How will they rule ??!

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That was a mindless rehash straight out of the DNC playbook. And it ignores the fact that Donald Trump was denied due process, and that Alvin Bragg withheld exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury.

So, once again... Anyone with a functioning brain knows that this was a political hatchet job.

It's in the best interests of the American voters/free and fair elections, to punt this thing to the trash, where it belongs.
That was a mindless rehash straight out of the DNC playbook. And it ignores the fact that Donald Trump was denied due process, and that Alvin Bragg withheld exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury.

So, once again... Anyone with a functioning brain knows that this was a political hatchet job.
Well if the "functioning brain" demographic is the one you're relying on, I'm afraid you're going to be sadly disappointed. Zeihan is nonpartisan but definitely not a Democrat, if anything he personally leans conservative. His geopolitical chops are well credentialed. Pretty shallow to blame the analysis on partisan bias, you sound like @warrior-cat or @Lost In FL railing at MSNBC.
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The money was withheld because of sanctions, that Biden arbitrarily ignored. And we're now dealing with the results of that. It's such a "Biden" thing to do. He's the one man gang that couldn't shoot straight. He's a Jonah. He's a tempest in a teapot. A one man wrecking crew. An absolute disaster. LOL Only your hatred of Trump blinds you to the obvious. LOL
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I don't care HOW he leans, or for whom he voted. It was drivel. LOL

It was mind-numbing reductionism. Blathering from the mind of a grade school student.
The money was withheld because of sanctions, that Biden arbitrarily ignored. And we're now dealing with the results of that. It's such a "Biden" thing to do. He's the one man gang that couldn't shoot straight. He's a Jonah. He's a tempest in a teapot. A one man wrecking crew. An absolute disaster. LOL Only your hatred of Trump blinds you to the obvious. LOL
The Iran deal was initially done under Obama, not Biden. If you're refering to the latest 6 billion, 10/7 had long been planned and funded before that was in the works. Linking those two is nonsensical.
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Clark and her immediate elevation to the most important player in the WNBA is about to bring peak woman/liberal pettiness to the forefront (it’s already doing so).

The other players are going to absolutely hate her because she’s the most popular player in the league, even though she’s going to make them all more money (not that they deserve it).
Shoulda stayed in college for nil instead of joining a Sunday beer league
Meeting Dion for a beer and a bong rip is on my bucket list. I simultaneously hate and like him. He might be the only person on here that is more obnoxiously smug than I am. I'm positive though, that if given enough time, I can get his head on straight. Haha

Mostly, I want to have a few beers with him, and then punch him in the ****ing nose. LOL 😄 😄

NIghtwish can come too, because I'd like to give him a left hook as well. LOL

MIght as well get sam and vhcat involved as well. Do all of you live in the Central KY area? We can get together on election night at a local establishment. I'll fight all of you in the parking lot, but it has to be one at a time. Seriatim as it were. :)
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Well if the "functioning brain" demographic is the one you're relying on, I'm afraid you're going to be sadly disappointed. Zeihan is nonpartisan but definitely not a Democrat, if anything he personally leans conservative. His geopolitical chops are well credentialed. Pretty shallow to blame the analysis on partisan bias, you sound like @warrior-cat or @Lost In FL railing at MSNBC.
The fact that you cannot see the reality of his post is not surprising. Your defense of MSNBC proves it. No one rails at MSNBC, we simply use our "functioning brains" and know they are like many other liberal outlets that toe the party line and give you your talking points. It is this reason you are generally wrong on most topics.

Stay ignorant my friend.
There's a moral equivalency and an actual equivalency. Both sides have done actually similar things over the years. Where the difference lies is the power imbalance. Hamas uses paragliders and AKs and Israel uses modern military hardware provided by us.

