How will they rule ??!

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I’m not going to call Scheffler wrong just yet. From the eye witnesses, other players, and Scheffler himself have said, he was following police orders going on that median to try and get in. I won’t say he’s totally innocent, but think that this is probably a lot of misunderstanding about where to go and then the cop made things worse and followed it up by hitting him with a felony charge.
The cop is an idiot. Someone there was in charge. The effing allow Antifa to burn down Louisville without an arrest but the effing #1 golfer on the planet follows a cops orders that conflicted with this idiot and they allow him to get cuffed and arrested. Our effing Dems screw up everything good that happens. I bet Tiger would not have gotten arrested.
Well he was at least a non establishment rich white man who historically was culturally “popular” among most Americans regardless of race, age, economic status until he ran as a R then the same groups that praised him in rap songs were now told and sold on that he was an oppressive racist.

On the other hand, Biden who had a strong history of being a racist, locking black folk up for drugs, etc and then told black people to their face if they don’t vote for him then they’re not black, carried the black vote by what? 90 percent?

Biden and Hillary had years of records of being on the wrong side of things. Seems to me, everyone would’ve been on board with giving an outsider a fair shot and navigating the bs. I get the limited choice we have, but never saw Biden as the lesser of the two evils unless you blindly just submitted to what the party told you to think.
Why? His character has been on full display for many decades long before he ran for president. This Trump "was culturally “popular” among most Americans regardless of race, age, economic status" is fantasy. He's a welching twat. Most people who know him say so. Most people who don't also say so. He was reviled in his native NYC, a running joke. He is emblematic of everything wrong with this country, a rich, spoiled brat who failed upwards his whole life and stepped on the faces of the people to do it. The poster child of everything one should hate. It is not difficult to understand thinking that person shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power. As was proven to be the case.
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They don't meet the Safe Harbor standard laid out in the Electoral Count Act to prevent exactly this type of coup attempt after it was done by the South in 1876. There are all sorts of rules, like being approved by the Governor of that state, governing electors. What you mean "other than forging documents?" All electors are are holders of official documents.
Arent there other rules, such that the state legislature determines how the EC is voted for and not state judges?

You reject electors then replace them with state sanctioned alternate electors if warranted, don't if not; that's the process.

It's not complicated: the media is just dishonest and easily exploits your gullibility with lies of a "coup" and "insurrection," your paranoid TDS hysteria. It would be laughable if not so pathetic and dangerous to mislead so many.

The group called for an Electoral Commission similar to one created in 1877 to resolve the dispute concerning the presidential election the year before. That was comprised of five House members, five senators, and five Supreme Court justices.

"Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed," the statement said.

While the senators said that they planned to vote to reject voters from disputed states on Wednesday, they did not appear to specify which states they would reject. "We intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not 'regularly given' and 'lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that 10-day audit is completed," the statement said.

How were the fake electors "state sanctioned alternate electors"? They did not meet the Safe Harbor standard and specifically were not "state sanctioned", going so far as having to sneak into government buildings and having state governors, who have to sign off on them, call them out as fake. This is the entire point of the Electoral Count Act that was drafted specifically to prevent the 1876 situation from ever reoccurring. What they're calling for cannot happen again, it was a huge constitutional crisis that was addressed, not a constitutional process.
False. Still didnt answer the question. You dodged. As always.

I know your pea brain will never comprehend, and you are too dishonest to admit defeat, so i wont bother.
This question?
SO you favor the Trump tax cuts?
No, of course I don't. They slashed the obligations for the rich much more than everybody else who got crumbs. I'd prefer raising rates on the rich and lowering them on everyone else. But even if I had liked the cuts, like I already said, they were temporary.
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And smoking a plant not hurting anyone shouldn't be breaking the law. The fact that that normal, mundane action was criminalized caused massive friction between the public and law enforcement. How many otherwise law-abiding citizens in every other way feel shady about the cops because they've had to look over their shoulder every time they smoked a joint?
We all know you are all about your bodily autonomy. Why did the Dems, who thump that nonsense, ignore that when dealing with the tobacco industry. If you want to give yourself lung body my
Arent there other rules, such that the state legislature determines how the EC is voted for and not state judges?

If you're referring to the ISL theory, that nonsense was shot down by SCOTUS. So no. I assume that's what you mean, but it's hard to tell with your ramblings.
This question?

