J Edgar Hoover and John F Kennedy? That's just one glaringly obvious example off the top of my head.
Edit to add: And no reason to knock Morehead(I assume that's the MSU you're talking about as it's a little more relevant to our area than Mississippi State lol), had several friends who went there. Lax dorm security
Except what happened between JFK and Hoover was small potatoes compared to what the IAs did to Trump as a candidate, President Elect, and sitting President. I was fairly apolitical until I started researching this very topic.
Since there are so many glaringly obvious examples, please provide other examples where:
- the target was a Presidential candidate, President Elect, or sitting President
- the target had four FISA warrants opened on them
- the target had FISA warrants opened on them after the FBI already concluded that the evidence being used for the FISA warrants was unsubstantiated
- the target had FISA warrants opened on them because an FBI agent changed the text in an email from a CIA agent, where the CIA agent comfirmed a Trump campaign member was an assest of the CIA, who assisted in bringing down multiple Russian bad guys, to say the campaign member wasn't a CIA asset
- the target was subject to an official FBI investigations from their time overseas without there being an official communication from the overseas intelligence agency
- the target was continously approved for FISA warrant extensions, despite it being well-known in the FBI that the evidence they were submitting was unsubstantiated
- the target had a special council investigation opened on them
- the target's FBI investigation was subject to review by the IG Horowitz. The IG found an extreme amount of bias among the FBI team investigating the target, as well as more unethical behaviors.
- the IG found that FBI agents working the target's case were routinely given gifts for information from journalists. The IG further showed that FBI agents would leak lies or half-truths to journalists, the journalists would then report that information, and then the FBI agent would use that reporting as evidence for FISA warrant renewals
There's a ton more. Please show me other examples of this type of behavior from our Intelligence Agencies.