How will they rule ??!

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I can't even imagine the cost of living in Cali right now.

I lived in Monterey for a year (all of 1985), and I had a TINY apartment (little more than an efficiency actually) and back then (almost 40 years, for you Democrats), my rent was 875 dollars a month. And believe me, this place was a POS.
The cop is an idiot. Someone there was in charge. The effing allow Antifa to burn down Louisville without an arrest but the effing #1 golfer on the planet follows a cops orders that conflicted with this idiot and they allow him to get cuffed and arrested. Our effing Dems screw up everything good that happens. I bet Tiger would not have gotten arrested.
The Antifa/BLM ACAB crowd on here probably believe Tiger would have been shot.
I was all on board the Trump train after he beat Hillary.
I thought most of his divisive crazy talk was just an act to get elected. He had a history of being a Dem so I thought he would be a pro business, moderate Republican.
Unfortunately for many Americans he went after the far, far right fringe instead of the moderate middle.
He just says too many crazy things and plays to the tin foil hat crowd too much for me to ever get on board again.
Jan 6th was it for me. Whether or not he is to blame for what went down that day will never change the fact he watched it and took no action for hours.
We can debate everything else about that day, but that fact remains fixed in history.
He failed his job that day.
Biden has failed his job on the border.

Wish I had someone that wasn't pushing 80, pushing past 80 or didn't have worm holes in their brain (Kennedy) to chose from.

This is complete bullshit.

You were against Trump since the first post you made here.

Why are you trying to act like some 'moderate' today?

You screech like a leftist little girl in here every single day. Get out of here with your disingenuous bullshit.
This is really odd. This same account, for weeks, was blaming republicans and Trump for the border, saying Biden didn’t have authority to act.

Now its acknowledging Biden is to blame.

It’s very strange. He sounds semi reasonable today (though still suffering from severe TDS), but everything he’s saying contradicts years of posting history.

He's mentally ill. Covid broke his brain. He was far too scared, for far too long, and never recovered. And, he's a Village Idiot, which compounds the damages.
Why? His character has been on full display for many decades long before he ran for president. This Trump "was culturally “popular” among most Americans regardless of race, age, economic status" is fantasy. He's a welching twat. Most people who know him say so. Most people who don't also say so. He was reviled in his native NYC, a running joke. He is emblematic of everything wrong with this country, a rich, spoiled brat who failed upwards his whole life and stepped on the faces of the people to do it. The poster child of everything one should hate. It is not difficult to understand thinking that person shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power. As was proven to be the case.
Trump did a hell of a lot of good when he was a private citizen. A lot more than evil persona you cast upon him. His charitable giving was enormous. It was the entire premise of his Celebrity Apprentice show. There are countless stories of individuals he has helped throughout his life as well. Has he had his warts? Of course he has, but your hatred is more one of envy than doing an honest objective evaluation of his life. You’ve been conditioned and indoctrinated to think the rich are evil, when in reality he’s creating jobs, contributing to the infrastructure and economy. But you’d rather the government control all of that like a good fascist, so I know there’s no convincing you that anything he’s done has been worthwhile or noble.

How does New York become New York without people like Trump helping make it the place it is, well…I should say once was.
Why? His character has been on full display for many decades long before he ran for president. This Trump "was culturally “popular” among most Americans regardless of race, age, economic status" is fantasy. He's a welching twat. Most people who know him say so. Most people who don't also say so. He was reviled in his native NYC, a running joke. He is emblematic of everything wrong with this country, a rich, spoiled brat who failed upwards his whole life and stepped on the faces of the people to do it. The poster child of everything one should hate. It is not difficult to understand thinking that person shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power. As was proven to be the case.

Jealous much?
What about in America your ancestors are not responsible for something they didnt commit themselves. Wait until white hispanics newly here are told to pay reparations to blacks because as white you are guilty.

Will their Life Guard wages be taxed for reparations?
I still want to know how “reparations” are supposed to be paid? Will there be a cracker tax on whitey’s that is collected specifically for that purpose? If it’s paid from general taxation then taxpaying black workers are paying reparations to themselves.
As I stated... I'm not a fan of reparations for reasons such as you mentioned.
On the other hand, I do think we are still experiencing some of the negative effects from the institution of slavery even today.
That is why I feel the way I do about flying the Confederate flag on government owned property. Don't like it on private property either but that's their right.
The pro Confederate statues/flag people say...."We need to remember our history and our ancestors.... Don't tear down the statues. Never forget!!" in one breath.
Then in the next breath say, "The Civil War was in the past... It's time to move on and get over it. You don't need reparations! Time to forget!!"

The statues need to be in museums because they represent men who fought for the terrible institution of slavery. Reparations don't need to be paid out by people who had nothing to do with any of it.
How bout both groups get over it and move on?