No, of course I don't. They slashed the obligations for the rich much more than everybody else who got crumbs. I'd prefer raising rates on the rich and lowering them on everyone else. But even if I had liked the cuts, like I already said, they were temporary.
The cuts were great, esp for non-rich you fing moron. Hahahahaha.

We have proven econ is NOT your thing.

It took 3 tries to get a simple yes or no. And, you prefer to not have tax cuts. Dolt.
Why? His character has been on full display for many decades long before he ran for president. This Trump "was culturally “popular” among most Americans regardless of race, age, economic status" is fantasy. He's a welching twat. Most people who know him say so. Most people who don't also say so. He was reviled in his native NYC, a running joke. He is emblematic of everything wrong with this country, a rich, spoiled brat who failed upwards his whole life and stepped on the faces of the people to do it. The poster child of everything one should hate. It is not difficult to understand thinking that person shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power. As was proven to be the case.

You’re arguing he wasn’t culturally iconic among all walks of life?

Your angle is inside baseball that much of the voting populace isn’t privy to. The people that “know” him on a personal level are minute comparatively speaking.

And for every person you can find that would say he’s a twat, another can be found that love the man. Most America don’t care what NYers think. NY and CA might as well be Mars to most Americans.

He’s everything wrong w America? And again…that’s my point. Biden and/or Newsom aren’t spoiled rich brats that are above the law?

Unfortunately the unicorn you’re looking for out likely will never be financially capable of running and winning unless they submit all their integrity and beliefs to the party line to carry them.

Trump was prob as close to an outsider as we’ll ever get in our lifetime.
They were an overwhelming majority that sees itself shrinking every day and that's scary. So they lash out, and Trump is the avatar of that angst. That's the only reason Trump lost in 2020, he's a bully and most Americans don't like bullies, regardless of their political beliefs.

Now on your list of issues obviously we disagree on basically every one. I assume that's why you listed them, as points of intraparty contention, no point in listing things we agree on:

Trans sports: Women's sports only exist because of Title IX, which is a civil rights law. It is a historical accident. Title IX just added education to the areas where it is illegal to discriminate. And because our minor league sports are tied up in universities due to a historical quirk, you had to then legally offer the same to women. But they did so as a messed-up product of their time in a separate-but-supposedly-equal BS way. They didn't want to let them compete so they segregated them. The only way to not discriminate, as the law mandates, is to let everyone compete and let the chips fall where they may. Isn't that the free market ideal both you and the conservatives here supposedly love?

Reparations: Reparations have nothing to do with who's aggrieved and who isn't. It's merely the investment into our society and economy we should have made over a century ago. The black community is primarily in the economic state it's in for two compounding reasons: freed slaves had no capital to participate in our capitalist society so they were forced to occupy the lowest rung of the economic ladder, and due to that status and racism were handed all tasks seen as undesirable by society. Reparations are an investment in those afforded the fewest economic opportunities to improve the productivity and quality of life for all our citizens, not some punishment or amends for slavery.
You have many noble ideas but imo some are just not grounded in the reality we exist in. I just want to understand what you are saying first as I make that assessment.
Point #1....Are you saying that technically, women's sports shouldn't exist at all and that every sport should be open to all sexes to compete based only on the merit of their performance? If so, that would almost completely exclude women and girls from competing at all in the vast majority of sports. That is not a level playing field. You have to understand the difference between fair and equal in order to go down that path.
Point #2....In a perfect world reparations for slavery might be possible. But we don't live in a perfect world. There are just too many questions and issues surrounding reparations to make it practical.
How do we solve these questions/issues fairly?
Who is eligible to receive reparations? Anyone who has a slave ancestor or anyone who is of African descent?
How will this be determined and/or verified? What if there are no records to verify this?
Will blacks who came to America as free men be eligible? How will that be determined without records?
Will blacks who were freed but later owned slaves be eligible?
Will indentured servants of any race be eligible?
What about Native Americans and Chinese who were enslaved? Do they receive reparations as well?
Should descendants of Egyptian, Roman and Greek slavery sue for reparations from those countries too based on this model?

This issue is one that creates more division and confusion than it solves imo. We absolutely need to learn the terrible lessons from that dark period in our history but I am just not sure this helps more than hurts at the end of the day. It places a tax burden on people that were not alive and had nothing to do with the practice at the time.
It is like making an innocent person today pay back money for a bank robbery someone else did 150 years ago.

