How will they rule ??!

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Jesus was not some flower child that preached "let's just all love one another"

People like to describe him that way, but that wasn't the central tenet of what he was saying. He claimed to be God incarnate, railed against established religion, and their fake piousness.

That is what got him killed. He wasn't a hippie that was preaching "Hey, can't we all just get along"

This attitude completely misses the point. IMO.
Didn't say I believe in all of it hook, line and sinker.
I believe there was a real progressive man named Jesus who had many radical ideas for his time that got him killed.
I take comfort in many of his ideas and use them as a guidepost for my life.
My scientific mind doesn't jive with the nutty mythological stories like talking snakes but Christianity as a general philosophy has many lessons to live/learn by.
I just interpret them as such to guide my own personal life....In line with a really good self help book.
The Bible is the best "self help" book ever written. When you rely on Man to help you, then you're gonna stay helpless. And you can't believe the words of Jesus but shun the OT. It's all God Breathed. Written by man but inspired by God. And Jesus is all over the OT in prophecy.
Jesus was not some flower child that preached "let's just all love one another"

People like to describe him that way, but that wasn't the central tenet of what he was saying. He claimed to be God incarnate, railed against established religion, and their fake piousness.

That is what got him killed. He wasn't a hippie that was preaching "Hey, can't we all just get along"

This attitude completely misses the point. IMO.
Kinda like those "he get's us" commercials. First time I saw those it immediately didn't sit right with me.
My scientific mind doesn't jive
OH LAWD ... you killing me!!!


Rich people doing rich people things, contrary to their talking points. Exactly like you say. Now what is the critique there? That they should be putting their money where their mouth is and actually implementing the policies and values they were elected on. Not that those progressive positions are bad and they shouldn't hold them...
Like I said; Trump has taken a small dip, but this is as big as the bump is going to get, and people are stupid, and have short attention spans. This didn't give Biden NEARLY what he needed.
I'm enjoying the spin. You predicted with confidence that Trump would receive a general polling bump because everyone would realize he's not really guilty even though he's been found guilty. That bump hasn't happened and won't and now the spin is "well lol, Biden should've gotten more of a bump than that! He's in trouble haha!"

So what's the story you're going with? The conviction helps Trump in polling or Biden should've gotten more of a bump in polling since the conviction because right now you're trying to use both.
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I'm enjoying the spin. You predicted with confidence that Trump would receive a general polling bump because everyone would realize he's not really guilty even though he's been found guilty. That bump hasn't happened and won't and now the spin is "well lol, Biden should've gotten more of a bump than that! He's in trouble haha!"

So what's the story you're going with? The conviction helps Trump in polling or Biden should've gotten more of a bump in polling since the conviction because right now you're trying to use both.
hahahaha this anti-american traitor with his fan fiction

He is one scared little boy. Just on here as a concern troll.
I'm enjoying the spin. You predicted with confidence that Trump would receive a general polling bump because everyone would realize he's not really guilty even though he's been found guilty. That bump hasn't happened and won't and now the spin is "well lol, Biden should've gotten more of a bump than that! He's in trouble haha!"

So what's the story you're going with? The conviction helps Trump in polling or Biden should've gotten more of a bump in polling since the conviction because right now you're trying to use both.

Your tears in November are going to taste the sweetest of all.

And yes, I still believe that Trump will benefit from this. Everyone will have forgotten about this farce by the Fall, and with Biden's deteriorating approval rating/performance, he stands very little chance, unless hundreds of thousands of votes are "found". LOL

It's always nice to hear from my fan club/stalker though. You're a feisty little rascal.
Didn't Zoroastrianism worship a Jesus/Messiah? I could be wrong, and I'm not trying to start trouble, but unless I'm mistaken, that is what makes those two religions unique. (Christianity and, as I said, Zoroastrianism)

*Persia and the middle east would be a lot better off today, had they stuck with the Zoroastrianism, bacause Muslims are cuckoo for coco-puffs.
Actually, there were multiple god-became-man individuals who were sacrificed for Man's redemption in pre-Christian pagan religions (Horus, Tammuz, Attis, Mithras, et al). From several books I read, it was hypothetically done by the Romans as they conquered a people to assimilate their religious beliefs and customs into the 'state' religion.