We have had welfare and set-asides and quotas and white people with guilt that push more of these attempts to assuage their own guilt while destroying the black family structure. Nobody needs to give handouts to Asian familys despite FDR throwing them in camps. Maybe we need to look long and hard at why some immigrants have no problem while a segment of our population can't get out of their own way for some reason. Maybe everything the Feds do gets an opposite result. As long as one party has prospered by buying off a voting block...what is their incentive to REALLY fix things. NONE. The Dems prosper on election day by harming them and then blaming the right. Again. Dems have NO incentive to make black folks lives better.

What do you see when a commercial comes on with a lovely black middle class family, mom and dad with 2 kids and a dog in their lovely suburban home? You see a Hollywood fabrication. That is not the real world. Sadly. And we all know it. Why?
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Yeah, you shouldn’t do something that gives you cancer. I don’t smoke personally. That doesn’t mean I think it should be illegal. I don’t. Just like pot. As consistent as you can get. What do you not get? And pot doesn’t even cause cancer like tobacco.
Then why shouldn't coke also be legal? Why not acid, shrooms, etc. They don't cause cancer. By your logic, they should also be legal. And, guess what, I would vote yes to do it. But you Lefties only seem to care about weed. (Yawn).
This is complete bullshit.

You were against Trump since the first post you made here.

Why are you trying to act like some 'moderate' today?

You screech like a leftist little girl in here every single day. Get out of here with your disingenuous bullshit.
Go back and look at all my posts about my support for tough crime policies/ police/military/non-trans women in sports/criticism of Biden's border policies/ and criticism of far left ideologies.
Just because I am for good public health/ tougher assault weapon control (not bans just limits on kids and the metally ill)/common sense abortion law (12 weeks w/exceptions)/ bipartisan border law that limits asylum/ and government getting out of people's pants/doctor's office doesn't make me a raging liberal.
It makes me an average, moderate American that wants less government control over most things in our lives unless it improves our overall health and safety.
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This is really odd. This same account, for weeks, was blaming republicans and Trump for the border, saying Biden didn’t have authority to act.

Now its acknowledging Biden is to blame.

It’s very strange. He sounds semi reasonable today (though still suffering from severe TDS), but everything he’s saying contradicts years of posting history.
You're missing my point. Biden is failing to take action that he needs to take if only for political cover.
The real policy/laws that needed to take place were shot down for purely political reasons by the Pubs.
We had a serviceable border bill approved by the border union but Pubs killed it. That's on them.
Once that happened, Biden should have issued some EOs to at least look like he was doing something on the border. Not doing that is on him.
2 things can both be true at the same time.
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Yes, how bout him?

Yeah, you shouldn’t do something that gives you cancer. I don’t smoke personally. That doesn’t mean I think it should be illegal. I don’t. Just like pot. As consistent as you can get. What do you not get? And pot doesn’t even cause cancer like tobacco.
Drinking coffee and drinking alcohol. Both are "drinking." The liquids are not the same. Neither are tobacco and pot. One effs you up. One may give you cancer down the road.

There is no consistency there, just rationalization.

I do not care about pot. If you want to become paranoid or get cancer have at it. But the left demonized cigs for ONE reason....politics. Your authoritarian friends know that the least educated and lower income class smokes cigs. So they tax the hell out of it because they can, a tax on those who can least afford it. Is this how the elites use govt to "educate" the people that cannot be trusted to do the right thing?
I AM for seatbelt laws, if there is more than one person in the car. Your indifference DOES affect others, when you turn into a battering ram.

Speaking of, when I was a kid, we had this huge 1971 four door LTD, and on long trips my selfish older sister wanted to stretch out on the back seat, so I had to climb up and lay in the rear window "bay" (back then, that was a pretty roomy spot actually. Well, we were on a trip out West one summer, and I fell asleep up there. I woke up, and half my body looked like a lobster. Turns out, that that big curved rear window acted like a ****ing fresnel lens, driving through the West Texas desert. LOL

I was ****ed. LOL
I wear mine 100% because I feel most comfortable doing so....not because Uncle Sam tells me to. I disagree with the govt legislating my own body autonomy. If I crash it is not because I wasnt belted in. I do support the insurance company being able to not pay my med bill if proved I was not.
Then why shouldn't coke also be legal? Why not acid, shrooms, etc. They don't cause cancer. By your logic, they should also be legal. And, guess what, I would vote yes to do it. But you Lefties only seem to care about weed. (Yawn).

Man, I really wish LSD was legal. I don't know if any of you in here have ever done it. Shew wee, that is about as much fun as you can have on a Saturday when you have no obligations. Drop one at about 10 am, wait for the come up, drop another, and then get to your good place.

If you ever have the chance, pick a nice sunny day, where you can sit outside, and, if I may, I'd suggest putting on Beastie Boys - Check Your Head LOL

Wait till the peak though. That damn album seems like it lasts 5 hours. LOL It's absolutely perfect for the trip. Take my word for it. My mouth is watering right now. LOL
Man, I really wish LSD was legal. I don't know if any of you in here have ever done it. Shew wee, that is about as much fun as you can have on a Saturday when you have no obligations. Drop one at about 10 am, wait for the come up, drop another, and then get to your good place.