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Did Cruz organize the fake electors? No, John Eastman did at Trump's behest. And we have Eastman's memo's outlining exactly what they were for, not your personal speculation made up to do hand-waving.

States did not send dual sets of electors. If the election was proven to be fraudulent after the 10-day senate investigation, then those alternate electors would've been necessary to re-elect Trump.

There's nothing speculative about that, unlike your media/demcorat created conspiracy thoery, which is ultimately yet another in a very long list of gaslighting hoaxes they've been perpetuating on the public. It is simply "your" disingenuous and self-serving narrative spin vis a vis Eastman's memo that we are discussing "fake" vs "real," but a last gasp, desperate, yet perfectly legal challenge to the election. One that could not have gotten off the ground due to the "insurrection."


How were the fake electors "state sanctioned alternate electors"? They did not meet the Safe Harbor standard and specifically were not "state sanctioned", going so far as having to sneak into government buildings and having state governors, who have to sign off on them, call them out as fake. This is the entire point of the Electoral Count Act that was drafted specifically to prevent the 1876 situation from ever reoccurring. What they're calling for cannot happen again, it was a huge constitutional crisis that was addressed, not a constitutional process.

That's why an emergency electoral commission is needed, why dual set electors were not sent but your so-called "fake" electors, so that the states could certify them after the commission's findings if warranted, like I quoted Cruz saying.

No one was calling that a coup attempt on Jan, 5 2021.
? what do you mean? Smoking tobacco is legal. You can go to the gas station right now and buy cigarettes.
Only so you can collect taxes. The leftists/Dems have openly done everything they can to stop smoking. Not a secret. OPENLY. So you cannot hide behind that dodge. You want to destroy bodily autonomy with tobacco but embrace it with pot. Why? Politics. Period. Bodily autonomy my ass.
You have many noble ideas but imo some are just not grounded in the reality we exist in. I just want to understand what you are saying first as I make that assessment.
Point #1....Are you saying that technically, women's sports shouldn't exist at all and that every sport should be open to all sexes to compete based only on the merit of their performance? If so, that would almost completely exclude women and girls from competing at all in the vast majority of sports. That is not a level playing field. You have to understand the difference between fair and equal in order to go down that path.
Point #2....In a perfect world reparations for slavery might be possible. But we don't live in a perfect world. There are just too many questions and issues surrounding reparations to make it practical.
How do we solve these questions/issues fairly?
Who is eligible to receive reparations? Anyone who has a slave ancestor or anyone who is of African descent?
How will this be determined and/or verified? What if there are no records to verify this?
Will blacks who came to America as free men be eligible? How will that be determined without records?
Will blacks who were freed but later owned slaves be eligible?
Will indentured servants of any race be eligible?
What about Native Americans and Chinese who were enslaved? Do they receive reparations as well?
Should descendants of Egyptian, Roman and Greek slavery sue for reparations from those countries too based on this model?

This issue is one that creates more division and confusion than it solves imo. We absolutely need to learn the terrible lessons from that dark period in our history but I am just not sure this helps more than hurts at the end of the day. It places a tax burden on people that were not alive and had nothing to do with the practice at the time.
It is like making an innocent person today pay back money for a bank robbery someone else did 150 years ago.

What about in America your ancestors are not responsible for something they didnt commit themselves. Wait until white hispanics newly here are told to pay reparations to blacks because as white you are guilty.

Will their Life Guard wages be taxed for reparations?
What about in America your ancestors are not responsible for something they didnt commit themselves. Wait until white hispanics newly here are told to pay reparations to blacks because as white you are guilty.

Will their Life Guard wages be taxed for reparations?
As I stated... I'm not a fan of reparations for reasons such as you mentioned.
On the other hand, I do think we are still experiencing some of the negative effects from the institution of slavery even today.
That is why I feel the way I do about flying the Confederate flag on government owned property. Don't like it on private property either but that's their right.
The pro Confederate statues/flag people say...."We need to remember our history and our ancestors.... Don't tear down the statues. Never forget!!" in one breath.
Then in the next breath say, "The Civil War was in the past... It's time to move on and get over it. You don't need reparations! Time to forget!!"