Your position is getting dumber by the post. There is not a rational person who thinks Israel would have attacked Gaza but for the invasion by Gaza’s government into Israel to butcher and rape innocent Israeli’s. When one government sends its troops into a sovereign to kill, kidnap, rape, and torture, that is an act of war that violates every convention of “ethical warfare.” And, then, when this instigator does not fight on a battlefield, but retreats into urban areas to use innocents as human shields expecting cucks to cry foul when the attacked country takes the battle to the instigators troops and leadership, the ramifications are on the instigator, Hamas. It does not help when it appears that most of the civilians agree with Hamas’s actions, but that was never the cause of this war.
Your position is getting dumber by the post. There is not a rational person who thinks Israel would have attacked Gaza but for the invasion by Gaza’s government into Israel to butcher and rape innocent Israeli’s. When one government sends its troops into a sovereign to kill, kidnap, rape, and torture, that is an act of war that violates every convention of “ethical warfare.” And, then, when this instigator does not fight on a battlefield, but retreats into urban areas to use innocents as human shields expecting cucks to cry foul when the attacked country takes the battle to the instigators troops and leadership, the ramifications are on the instigator, Hamas. It does not help when it appears that most of the civilians agree with Hamas’s actions, but that was never the cause of this war.
What is Gaza? Is it "sovereign"? No, it's an open-air prison formed of the displaced remains of people who were slaughtered and herded into it like cattle. Who did that? Who still controls the area? Israel. The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza are all occupied under an apartheid regime. You have an international right to armed resistance against apartheid. Israel had "attacked Gaza" for decades and decades, including currently blockading it. There was no war started on 10/7. It was merely the latest blow in a long-running conflict where both sides commit war crimes on the regular. In fact there's currently an indictment from the ICC in the works for the leaders of both Hamas and Israel. Not just Hamas. George Clooney's wife worked on it, the thread loved it.
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What is Gaza? Is it "sovereign"? No, it's an open-air prison formed of the displaced remains of people who were slaughtered and herded into it like cattle. Who did that? Who still controls the area? Israel. The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza are all occupied under an apartheid regime. You have an international right to armed resistance against apartheid. Israel had "attacked Gaza" for decades and decades, including currently blockading it. There was no war started on 10/7. It was merely the latest blow in a long-running conflict where both sides commit war crimes on the regular. In fact there's currently an indictment from the ICC in the works for the leaders of both Hamas and Israel. Not just Hamas. George Clooney's wife worked on it, the thread loved it.

I did not call Gaza a sovereign, but when you elect terrorists to lead you, you are their people.

And, it is undeniable that Israel never acts if Hamas had not called for war.
I did not call Gaza a sovereign, but when you elect terrorists to lead you, you are their people.

And, it is undeniable that Israel never acts if Hamas had not called for war.
I didn't say you did. I was drawing the comparison between its status and Israel's. You made a point to mention Israel's sovereignty, and it's a great point because it highlights the intricacies at play. Israel is 'sovereign' precisely because they did what they did to the Palestinians. Their sovereignty came directly and violently at the price of those refugees in Gaza.

Israel was already acting; they control the territory and were actively blockading it.
I did not call Gaza a sovereign, but when you elect terrorists to lead you, you are their people.

And, it is undeniable that Israel never acts if Hamas had not called for war.

If left alone, Israel would 100% lead a peaceful existence. That's why they're the ones people should support.

Yes yes I know "but but I saw on social media" - Hamas intentionally hides in civilian spaces. The fact more civilians aren't killed is a testament to the pains Israel takes to avoid unnecessary casualties.

If the US and the rest of the Chinese/Islamic money puppet leaders would just get out of the way, Israel would end Hamas and everything would be ok until that space is filled up with another radical Islamic group.
If left alone, Israel would 100% lead a peaceful existence. That's why they're the ones people should support.

Yes yes I know "but but I saw on social media" - Hamas intentionally hides in civilian spaces. The fact more civilians aren't killed is a testament to the pains Israel takes to avoid unnecessary casualties.

If the US and the rest of the Chinese/Islamic money puppet leaders would just get out of the way, Israel would end Hamas and everything would be ok until that space is filled up with another radical Islamic group.
What happens to the stateless people living under apartheid then "if left alone"? They're just stuck that way forever. As has been their entire existence and future up to now.
What is Gaza? Is it "sovereign"? No, it's an open-air prison formed of the displaced remains of people who were slaughtered and herded into it like cattle. Who did that? Who still controls the area? Israel. The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza are all occupied under an apartheid regime. You have an international right to armed resistance against apartheid. Israel had "attacked Gaza" for decades and decades, including currently blockading it. There was no war started on 10/7. It was merely the latest blow in a long-running conflict where both sides commit war crimes on the regular. In fact there's currently an indictment from the ICC in the works for the leaders of both Hamas and Israel. Not just Hamas. George Clooney's wife worked on it, the thread loved it.
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I didn't say you did. I was drawing the comparison between its status and Israel's. You made a point to mention Israel's sovereignty, and it's a great point because it highlights the intricacies at play. Israel is 'sovereign' precisely because they did what they did to the Palestinians. Their sovereignty came directly and violently at the price of those refugees in Gaza.