As the Bible itself states, there's nothing new under the sun.
So there you have it. The destruction of schools, of the economy, the reasoning behind mail in votes. The same mindset that demanded that you follow the science and take the vaccine. This man should face the death penalty.

No less than a firing squad. It's a treason against this entire country and population.
No less than a firing squad. It's a treason against this entire country and population.
I remember fishing when this plandemic broke out. Came off the lake and had a convo with a guy and his Son fixin to head out. Told him where to fish and what we were using then wished them luck and reached for a handshake. He looked at my hand like I had leprosy. "You know they say this disease will end handshakes" he says. His son was all like "DAD!". He then says screw it and reached out. I thought to myself then about how much people will fall for anything. He and his kind are just the people they are trying to control. I wonder if he learned his lesson.
Your tears in November are going to taste the sweetest of all.

And yes, I still believe that Trump will benefit from this. Everyone will have forgotten about this farce by the Fall, and with Biden's deteriorating approval rating/performance, he stands very little chance, unless hundreds of thousands of votes are "found". LOL

It's always nice to hear from my fan club/stalker though. You're a feisty little rascal.
Didn't say I believe in all of it hook, line and sinker.
I believe there was a real progressive man named Jesus who had many radical ideas for his time that got him killed.
I take comfort in many of his ideas and use them as a guidepost for my life.
My scientific mind doesn't jive with the nutty mythological stories like talking snakes but Christianity as a general philosophy has many lessons to live/learn by.
I just interpret them as such to guide my own personal life....In line with a really good self help book.
Yes, sorry I was just responding to what you said in your post, not talking about you specifically with that. The general thrust of the conversation with the thread was specifically the mystical parts. I also obviously feel there are general lessons to be honored contained in the moral teachings and tradition. Was trying to specify the supernatural.
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Israel did in 1948. And it's been ongoing ever since. The attack on 10/7 was just another in that long line. Of brutality and babies getting burned. That Israel continues right now.
Also, Nazi Germany didn’t start WWII. That was just part of a long line back to the Teutonic Knights.
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They are Arab Israelis, not Palestinians - if there even is such a thing. Some are Christian (small).
You’re wrong.

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You’re wrong.

He’s right, the apartheid arrangement refers to the people living under Israeli occupation. Not the small minority of Arabs in Israel proper. They have no representation in the Knesset you’re referencing.
Didn't Zoroastrianism worship a Jesus/Messiah? I could be wrong, and I'm not trying to start trouble, but unless I'm mistaken, that is what makes those two religions unique. (Christianity and, as I said, Zoroastrianism)

*Persia and the middle east would be a lot better off today, had they stuck with the Zoroastrianism, bacause Muslims are cuckoo for coco-puffs.

Pretty much every middle eastern sourced religion has one actually, and some throughout the entire world. Some fell out of favor over time, but they were still part of the original pantheon of those religions. From what I've learned over the years from studies and friends that have written about it, the differences between almost every messiah and the Messiah of the Bible are these-

The Messiah of the Bible supported everything God said in it, as well as his Father's kingship, directed everyone to worship his Father, instead of the kingship of men, and was killed by his own people because of it, then took his life back up again directly.

The messiahs of other religions were opposed to most everything God commanded if they didn't in fact introduce the very things commanded against, from using predators to hunt game for them to eating animals that were not even considered food. This false messiah that adopted the symbols and attributes of the promised seed of Adam to fool his people, started a false religion based on merit, indulgences, and liberty/absolution for people to do whatever they wanted without fear of punishment. He proclaimed himself to be the son of God, His representative on earth, set up a system of ancestor worship, and was killed by those who kept God's commandments because of his blasphemy. His wife had a son whom she declared to be her husband reborn, named him after her husband, and married him (which is where the idea of reincarnation came from among pagan religions).

That's as near as I can summarize.

A friend of mine has written or is writing a book about it. The main point I took away from some of their writings is that it was Satan's way of stealing the true Messiahs birthright from him and giving it to a man of corruption.
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Right over your head, I suppose. We can draw any straight line from A to B and all the way back to Z, whether it’s 70 or 700 years ago. In no way can it excuse barbarism against innocents.
I agree, what Israel’s doing is barbaric. So I would prefer it not be done with weapons we gave them.
You’re wrong.

How is that? They can call themselves whatever they want but their Israelis or they couldn't be in office. The writer is choosing to call them P's.
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