If you ever have the chance, pick a nice sunny day, where you can sit outside, and, if I may, I'd suggest putting on Beastie Boys - Check Your Head LOL

Wait till the peak though. That damn album seems like it lasts 5 hours. LOL It's absolutely perfect for the trip. Take my word for it. My mouth is watering right now. LOL
I liked your post, but honestly, nothing compares to just getting drunk as a skunk. Nothing. Strong weed can, in a negative sense, though.
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Man, I really wish LSD was legal. I don't know if any of you in here have ever done it. Shew wee, that is about as much fun as you can have on a Saturday when you have no obligations. Drop one at about 10 am, wait for the come up, drop another, and then get to your good place.

If you ever have the chance, pick a nice sunny day, where you can sit outside, and, if I may, I'd suggest putting on Beastie Boys - Check Your Head LOL

Wait till the peak though. That damn album seems like it lasts 5 hours. LOL It's absolutely perfect for the trip. Take my word for it. My mouth is watering right now. LOL
Extacy was the best drug I ever did. LSD was the most intense and wildest. One instance, we had a nontripping driver, took us back to the house we got it from, in the country. Lots of ppl there. First time over to pick up the goodies everyone was chill. 2nd trip there, ppl were laying in the driveway in the dark, said they melted into the concrete and couldn't move. 2 ppl were laying on the roof of the house, one story, they had no idea how they got there or how to get down. Inside one dude trapped himself in a closet hiding from the monsters. On the TV was Starship Troopers. With the giant bug army and shit.

Let me tell ya that was wild. I was 19 then. Kicker was I worked on a golf course. Had to be at work at 6am and of all things mow the greens that morning. I was coming down but never slept and staring at those lines I was trying to do back and forth with the green's mower, I should been fired.
Then why shouldn't coke also be legal? Why not acid, shrooms, etc. They don't cause cancer. By your logic, they should also be legal. And, guess what, I would vote yes to do it. But you Lefties only seem to care about weed. (Yawn).
Go look at my post history on the topic, I support full legalization. I'm surprised you don't remember, we've personally had the discussion before.
Speaking of, when I was a kid, we had this huge 1971 four door LTD, and on long trips my selfish older sister wanted to stretch out on the back seat, so I had to climb up and lay in the rear window "bay" (back then, that was a pretty roomy spot actually.
Same was true for me in Dad's '40 Ford coupe when I was 3-4 (early '50's). That shelf was wide. Good sleeping.
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"the lines" Yeah, you get it. LOL
An extacy story, short version, a group of us went to Panama city on spring break. 6 of us with only 3 actually in college lol. And I was just a community colleger barely then at best. But it's when MTV spring break was banging. Spinnakers and club LA Vela and what not. The girls with us made friends with a group doing Trojan condom promos on the beach. No shit. We hooked up with them after they were done and they sold us some and did the rest they had with us.

That was a night for the ages. I remember starting the night in a Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned, shorts and sunglasses raving my ass off at LA vela. And sorta coming back to reality in one of the others apt with a half naked chick laying across me on the couch and everyone else sprawled out on the floor.

And one random dude in the kitchen practically making out with a ham sammich. Won't forget seeing that. Be honest I don't remember much of the whole night but I am damn lucky I was always poor and that drug wasn't readily available back then in good Ole rural ky. I would have been addicted to that shit.

I got stories for days like rogue himself up until I was around 25. Then I started making very decent money, still at same job at 45, and started a family at 30. Got my wild n out early. I would be terrified to do that shit today. Teenager and wife. Unless you knew me then you would think I was a straight laced lame dad.

Except for pot. I love it. Wife and friend
are currently in an undisclosed state loading up on candies gummies pens liquid crap pre-rolls bags of whatever else. They look like some hens coming home from the outlet malls with their bags of crap after shopping there.
I liked your post, but honestly, nothing compares to just getting drunk as a skunk. Nothing. Strong weed can, in a negative sense, though.
Everyone has their preference. For ME, an acid trip is way more fun. And never had a bad one (cause I'm picky about the setting/situation etc.) Mild visuals, good mood, and music takes on a completely new level. For me anyway, I can "see" it in my head. It's a righteous experience.

But it's not a "regular use" type of deal. Better to just "take a day" once in a while. Way more fun.
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Good God, man, I am not going to remember these things especially if there's a good chance I was half drunk when we discussed it two or three years ago.
Fair enough lol. Yeah, full legalization. Responsible use is not abuse. One is not a crazy criminal because they used acid a handful of times. Acid is actually awesome, my personal favorite. If you steal to support a habit or any other nonsense that's obviously different, but what one does with their own body is their own accord.