How will they rule ??!

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I'm not overly busy today and I have been reading the facebook responses.

I just don't get it.

That was supposed to be a recruiting message we were sending that driven and hard working people are always welcome here(meaning 84 Lumber). There were 1000 other ways to get that message out, but we have been a grass roots company from day 1. We do not overspend and are people are supposed to work their ass off to make it w/onadvertising expense.......and now I see why.

I'm sure the people we hired to help with the commercial explained we need to go over the top to get reactions and not just be any commercial.

Any other year and that wouldn't be seen as such a politically motivated thing.
I didn't know Angela Merkel had such big tits

Liar, stupid, or both. You're one of them.

Coming from you that is a great thing. Similar to trump pissing off liberals, it means I'm 100% right.

Back to your dumb assery:
'If you’re in the United States, sometimes you can feel lazy and think we’re so big we don’t have to really know anything about other people.'

Yep, real similar to saying the United States has had corrupt killers. He was talking about you idiots and the candidate you just ran. :joy:
84 Lumber's twitter is doubling down.

Listen we donated to trump and as a company I would say we voted for him at a 80% clip, easy!

Most of our customers at some point on almost every job hire people of Mexican decent so believe me they aren't offended.

If you watched that and think we believe the US is going to build a huge wall, spending billions, and place a HUGE beautiful wood door in the middle to let people come and go as they please, then you are the idiot.

Also you are at least slightly racist because you think that is the path traveled to get here illegally. Why is it in your head to think that way?
[QUOTE="krazykats, post: 5612152, member: 5120
Also you are at least slightly racist because you think that is the path traveled to get here illegally. Why is it in your head to think that way?[/QUOTE]

Wait. What? I'm racist for saying border agents and research shows nearly 80 percent of women trying to get to the U.S. are raped by coyotes?
Remember the right wing nuts crying for years over the Obama apology tour? Yeah, not a peep over Trump's comparison of the US to Russia while saying the US has done plenty of bad things ourselves. Could you even imagine the howls we'd be hearing if Obama said that? Hypocritical asswipes.

except obama didn't just idly say "that", while sitting in a chair in the White House, talking to O'Reilly . . . he went on the apology "tour" . . . precisely as you described, for the sole purpose of putting America on bended knee, hat in hand, time and time again. Not a like for like comparison, unless one is just plain stupid, as you have so frequently proven to be.
Not you per se, anyone crying that we are promoting illegal immigration.

I didn't say you were but it was definitely one of many commercials promoting immigration.

Reading what your company wanted to achieve in terms of showing grit and determination, I'd say there are many stories and ways that they could have showed determination by using actual American citizens and workers of any race. It's not difficult to see how it could be interpreted considering the onslaught of migration advertising we got last night.
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How it could be interpreted? It was about as blunt as one could possibly make mixed signals there.
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I don't disagree but the message they were shooting for wasn't close.

Now the corporate office is responding to people on Twitter and a shit storm is coming because they are too stupid to side step and let it blow by.

Oh well. I like this company and just landed 187K in contracts today so my family will eat good for at least another month.
except obama didn't just idly say "that", while sitting in a chair in the White House, talking to O'Reilly . . . he went on the apology "tour" . . . precisely as you described, for the sole purpose of putting America on bended knee, hat in hand, time and time again. Not a like for like comparison, unless one is just plain stupid, as you have so frequently proven to be.
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Stop the clock...

You're telling me Z and LEK aren't parody accounts? :joy:
Can we all just agree that Bush invading Iraq and Obama pulling out were equally horrible decisions.
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Can we all just agree that Bush invading Iraq and Obama pulling out were equally horrible decisions.

The left does not understand this but we don't blindly support Republicans. Most of us don't even like Bush and can acknowledge he effed up big time. We're not pretending that we are perfect nor is that a strike against us like the left when they refuse to acknowledge any mistakes or corruption.

We just had a record voter turnout tell 15 GOP candidates to get lost in favor of a guy that wasn't a politician. How is that not indicative of our ability to self reflect? Meanwhile, the left put out Hillary Clinton, the epitome of politicians and have still refused to acknowledge where they screwed up.

We've sided with Trump over the Bushes, McCain and Romney. That speaks volumes about us.
Check out N.O.B. for a little LEK update........
Oh boy...

Man, its been a good run, over a decade posting. 8 years on this account, 2+ on another. Its a good community, for the most part. Have made some good friends.

I got threatened in a thread. I get I start a lot of stuff, and dont care if someone calls me a dumbass or whatever. I know who I am. I have multiple degrees (3), I go to church, volunteer my time to the needy, have a great family, in a stable financial situation, work, help my friends. I am smart, and I put my money where my mouth is. There are just a few on here, who are really bad people. I dont really judge people, as I get it, but the ones stalking me are genuinely bad people. I got threatened, and then I got banned from a thread for reporting it. Saying because I wore a slutty dress, I deserved to get raped, kinda bs. I have a gift for riling people up. When it crosses the line and personal threats on my person are ignored, at that point, I start to worry how my words will affect my family. I dont need drunk, deranged people crossing that line. Some will not read it that way, but the continued usage of my name (it is not that btw. Im not a 50 year old, EW), and threats I have to take as real.

Either way, its too much.

Those whom I have met, I have enjoyed it. Most in our twitter thread have access to pictures, my name, and address.

The D-League was truly something special. It was taken away by bad people. That should have been the line. I have been guilty of crossing the line as well. I am not without sin. But our work was shit on by those wanting what we had.

Over the years, the paddock has become more and more a terrible place. The great threads, like GYERO, have died or are on their death rattle. I dont find the pleasure any more in reading them.

It is time to step away for awhile. I dont know how long, but the outlet of a message board isnt much of an outlet anymore. I am too scared to post personal information anymore due to threats and how that information can be used against me. I will still be with you guys on twitter. @argubs2 , get on twitter.

I am waiving the white flag. I surrender. To the people who genuinely hate me, may God Bless you and may you have everything come to you that you deserve. This is your victory feast.

To those who are great people, thank you for your intelligence and originality. I have had many a good laugh at how creative you are. I have been blessed to know you in this context.

@55wildcat , I am truly sorry for our fight and the words/deeds that were exchanged. It was not my best light, and though we have made up, I hope you can forgive me. I wish you nothing but the best and regret our last interactions.

This post may be somewhat dramatic, and will probably get a few [laughing], but I am ok with that. I am a passionate man, who lives passionately. I really have loved this board. It is with a heavy heart, that I write this. Good luck to all.

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. Also, some of you, can eat shit."- Abraham Lincoln.

-Ed Banks
"Go Cats!"

Can someone who has followed this drama explain WTF is going on here? :popcorn:

Also: where's LEK's apology for being mean to all the evil white Devils ITT?:weary:

Also: DON'T LEAVE, LEK!!!!!! Your unintentional humor will be sorely missed. :okay:
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