The statues need to be in museums because they represent men who fought for the terrible institution of slavery. Reparations don't need to be paid out by people who had nothing to do with any of it.
How bout both groups get over it and move on?
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As I stated... I'm not a fan of reparations for reasons such as you mentioned.
On the other hand, I do think we are still experiencing some of the negative effects from the institution of slavery even today.
That is why I feel the way I do about flying the Confederate flag on government owned property. Don't like it on private property either but that's their right.
The pro Confederate statues/flag people say...."We need to remember our history and our ancestors.... Don't tear down the statues. Never forget!!" in one breath.
Then in the next breath say, "The Civil War was in the past... It's time to move on and get over it. You don't need reparations! Time to forget!!"

The statues need to be in museums because they represent men who fought for the terrible institution of slavery. Reparations don't need to be paid out by people who had nothing to do with any of it.
How bout both groups get over it and move on?
How has any civil war-era general harmed you personally? Name one thing they did that impacted you DIRECTLY? Can't do it. You do not have the right to have an opinion that their statues cannot be displayed publicly.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not endorsing anything. Just illustrating how one of your go-to arguments is ridiculous.

BTW, Thanks, rodney.
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You have many noble ideas but imo some are just not grounded in the reality we exist in. I just want to understand what you are saying first as I make that assessment.
Point #1....Are you saying that technically, women's sports shouldn't exist at all and that every sport should be open to all sexes to compete based only on the merit of their performance? If so, that would almost completely exclude women and girls from competing at all in the vast majority of sports. That is not a level playing field. You have to understand the difference between fair and equal in order to go down that path.
Point #2....In a perfect world reparations for slavery might be possible. But we don't live in a perfect world. There are just too many questions and issues surrounding reparations to make it practical.
How do we solve these questions/issues fairly?
Who is eligible to receive reparations? Anyone who has a slave ancestor or anyone who is of African descent?
How will this be determined and/or verified? What if there are no records to verify this?
Will blacks who came to America as free men be eligible? How will that be determined without records?
Will blacks who were freed but later owned slaves be eligible?
Will indentured servants of any race be eligible?
What about Native Americans and Chinese who were enslaved? Do they receive reparations as well?
Should descendants of Egyptian, Roman and Greek slavery sue for reparations from those countries too based on this model?

This issue is one that creates more division and confusion than it solves imo. We absolutely need to learn the terrible lessons from that dark period in our history but I am just not sure this helps more than hurts at the end of the day. It places a tax burden on people that were not alive and had nothing to do with the practice at the time.
It is like making an innocent person today pay back money for a bank robbery someone else did 150 years ago.

1) Yes. We don’t take that approach in any other area. We don’t have professional basketball for only under 5’ people. Sports at low levels are just people having fun. Anyone can engage. Sports at high levels are the physical elite competing for pay for entertainment. Only the best get paid. Unisex sports fulfills all of those roles and segregated sports none of them. The only real problem with unisex sports is college sports scholarships, which either shouldn’t exist or should be rolled into overall aptitude scholarships where other areas than sports where women can excel are taken into account. They only exist in America because of historical accident, you don’t play soccer to be able to go to college in Europe. It’s a disgusting idea when you really look at it.

2) Yes decisions will have to be made. But that isn’t a reason not to make them. Ultimately we have different opinions on how much it would help or harm our society. And that’s why we have politics. Which is what you and I ultimately agree on at the end of the day, is that the democratic process is more important than any one man. Named Trump.
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States did not send dual sets of electors. If the election was proven to be fraudulent after the 10-day senate investigation, then those alternate electors would've been necessary to re-elect Trump.

There's nothing speculative about that, unlike your media/demcorat created conspiracy thoery, which is ultimately yet another in a very long list of gaslighting hoaxes they've been perpetuating on the public. It is simply "your" disingenuous and self-serving narrative spin vis a vis Eastman's memo that we are discussing "fake" vs "real," but a last gasp, desperate, yet perfectly legal challenge to the election. One that could not have gotten off the ground due to the "insurrection."


That's why an emergency electoral commission is needed, why dual set electors were not sent but your so-called "fake" electors, so that the states could certify them after the commission's findings if warranted, like I quoted Cruz saying.

