How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] The woman hoping to be the head of the DNC, Jehmu Greene, got up and walked off the outdoor live set at the Super Bowl all because the pro Trump fans gathered around the set were booing her. Such meanies.

Dumb bitch should be thankful that's all they did. They could have started rioting, set shit on fire, tore down the barricades, maced her, and then beat her unconscious with a stick.
Obama f***** up the middle east so badly that a war is pretty much inevitable. Its probably going to get really messy over there, but it will be worth it in the end.

You can thank the last 8 years for whats going to end up happening.
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[laughing] The woman hoping to be the head of the DNC, Jehmu Greene, got up and walked off the outdoor live set at the Super Bowl all because the pro Trump fans gathered around the set were booing her. Such meanies.

Dumb bitch should be thankful that's all they did. They could have started rioting, set shit on fire, tore down the barricades, maced her, and then beat her unconscious with a stick.

please, dear lord, let this disgusting woman head the DNC. That is just what that party needs. a bona fide ABF at the helm. She will be in constant view. Dems will lose connection with blue collar organized labor forever. Dems will lose a lot more too.
The Marxists continue to separate themselves from the "traditional Leftists" who don't seek to change the fundamental structure of our government -- my hope is that the American strain of Marxism is a hell of a lot less determined than the Russians were - if they follow the EXACT same type of course then we are going to see escalating violence in the US with each passing month
by the way.....I read an article that said there have been 12,000 death threats to our President since the inauguration alone --- and that's specifically for the Twitter platform

How are the owners / exec's of that organization not being held accountable for this?

If this were 12,000 racist remarks about Re-Run Stankworth or 12,000 "don't drop the soap" jokes to the Gary Glitter types out there.....they'd put on their holy underwear and get some press time to denounce the HAAAAAAAATRED wouldn't they?

Kiss my hillbilly schlong,Twitter
I am the only member of my family that is a Democrat, Yes, we do not communicate very often.

BUT I respect Republicans, they are human beings too. I have never cursed a republican out
or set fire to their house, I am fair with them and expect the same from them.
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I am the only member of my family that is a Democrat, Yes, we do not communicate very often.

BUT I respect Republicans, they are human beings too. I have never cursed a republican out
or set fire to their house, I am fair with them and expect the same from them.

When you say Democrat, do you mean the current platform or someone who hasn't moved on from the Democrats of 1996? If you aren't radical then I assume you're an old party democrat?

If so, come on over. They've all left. You're late.
Did you know that the Statue of Liberty was suppose to be a Muslim woman?

Austria: Muslim MP calls for Christian symbols ban after burka outlawed

Austria’s coalition government announced the ban on the burka and niqab in public spaces such as courts and schools.

No big deal, right? Only at schools and in courtrooms can they not completely cover their faces, two places you're not even allowed to wear sunglasses or a baseball hat. Seems fairly tame, reasonable and non discriminatory. The Muslim response:

Muslim MP and SPÖ member Muna Duzdar has now asked if the law will be extended to remove crosses from the walls of Austrian schools and courtrooms.

Well if Russia stands for Iran it will be WW3. I wouldn't be scared of them, but I'd be scared to find out what I already know that no one likes America anymore. We are the cause of what's going on in the Middle East.

We are not what we once were and all the places we propped up are about to be losing again as we bring business home.

Our number one issue is judging the rulers over there by our standards. Saddam, Kadafi, and others I can't remember being taken out for how they rule was bad policy on our part. Let others do it not us.
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Why Middle Eastern nations support Trump’s immigration halt

Dubai’s deputy chief of police and public security, Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, has praised US President Donald Trump’s recent decision to temporarily ban citizens from seven Muslim-majority states, saying in a series of tweets it was a ‘preventive measure’ to safeguard the country.

Kudos to President Trump for his brave decisions… they (these people) can only be dealt with through preventive measures,” he said in an Arabic-language tweet dated January 29 on his official Twitter account.

“Trump banned the citizens of countries in the embrace of Iran and prevented the Iranians from entering… sound decision,” he added in another tweet…. “It is not necessary for America to host backward people, it has received enough before,” he said in one tweet. “What would a Yemini, Iraqi, Iranian, Somali or a Syrian do in America? They have destroyed their countries, they should not destroy America.”

Counter-terrorism officials in Muslim countries contending with a jihadist minority view Trump as an ally against their domestic enemies.

More importantly, Trump has suddenly won admiration in Erdoganist circles in Turkey, who held the Obama administration in contempt. Writing in Al-Monitor, Hurriyet Daily News columnist Mustafa Aykol reports that Trump is the hero of the pro-government press, despite (or perhaps because of) the immigration halt.
You should probably clarify this as it sounds like you don't even have a basic understanding of the region when you say this.

Well ok then, we are a major reason why what's happening in that region is happening. I may have exaggerated by saying we are the cause, but we should stay the hell out if possible.
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Austria: Muslim MP calls for Christian symbols ban after burka outlawed

Austria’s coalition government announced the ban on the burka and niqab in public spaces such as courts and schools.

No big deal, right? Only at schools and in courtrooms can they not completely cover their faces, two places you're not even allowed to wear sunglasses or a baseball hat. Seems fairly tame, reasonable and non discriminatory. The Muslim response:

Muslim MP and SPÖ member Muna Duzdar has now asked if the law will be extended to remove crosses from the walls of Austrian schools and courtrooms.

This is why we were never intended to have this in our lands. We were never meant to have our culture and customs trampled on and have others implement theirs on to us. They don't assimilate.

This "we are a nation of immigrants" ignores that settlers who created this place, sure as heck weren't from the third world Islamix background.

No country should have ever allowed a single Muslim to come into its land because they will not assimilate and they wil try to take over.!
What makes John McCain evil?

The fact that he isn't willing to stand up and do what is in the best interest of America because he is scared to lose votes.

That's a start, I can get into more details if the question isn't so broad.
Once again, we should stay the hell out. Has it gotten better since we got involved, nope. Has it helped us to be involved, nope.

What the F are we doing spending trillions on a war we can't control, win or stop?

I'll tell you what, we are giving excuse to forget about our homeland.

Being cute on an angle is fun though, right!
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It's appropriate that we get involved when people are being murdered, tortured, etc...It's not appropriate that we get involved for the economic reasons. It's appropriate that we get involved for the purpose of defending our allies, especially Israel.
There will never be peace in the me as long as Israel exists. That in and of itself will dictate our continued involvement.
[laughing] Liberal appeals court denies the DOJ's appeal on temporary immigration ban halt. I guess that settles it... for now. I have a feeling this ends up in the Supreme Court.

Although, it's good to know that according liberals, foreigners sitting in their mud huts over in bumf*ck are indeed protected under the US Constitution.
by the way.....I read an article that said there have been 12,000 death threats to our President since the inauguration alone --- and that's specifically for the Twitter platform

How are the owners / exec's of that organization not being held accountable for this?

If this were 12,000 racist remarks about Re-Run Stankworth or 12,000 "don't drop the soap" jokes to the Gary Glitter types out there.....they'd put on their holy underwear and get some press time to denounce the HAAAAAAAATRED wouldn't they?

Kiss my hillbilly schlong,Twitter
on the Twitter threats.


Great seeing ya again.
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