so it can be sold to the masses.

Our country literally lets companies feed us food they know is poisonous and/or carcinogenic and they happily stamp their approval in return for not even that much money.
Theoretically that should be their right to be pieces of crap. But when the server's hourly wage literally depends on it no one should be working for free.

And, no one works for free in the restaurant world, except for maybe some owners. This is typical for you. You exaggerate a sliver of truth that you believe supports your mission, but ignore the whole picture. At best, you lie to yourself to justify your cause. At best.
False. Servers make minimum wage if no one tips. The pay scale is dependent upon a societal an agreement/norm that we tip. A friend of mine who owned a restaurant said he never had to pay servers more than the statutory minimum because with their credit card sale tips alone, his servers made more than minimum wage. He had servers who worked for him for their whole careers and, this was no Jeff Ruby’s, but a reasonably priced restaurant that packed them in for lunch.
This is correct of course. Restaurant owners can only pay $2.13 to customarily tipped employees and by agreeing to take the "tip credit" with respect to those employees. In other words, if the tips fail to take the employee up to the federal MW for all hours worked, then the restaurant owner has to supplement.

As far as I know, Trump is making no proposal about how tipped workers are paid. He proposed that tips should not be taxable wages. What is the justification for this? They are wages, inasmuch as a server's tips will make up the majority of their income. Is this just a political ploy to garner support from young people? Obviously Biden makes similar, nakedly political proposals to appeal to the same people, but what is the justification for Trump's?
Fine, then restaurants, the majority of which operate under very thin profit margins in the best of times, will simply pass the increased expense to patrons, who in turn often have their own struggles to consider, especially among those who eat at non-Ruby level restaurants. So, the patrons will either stop tipping altogether or leave nominal tips, since the servers are now being "paid", and the servers will find themselves with less disposable income. And thus they'll work in new professions, and your new server at Ruby's will be on the competence level of a bad fast food employee. Great plan, ace.

There are few businesses that are more difficult to make be successful than the restaurant business. I am confident the failures out pace the successes by a large margin. Owning and operating a restaurant is very hard work.