No one was calling that a coup attempt on Jan, 5 2021.
Your entire premise is bunk as those electors never could’ve been used. They were never valid and couldn’t be made so.
Only so you can collect taxes. The leftists/Dems have openly done everything they can to stop smoking. Not a secret. OPENLY. So you cannot hide behind that dodge. You want to destroy bodily autonomy with tobacco but embrace it with pot. Why? Politics. Period. Bodily autonomy my ass.
Yeah, you shouldn’t do something that gives you cancer. I don’t smoke personally. That doesn’t mean I think it should be illegal. I don’t. Just like pot. As consistent as you can get. What do you not get? And pot doesn’t even cause cancer like tobacco.
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States did not send dual sets of electors. If the election was proven to be fraudulent after the 10-day senate investigation, then those alternate electors would've been necessary to re-elect Trump.

There's nothing speculative about that, unlike your media/demcorat created conspiracy thoery, which is ultimately yet another in a very long list of gaslighting hoaxes they've been perpetuating on the public. It is simply "your" disingenuous and self-serving narrative spin vis a vis Eastman's memo that we are discussing "fake" vs "real," but a last gasp, desperate, yet perfectly legal challenge to the election. One that could not have gotten off the ground due to the "insurrection."


That's why an emergency electoral commission is needed, why dual set electors were not sent but your so-called "fake" electors, so that the states could certify them after the commission's findings if warranted, like I quoted Cruz saying.

No one was calling that a coup attempt on Jan, 5 2021.
Good post. Dion doesn’t know shit. He is only citing law theory. He is trying to fit a circle into a square shape and trying to tell you it’s a square.

The guy is friggin DA
Yeah, you shouldn’t do something that gives you cancer. I don’t smoke personally. That doesn’t mean I think it should be illegal. I don’t. Just like pot. As consistent as you can get. What do you not get?

And pot doesn’t even cause cancer like tobacco.
Ironically, you are wrong even when you try to be right. According to the mayo clinic:

- It's important to understand that marijuana isn't chemical-free. It contains a mixture of compounds and chemicals including tar, ammonia, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, cyanide, benzene and many others.
- Smoking marijuana may be associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer.
- However, researchers know that marijuana smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals and compounds found in tobacco smoke.
- Smoking marijuana can lead to acute bronchospasm
- Smoking marijuana also can weaken the immune system

While smoking MJ may not cause cancer "like tobacco" (meaning in the same way) it can end with the exact same result.

Next you'll say you shouldn't go outside because it will give you cancer.

You're a lying, disingenuous POS.

To others: I personally don't GAS if someone smokes or smokes pot. Knock your self out. I think consenting adults should be able to destroy themselves if they want to. Just don't ask me to celebrate it or pay for your long-term consequences, both health and financial.
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I AM for seatbelt laws, if there is more than one person in the car. Your indifference DOES affect others, when you turn into a battering ram.

Speaking of, when I was a kid, we had this huge 1971 four door LTD, and on long trips my selfish older sister wanted to stretch out on the back seat, so I had to climb up and lay in the rear window "bay" (back then, that was a pretty roomy spot actually. Well, we were on a trip out West one summer, and I fell asleep up there. I woke up, and half my body looked like a lobster. Turns out, that that big curved rear window acted like a ****ing fresnel lens, driving through the West Texas desert. LOL

I was ****ed. LOL
Your entire premise is bunk as those electors never could’ve been used. They were never valid and couldn’t be made so.

No, it is not.

State legislatures, if convinced by the evidence discovered by Cruz's 10-day senatve investigation, his emergency electoral commission which he was calling for before Jan 6, would've had to overturn the certification of the Biden electors to certify the Trump electors. I think you probably already knew that but are only left with shining your gaslight.
Speaking of, when I was a kid, we had this huge 1971 four door LTD, and on long trips my selfish older sister wanted to stretch out on the back seat, so I had to climb up and lay in the rear window "bay" (back then, that was a pretty roomy spot actually. Well, we were on a trip out West one summer, and I fell asleep up there. I woke up, and half my body looked like a lobster. Turns out, that that big curved rear window acted like a ****ing fresnel lens, driving through the West Texas desert. LOL

I was ****ed. LOL
Been there too.
No, it is not.

State legislatures, if convinced by the evidence discovered by Cruz's 10-day senatve investigation, his emergency electoral commission which he was calling for before Jan 6, would've had to overturn the certification of the Biden electors to certify the Trump electors. I think you probably already knew that but are only left with shining your gaslight.
No. That could not have been done at all as those electors were past all the deadlines and did not meet the Safe Harbor standard. No state legislature could go back and retroactively certify them for jack squat. The electors already were what they were, the true ones, the only ones.