How will they rule ??!

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“When people are vaccinated, they’re not going to get infected” - Fauci

That’s a bit beyond simply saying they’re “protective” which I don’t see that in your article.

However your article does admit how difficult if not near impossible it is to vaccinate against coronavirus. Too short of an incubation time, too rapid of a mutation time…they escape the vaccine impulse. They outrun vaccination efforts. This has been common knowledge since at least 1990 and all medical studies and journals reflect that.

My point in all this is that they knew this and lied to the public, purposefully, for various imo nefarious reasons. It created a frenzy and caused people like you to demonize people like me over a lie. The POTUS didn’t help the matter by doing the same.

Facts....and more damn facts.

Nothing points to a lower IQ than those who pick out a single misspelling of a word as a sign of intelligence.
Reminds me of my special ed students in class when someone would occasionally make a verbal gaff.
They were all over it because of their own low self esteem and intelligence issues.
So very similar to the movie Idiocracy. 🤣
This is what inciting violence actually sounds like. Very helpful to compare this to what Trump said on J6.

It’s just stupid leftist psychological projections. One of the damndest things I’ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing, never would’ve seen coming years ago; after clear and deliberate months of inciting violence, “violence is the language of the unheard!” They have the audacity to clutch their pearls at Trump’s peaceful calls of protest, a handful of lunatics instigated by rabble rousers or complete lunatics like the Q shaman walikgin the halls of congress performing some sort of spirit walk.
Facts....and more damn facts.

Sam, you’re linking data from a government website ran by the same government that lied to the American public in the first place and all happen to be on the big pharma payroll.

Does Taco Bell put on their website that their 5-layer burrito is going to give you the runs? No. Actually TB would have more integrity because their CEO and heads of agencies didn’t address the nation saying otherwise.

Use just the smallest bit of common sense please.
I don’t know how the election will end up because there will be multiple candidates but if it’s biden trump 1 on 1 this would hurt trump. People who are on the fence seeing the former vp won’t endorse well that can become a decision maker.
If you look at the rampant inflation, the open border policy and biDIMs obvious decline and still base your decision on pence’s lack of endorsement, you’re pretty stupid.
Looks like fani stays but her lover goes. Given the potential perjury and what the judge discussed on race baiting it seems like the trump attorneys should go to the Georgia bar association. In addition to that the state legislature could rank fani. I’ve seen attorneys lose their license for less. So she’s not out yet but she will wish she was pretty soon.
Yeah dammit I got all giddy and misread. I thought it was an update.
Evidently the statute of limitations was extended TWICE against Trump in the Jean Carroll case, while the case was being tried.

Seems completely legal and fair... lol.

Do "Banana Republics" even allow this? I think we're going to need a new category if Dems have any power at all.

'Organic Green Bananas Republic'
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Sam, you’re linking data from a government website ran by the same government that lied to the American public in the first place and all happen to be on the big pharma payroll.

Does Taco Bell put on their website that their 5-layer burrito is going to give you the runs? No. Actually TB would have more integrity because their CEO and heads of agencies didn’t address the nation saying otherwise.

Use just the smallest bit of common sense please.
If you look at the rampant inflation, the open border policy and biDIMs obvious decline and still base your decision on pence’s lack of endorsement, you’re pretty stupid.
It doesn’t matter intelligence of voters what matters are votes. Some of those independents on the fence are swayed by this stuff.
So you’ll admit Fauci, Biden, Walensky (CDC), all MSM (sponsored by Pfizer/moderna), Gates, Bourla (Pfizer CEO) all lied then?

Because that’s not what they said. They said you wouldn’t catch Covid, get sick, or transmit the disease. Quotes are all available online.

First step is understanding you were lied to. We can go from there on the overall inefficacy and “safety” if you’d like.

This x1000.

That Village Idiot refuses to acknowledge these facts.

He was lied to, and refuses to be angry about it, and instead keeps carrying the water for those that blatantly lied to him.

Thus, Village Idiot/SCIENCE DUDE monikers.
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Fauci said the vaccines were protective... Not a complete cure.
From Dec 2021....
"Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, Fauci and two colleagues said the virus that causes Covid-19 is unlikely to be eliminated, and current vaccines are too limited to prevent the emergence of new variants."

Carrying water, still.

Address the other names.
This x1000.

That Village Idiot refuses to acknowledge these facts.

He was lied to, and refuses to be angry about it, and instead keeps carrying the water for those that blatantly lied to him.

Thus, Village Idiot/SCIENCE DUDE monikers.
Sam, you’re linking data from a government website ran by the same government that lied to the American public in the first place and all happen to be on the big pharma payroll.

Does Taco Bell put on their website that their 5-layer burrito is going to give you the runs? No. Actually TB would have more integrity because their CEO and heads of agencies didn’t address the nation saying otherwise.

Use just the smallest bit of common sense please.
Dude, don’t you know the government would never mislead the public. They are there to serve us, they only have our best interests at heart so they only preach truth and everyone else is lying.

Good Lord it was difficult to type that without laughing my ass off.

It’s scary the amount of trust and faith these libs have in our Government.
Nothing points to a lower IQ than those who pick out a single misspelling of a word as a sign of intelligence.
Reminds me of my special ed students in class when someone would occasionally make a verbal gaff.
They were all over it because of their own low self esteem and intelligence issues.
So very similar to the movie Idiocracy. 🤣

There is huge difference between mis spelling a word, and not knowing the different definitions of 2 completely unrelated yet similar words.

Village Idiot.
There is huge difference between mis spelling a word, and not knowing the different definitions of 2 completely unrelated yet similar words.

Village Idiot.
There's also a huge difference between typing quickly on a phone and not spellchecking vs being a little grammer bitch.
That's interesting data. It looks like in the United States the data shows the mortality rates for people who had the original shot but not the booster and those who had both the original shot and the booster have pretty much converged. It also appears that the mortality rate for people who have not had the shot is on a path to converge with the other two.

Means nothing without the current pcr protocol being peer reviewed by several independent labs, as the first one WAS and was found to be approaching 100% flawed. In spite of this peer review being confirmed, they kept the protocol the same until the end of at least 2021, and never publicly released what the new protocol was nor how it differed from the first.

There is ZERO way to know if ANY of those tested actually had covid at this point. The original test couldnt differentiate between coronaviruses. It was near 100% flawed for FALSE positives, but was ALSO around 75% flawed for negative results.

Meanwhile, cold and flu-like symptoms were and are still able to be a "positive" case of covid even without a positive pcr test result.
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