Israel was already acting; they control the territory and were actively blockading it.
False. More left-wing news media talking points. Get a new source.
What happens to the stateless people living under apartheid then "if left alone"? They're just stuck that way forever. As has been their entire existence and future up to now.

They aren't stateless. They are offered a government with far more rights than they have elsewhere. The fact some of them don't like it isn't justification for Hamas attacks.

In fact it's a complete non issue because Hamas would attack regardless and will do so until Israel and it's people are no more. That isn't speculation. That's what they openly say. Social justice warriors are the only ones ever bringing up the perceived plight of people in one particular area.
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I did not call Gaza a sovereign, but when you elect terrorists to lead you, you are their people.

I hate this argument.

When the sleeper cells the Biden admin has let into our country activate, dead Americans should not be brushed off because they “elected” him and are responsible for all the harm his administration has done across the world.
They aren't stateless. They are offered a government with far more rights than they have elsewhere. The fact some of them don't like it isn't justification for Hamas attacks.

In fact it's a complete non issue because Hamas would attack regardless and will do so until Israel and it's people are no more. That isn't speculation. That's what they openly say. Social justice warriors are the only ones ever bringing up the perceived plight of people in one particular area.

I read a reasonable position that Israel has done far more to protect the Gaza people than Hamas. The Iron Dome alone protected people in Gaza, because it protected people in Israel, giving Israel no reason to engage Hamas, as it has recently. It’s true, if Hamas would have accepted a peaceful 2 state solution and then truly represented the people of Gaza by promoting industry, rather than destroying industry and promoting hatred, there would be peace.
I hate this argument.

When the sleeper cells the Biden admin has let into our country activate, dead Americans should not be brushed off because they “elected” him and are responsible for all the harm his administration has done across the world.

If Biden leads our military to bake babies, torture and rape, and murder innocents, we, as a country, own that. Now, unlike most in Gaza, I think the people of this country would revolt if that happened.
Well, how much ketchup do you want with your crow, you clueless troll.

Biden Border EO
None. I'm still 100 percent correct.
These EOs will face sh**tons of legal challenges. They are NOT permanent law and are nothing but a TEMPORARY band-aid that can be swept away at the discretion of whoever is in the Oval Office next time.
It is a lazy man's solution that is a foundation for border control built on sand.
The administration worked for months on a legit border bill that the dumbazz Republicans shot down for pure political reasons.
From the article YOU posted....😂
"And like Trump, the Biden administration may also face legal challenges."
"Immigration policy experts also warn that the policy will do little to change the status quo at the border."
"But while Biden administration officials don’t expect the policy to resolve a crisis that requires congressional action, they do hope it can chip away at some of the political pressure facing the president ahead of November."
None. I'm still 100 percent correct.
These EOs will face sh**tons of legal challenges. They are NOT permanent law and are nothing but a TEMPORARY band-aid that can be swept away at the discretion of whoever is in the Oval Office next time.
It is a lazy man's solution that is a foundation for border control built on sand.
The administration worked for months on a legit border bill that the dumbazz Republicans shot down for pure political reasons.
From the article YOU posted....😂
"And like Trump, the Biden administration may also face legal challenges."
"Immigration policy experts also warn that the policy will do little to change the status quo at the border."
"But while Biden administration officials don’t expect the policy to resolve a crisis that requires congressional action, they do hope it can chip away at some of the political pressure facing the president ahead of November."

Everyone knows Biden Admin and Mayorkas are PURPOSEFULLY flooding the country with illegals. Dems want amnesty/votes, and ultimately want a more controllable society that they can impose their tyranny on.

Oh and they want to keep that child trafficking going too…

No one was fooled by that sleight of hand garbage border bill that was proposed. Give it a rest.